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"The Master's Degree at teaching del Español como language Extranjera caught my attention especially because of its integrated internship opportunities "

Ester Pérez, who has just finished this postgraduate program, will start teaching Spanish at Florida Atlantic University next year.

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Ester Pérez, former student of the III promotion of Master's Degree of teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language (MELE) language . PHOTO: Courtesy
22/07/20 10:50 Maria M. Orbegozo

language Last June, Ester Pérez, a graduate in language and Spanish Literature from the University of Santiago de Compostela, celebrated together with her classmates the closing ceremony of the III promotion of Master's Degree in teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language (MELE), of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra.

His first contact with the teaching of our language was during the degree program, when he studied the subject of "Spanish as a Foreign Language language ". She says that, after graduating, she wanted to continue her education: "I saw that the University of Navarra offered a Master's Degree of teaching of Spanish (ELE) and since I wanted to return to Pamplona and it was the only postgraduate program that caught my attention, especially because of its integrated internship opportunities , I decided to give it a try". She assures that this Master's Degree has allowed her to discover a field in which she would like to dedicate herself professionally: "As I have done internships, I have been able to see what it would be like to develop in the workplace, which has given me security when deciding to go ahead in this line of work".

One of the differential elements of the MELE is that students carry out paid internships at classroom from day one, where they have the opportunity to apply and develop the knowledge they have acquired. In this sense, Ester assures that the internships "have given us a very complete experience that will serve as a basis for us to start working and to be able to continue developing as professionals". "Before starting the MELE I had never given class. Although we have counted on the financial aid of a mentor, all the responsibility of the course has been ours, from the organization of the classes, to the preparation of the exams and the notes. In addition, we have worked with other teachers and with each other, which has given us the experience of working as a team, as one would do in any academic institution".

Next year, Ester will start working at Florida Atlantic University (USA) as a Teaching Assistantship, in addition to doing a second postgraduate program. The opportunity arose after talking about her future plans with a teacher from high school of language and Spanish Culture (ILCE): "I wanted to dedicate myself professionally to teaching of Spanish, but also to do a Master's Degree in Literature. She told me about the different programs that exist in the United States and the possibilities of apply for a Teaching Assistantship at Florida Atlantic University, which would allow me to do both. In December I sent the documents to application from Admissions Office and she put me on contact with a professor there, with whom I communicated during the whole process". It is a new stage that she faces "with great enthusiasm", although "with a little uncertainty". Due to the health status in which we find ourselves, his arrival in the United States could be postponed for a few months, "but Florida Atlantic University is doing everything possible to facilitate the work to international students. I hope that things will slowly get back to normal and, even if it is not this semester, I hope to be able to go next year". 

For those who are considering taking the Master's Degree de teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language language , she encourages them to live "this great experience". "In my class, many of us enrolled without being very sure that it was going to be our future, I was the first one. However, now that we have finished, we all agree agreement that no one regrets having done it because the experience has been great. It is true that it involves a lot work, but you have the opportunity to do, try and learn so many things that it is worth it," she says.




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