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Some news of what's going on at School.


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14 | 11 | 2014

Pedro Castedo: "We must advance in European banking integration to avoid a new financial crisis".

TextoMiguel M. Ariztegui


12 | 11 | 2014

The International Day brings together 102 universities from 36 countries at Amigos Building

TextoAlicia Arza

ImagenAlicia Arza

12 | 11 | 2014

Markus Kinateder publishes in the Journal of Financial Stability a model to avoid bank panic situations.

TextoMiguel M. Ariztegi

04 | 11 | 2014

Mario Quagliariello: "Banking is strong, but 100% security does not exist".

TextoMiguel M. Ariztegi

30 | 10 | 2014

The Marketing and Sales Club opens its doors

TextoMarta Hidalgo

24 | 10 | 2014

Manuel Sanchez advocates "humanist capitalism" to overcome energy challenges

TextoMiguel M. Ariztegi

17 | 10 | 2014

Néstor Braidot: "Well positioned brands are in people's metaconscious".


Josean Perez

Josean Perez Caro

Head of Communication

+34 948 42 56 00
Extension: 802177