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Some news of what's going on at School.


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05 | 06 | 2015

The University celebrates the investiture of 170 new PhDs from 26 countries

TextoMaria Salanova

ImagenManuel Castells

03 | 06 | 2015

"You don't get what you want if you sit around waiting for something better to come along."

03 | 06 | 2015

"There are times when you have to take risks and make decisions that from the outside may not seem rational."

03 | 06 | 2015

"The best thing about degree program is the international experiences."

03 | 06 | 2015

"From the degree program I am interested in fashion and luxury oriented Economics ."

01 | 06 | 2015

Graduation of the students of the programs Master's Degree of School of Economics

TextoMiguel M. Ariztegui

27 | 05 | 2015

The School of Economics signature a agreement of exchange with the University of Michigan

TextoMiguel M. Ariztegui


Josean Perez

Josean Perez Caro

Head of Communication

+34 948 42 56 00
Extension: 802177