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Some news of what's going on at School.


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11 | 03 | 2015

Hans-Werner Sinn: "We are only delaying the obvious fact that Greece is bankrupt".

TextoMiguel M. Ariztegui

10 | 03 | 2015

Strong corporate governance to avoid past mistakes

TextoMiguel M. Ariztegui

09 | 03 | 2015

The University of Navarra wins the KICC

03 | 03 | 2015

Luis de Guindos: "We are no longer Europe's problem, but the fastest growing".

TextoMiguel M. Ariztegui

24 | 02 | 2015

Manuel Álvarez Rodríguez: "In Spain we need to grow 400,000 million euros in pension plans".

TextoRaquel Astibia

18 | 02 | 2015

Mario Mauro defends the richness of Europe "for the diversity of its cultures".

TextoMiguel M. Ariztegui

ImagenManuel Castells

16 | 02 | 2015

IESE's 2015 Program kicks off

TextoMiguel M. Ariztegui


Josean Perez

Josean Perez Caro

Head of Communication

+34 948 42 56 00
Extension: 802177