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Elisa Montserrat

elisa montserrat CV

Elisa Montserrat
member of committee of the management of the University of Navarra Museum

Departments She is currently a member of the University of Navarra Museum's management committee and directs the Visitor Services and Communications and Marketing departments, where she establishes the brand strategy and ensures the dissemination and correct positioning of its artistic programming. In addition to attracting private and corporate collaborators to fund the center, her main task is to make the Museum's activities known to different audiences: university students, residents of the city, national and international visitors. The promotion of the in-person experience is complemented and expanded through the channels of Digital Communication. With a degree in Information Sciences and a Diploma in Audiovisual Production and Scriptwriting from the University of Navarra, she has taken different subjects at Degree in Marketing Management at the UOC, and holds a Master's degree in Online Marketing from Icemd-Esic.


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Campus universitario, s/n
31009, Pamplona (Spain)

Tel.: +34 948 425 600 Ext. 803488
E-mail: bmr@unav.es
