

Juan Manuel Mora
Vice Presidentfrom speechof the University of Navarra

Juan Manuel Mora García de Lomas is Vice Presidentof speechat the University of Navarra since 2007. Among his tasks, he manages the internal and external speech, the website, the brand and Corporate Publications.

He is a member of the University's social responsibility, audit and reputation committees. He is a promoter of the Building Universities Reputation conference series.

graduateat the Schoolof Information Sciences of the University of Navarra, with an extraordinary award(1980). He obtained the doctoratein the areaof businessinformative of the same School(1988).

He teaches Institutional speechat the Schoolsof speechof the universities of Navarra and Santa Cruz (Rome). He has edited "10 ensayos de speechinstitucional" (2009).

With extensive international experience, he has given lectures and seminars in different countries in Europe and America. For the last twenty-five years, he has been working in the field of strategic speech , where he has developed tasks of teaching, research, knowledge dissemination and consultancy service.


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Campus universitario, s/n
31009, Pamplona (Spain)

Tel.: +34 948 425 600 Ext. 803488
