foto ricardo marti

Ricardo Martí

cv ricardo marti

Ricardo Martí Fluxá
President of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía board of trustees

Chairman of the Board of Directors of committee of Neinor Homes, S.A. and of association Española de Empresas de consultancy service Inmobiliaria, director of Liteyca and of several commercial companies, he is a lawyer and member of the diplomatic degree program . Minister Plenipotentiary since 1992. In the public administration, he has been Secretary of State for Security, director of Coordination and Technical Affairs in the cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as director of the technical cabinets of Foreign Affairs, of Territorial Administration and of the First Vice-President of the Government. He has also been head of protocol of the House of H.M. the King. He has held various diplomatic posts abroad. He is president of the Real board of trustees of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, president of the high school Tomás Pascual, of the Ankaria Foundation as well as of the high school of business and Humanism of the University of Navarra. Trustee and member of committee President of the Fundación Pro Real Academia Española. He has received the Grand Cross and the Commendation of the Order of Isabella the Catholic. He is a Knight and Commander of issue of the Order of Carlos III and of the Order of Civil Merit and also holds other foreign decorations.


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