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Ramiro Pellitero, Professor of Theology, University of Navarra, Spain

Benedict XVI: servant of hope

Sat, 06 Nov 2010 09:33:00 +0000 Published in Navarra Newspaper

The Camino de Santiago welcomes, in its last stretch, a singular pilgrim: the Successor of Peter. St. James represents the Christian tradition of this country and the contribution of Christianity to Europe. Then, in Barcelona, the Pope will bear witness to how faith dialogues with modern culture, against the backdrop of the family.

He said that he comes to Spain "as a witness of the Risen Christ, with the desire to bring to all his Word, in which they can find light to live with dignity and hope to build a better world".

The apostle Peter saw the risen Christ, as did more than five hundred others (cf. 1 Cor 15:6). The apostles, with Peter at their head, also received the express mandate to be witnesses to the Lord "to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). A witness that demands, in fact, to carry the Word, which is Christ, in the gestures - in the life - and in the words of the witness. "In choosing me as Bishop of Rome, the Lord wanted me to be his vicar, he wanted me to be the 'rock' on which all can safely lean" (April 20, 2005).

Christian faith is the light that makes us see and live. It is also a force that impels us to participate in the construction of the earthly city. The Christian name for this force is "hope". And the fruit of faith and hope is charity, the characteristic mark of Christianity, which translates into service to others-in families, in professions, in cultural and political life-and especially to the weakest, the defenseless and the abandoned. And so faith is a service to the hope of all.

If Peter signifies the firm rock of faith, the Successor of Peter also relies on the faith of Christians. At the beginning of his pontificate, Benedict XVI - feeling humanly incapable of carrying such a burden - turned to the support of the Church, of heaven and earth: "The multitude of God's saints protects me, sustains me and leads me. And I am accompanied, dear friends, by your indulgence, your love, your faith and your hope" (April 24, 2005).

This weekend we will have the opportunity to experience that Christ does not take away "anything that belongs to man's freedom, to his dignity, to the Building of a just society". On the contrary, it opens us to the authentic freedom that contributes to the betterment of the world. We will also be able to support the Pope by listening and praying, feeling challenged at least by his arguments.

From Santiago and Barcelona, Benedict XVI comes to confirm Christians in faith and unity, and to propose to all a path of light and hope.