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Some news of what's going on at School.


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19 | 12 | 2016

José Luis Álvarez gives the lecture "Economic challenges for Galicia: the demographic question".

ImagenJosé Lores (Faro de Vigo)


16 | 12 | 2016

"Cultural differences are the most important in understanding how a businessworks."

TextoMateo Echeverría


15 | 12 | 2016

Alfonso Mata, student of Economics, promotes in Pamplona the solidarity initiative "Adopt a grandparent".

TextoRocío del Prado


12 | 12 | 2016

"Robust non-financial risk measures need to be developed to improve the stability of the banking system."

TextoRocío del Prado


07 | 12 | 2016

Students from School of Economics visit Aernnova aerostructures factory


05 | 12 | 2016

meeting Alumni "Faustino in London".


05 | 12 | 2016

Entrepreneurship University of Navarra supports the launch of a new business in Peru


Josean Perez

Josean Perez Caro

Head of Communication

+34 948 42 56 00
Extension: 802177