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Mental health and emotional well-being in schools

Madrid - January 29, 2024


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What can be done in schools to prevent mental health difficulties and promote the emotional wellbeing of student body? How can teachers identify student body who present these difficulties? What resources can schools count on from financial aid ? 

A group of experts from reference letter national will answer these questions during the workshop: "Mental health and emotional well-being in schools" to be held on Monday, January 29 at the Madrid headquarters of the University of Navarra.

The meeting is especially aimed at teachers and school managers. The main objective of goal is to reflect on the role of the context educational in the Promotion of Emotional Well-being and the Prevention of Mental Health Difficulties among students, as well as to provide useful tools to guide the actions of the staff professor in this area.

This workshop is the result of the project of research: "Review and evaluation of prevention and intervention policies in child and adolescent mental health in educational centers", product of a partnership between the International University of La Rioja UNIR-ITEI and the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra. 


classroom Magna Universidad de Navarra, Graduate School, C. Marquesado de Santa Marta 3, Madrid.

Time: From 9.30 a.m. to 4.45 p.m.




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 9:30 h - Inauguration

Martiño Rodríguez González (University of Navarra).

Giulia Testa (International University of La Rioja - ITEI).


 09:45 h - discussion paperCurrent challenges in the emotional well-being and mental health of children, adolescents and young adults".

José Antonio Luengo (committee General of Psychology of Spain).

Current state of mental health and child and adolescent well-being. Main problems and possible causes at individual, group, family and social levels.

 10:45 h - discussion paperThe Role of Educational Institutions in Promoting Emotional Well-Being and Preventing Mental Health Difficulties among their Students".

Virginia Cagigal (Universidad Pontificia de Comillas).

Roles of educational centers to prevent mental health difficulties and promote the emotional wellbeing of their student body. training . professor. Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention strategies. Involvement of families. Experiences with Family Care Centers in the context of educational. 

 11:45 h - Coffee Break.

 12:15 h - roundtableCurrent Perspectives on Strategies for Promoting Emotional Well-Being and Preventing Mental Health Difficulties at student body".

 discussion paper 1: "framework legal in Spain to promote Emotional Well-being and Prevention of Mental Health Difficulties at student body"

Mª Lourdes Alcalá Ibáñez (Government of Aragón) ....

Analysis of the current educational rules and regulations in subject of emotional well-being and prevention of mental health difficulties in the student body. Legal responsibility of educational centers and role of the coordinator of emotional well-being. Current strategies and future guidelines in the Spanish context.

discussion paper 2: "Identifying and Addressing Mental Health Problems at student body: Warning Signs and Guidelines for Educational Centers".

María Martín Vivar (Francisco de Vitoria University).

Main warning signs of student body at risk or already suffering from some mental health difficulty in primary and secondary stages. General approach guidelines in the context of classroom for identification and referral.

Moderator: Judith de la source (CEU Universities).

 14:00 h - Food

 15:15 h discussion paperKeys to the Success of Preventive Programs in the Environment educational: References from the Spanish context".

Martiño Rodríguez González (University of Navarra).

Giulia Testa (International University of La Rioja - ITEI).

María de los Ángeles Cueli Naranjo (University of Navarra).

Victoria Nieuwenhuys Ruiz (University of Navarra).

development socioemotional Education in schools: its benefits and its internship in the classroom. Sustainability of preventive strategies in the educational context. Overview of preventive programs with proven effectiveness in Spain. Role of the faculty in the development of the programs.

 16:00 hroundtable: " financial aid resources for faculty".

discussion paper 1: "presentation of an adolescent intimate partner violence prevention guide ".

Alfonso Osorio de Rebellón Yohn (University of Navarra).

presentation of a guide aimed at helping in the prevention of adolescent intimate partner violence, result of two research projects on this topic, led by Prof. Osorio, which have been funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and co-funded by the European Union. 

discussion paper 2: "Good practices for the attention to mental health problems in primary, secondary and tertiary schools". high school diploma: A tool of financial aid for educational centers".

Victoria Nieuwenhuys Ruiz (University of Navarra).

María de los Ángeles Cueli Naranjo (University of Navarra).

presentation of good practice sheets addressed to professor in order to facilitate the understanding, identification, and approach at classroom of student body with mental health difficulties.  

moderator Chairman: Martiño Rodríguez González (University of Navarra). 




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Martiño Rodríguez González
University of Navarra

D. in Psychology. researcher of Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarra, where he coordinates the project of research: "Revision and evaluation of prevention and intervention policies in child and adolescent mental health in educational centers". President of the Spanish association for the research and the development of Family Therapy (AEI+DTF). Family Therapist accredited by FEAP and Health Psychologist. Founder and director of the General Health Psychology center Family Clinic in Pamplona.


Giulia Testa
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

PhD in Psychology and researcher at the Institute of Transfer and research (ITEI) of the UNIR, she is part of the group of research in Behavioral Addictions (GIAC). Her lines of research include prevention and intervention in the field of mental health, especially in behavioral addictions and eating disorders.


José Antonio Luengo Latorre
committee General Psychology

Health Psychologist and expert in Educational Psychology, Early Attention and Intervention in problematic educational centers. Full Professor of teaching Secondary. coordinator of the Socioemotional Support Team of the Unit of Coexistence and against bullying of the Department of Education of the Community of Madrid. Dean of the high school Official Psychology of Madrid. First Vice-president of the committee General of Psychology of Spain.

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Virginia Cagigal
Comillas Pontifical University

PhD in Psychology. Specialist in Clinical Psychology. Family and couple psychotherapist and Supervisor professor accredited (FEAP and AEI+DTF). She practices the teaching in Psychology in the department of Psychology of the School of Human and Social Sciences of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid. She attends in enquiry clinic to children, adolescents and families in the UNINPSI Clinical Psychology Unit of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, where she has been the director for the last ten years.


Lourdes Alcalá Ibáñez
Government of Aragon

Provincial Chief Inspector of the Government of Aragon and associate professor of the area of MIDE in the department of Sciences of the Education at the University of Zaragoza. Doctor in Sciences of the Education. diploma program of Magisterio in the specialties of Education Primary, Education Physical and Education Infantile. Graduate in Philosophy and Sciences of the Education in the specialties of School Orientation and Organization and Direction of Centers.


María Martín Vivar
Francisco de Vitoria University

PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology. General Health Psychologist. Family Therapist FEATF. Child and Adolescent Psychologist at enquiry Dr. Carlos Chiclana, Coordinator of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit and the Couple and Family Therapy Unit. President of the association Spanish Child and Adolescent Psychology. Professor of Degree in Psychology, and Professor and Academic Director of Master's Degree in General Health Psychology at the University Francisco de Vitoria.

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Judith de la source
CEU Universities

Educational advisor to faculty and directors. Graduate in Philosophy and Letters, Philosophy Hispanic. Expert in Affectivity and Sexuality. Associate Professor School of Humanities and Social Sciences at CEU Universities. Professor University Expert in Leadership and management Educational Centers Edelvives Foundation & ESIC. Extensive experience in Management of Educational Centers.


María de los Ángeles Cueli Naranjo
University of Navarra

Psychologist. Master's Degree in Applied Psychology, in the specialization program of Psychological Intervention in Educational Contexts. Technician of research.


Victoria Nieuwenhuys Ruiz
University of Navarra

Health psychologist and teacher of Education Primary. Technician of research.

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Alfonso Osorio de Rebellón Yohn
University of Navarra

graduate and PhD in Philosophy, and graduate in Psychology. Senior Associate Professor (accredited as Full Professor) of the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra. researcher Principal of the team of research "Infinity: Family, love and sexuality", of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra.