celia guilarte sola

Celia Guilarte

cv celia guilarte

Celia Guilarte Calderón de la Barca
Head of Institutional Relations, sponsorship and Cession of Spaces at the Prado Museum

Member of the Faculty of Museum Curators since 2008. Graduate in Art History from the University of Salamanca in 2003, Master's Degree in management of Cultural Heritage from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2006, Master's Degree of programs of study Advanced research Historical, Artistic and Geographical by the UNED in 2018, she held the position of Head of Communication at the National Museum of Sculpture position from 2008 until her incorporation to the Museo Nacional del Prado in 2018 as Head of area of Institutional Relations, sponsorship and Cession of Spaces.  


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Campus universitario, s/n
31009, Pamplona (Spain)

Tel.: +34 948 425 600 Ext. 803488
E-mail: bmr@unav.es
