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06 | 08 | 2010
The reform that is not coming
Isabel Rodríguez Tejedo
Professor at School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Navarra, Spain
Published in:Expansión (Madrid)
02 | 08 | 2010
Responses to the crisis
Fernando Pérez de Gracia
Professor of the School of Economics and Business Studies, University of Navarra
25 | 07 | 2010
Can the World Cup save Africa?
Esther Galiana
School of Economics and Business Studies, University of Navarra
05 | 06 | 2010
A bad argument
José Luis Álvarez
Professor of Economics, University of Navarra, School
26 | 05 | 2010
Labor reform
José Luis Álvarez Arce
Published in:Diario de Navarra
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