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Juan Chapa Prado, Dean of the School de Teología

A wise and faithful shepherd

Fri, 16 Dec 2016 09:48:00 +0000 Posted in New Life

On December 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop Javier Echevarría, died in Rome at the age of 84. His passing brings to an end not only the dedicated life of a faithful pastor of the Church, but also, in a certain sense, a significant era of Opus Dei. The two successors of St. Josemaría Escrivá, Blessed Alvaro del Portillo and Javier Echevarría, had incorporated into their lives the spirit of Opus Dei, receiving it from the founder himself during many years of living with him, during which they consolidated their identification with the spirit that our Lord had entrusted to St. Josemaría.

Bishop Echevarría's life has been characterized by the normality of his submission faithful to his vocation in this "little part of the Church," as St. Josemaría used to say, which is the Prelature of Opus Dei. He was secretary to St. Josemaría and later University Secretary of Opus Dei as the closest partner of Bishop Álvaro del Portillo in the tasks of governing the Prelature. Later, when he succeeded him at position, he directed the Work following in the footsteps of those who had preceded him, with the sole desire to continue the mission statement of the Prelature, as well as its consolidation and expansion. And if one of Alvaro del Portillo's joys was to see Josemaría Escrivá beatified, for Bishop Echevarría it was to participate in his canonization, as it was to witness the beatification of Don Alvaro himself. He was not looking for human glories or mere recognition, but rather to make visible the power of God's sanctifying grace, which through the saints brings about the light and hope that our times need.

It is not an easy task to summarize in a few lines the most outstanding features of Javier Echevarría. In the various occasions in which I was able to meet him, I was always struck by his quick mind and his prodigious report , but above all his humility. He felt uncomfortable being the center of attention and looks. Moreover, he constantly exhorted the faithful of Opus Dei to serve all the men and women around us and to learn from them.

But I would venture to say that, if there is one thing he would surely like to be remembered for, it is his love for the Church, manifested in his fidelity to his vocation and his desire to serve all people and all nations, faithfully following the Roman Pontiff, as he had learned to do throughout his life with St. Josemaría. He had personal contact with St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI and now Francis, who just over a month ago had received him again in audience.

As Chancellor of the University of Navarra, I knew firsthand the status and the efforts of all those who work there. He was aware of the enthusiasm that St. Josemaría had put into this university center and he pushed us to ensure that teaching and research were at the service of truth and society. He followed very closely what we were doing in the School of Theology, encouraging us to ensure that our theological work did not remain abstract considerations but was the occasion for a meeting with Christ, so that we could show it to others. Bishop Javier Echevarría has been a prudent pastor who has faithfully guided Opus Dei from agreement to its foundational charism and has left a living witness of love for the Church.