Joan Fontrodona, Professor of IESE, University of Navarra
Corporate reputation and social responsibility
Corporate reputation and social responsibility have a difficult relationship. We know it well: bad news sells more than good news. Bad performance has a greater impact on a company's reputation than good practices. That is why, when a business is asked about its social responsibility, the first thing that comes to mind is: what did I do wrong? How can I change this dynamic? How can I see social responsibility as something positive?
There is a virtue, small but very important for social coexistence: gratitude, by which we exercise ourselves in giving thanks for the good things that happen around us. Every day many good things happen to us; we are the object of many good actions on the part of others.
The problem is that we get used to them, we take them for granted, and we value them less. We lose sensitivity to the good things, and only focus on the bad things that happen to us.
Let us resolve to give thanks for the things we freely receive, and we will discover that throughout the day we have many more reasons to give thanks than to complain. Let's be grateful and we will see that companies do more good things than bad. Social responsibility will work in favor of reputation.