
Configuring eduroam in ChromeOS

Connect to our network eduroam with your UNAV credentials or any other institution adhered to this service. To set up access on your Chromebook device, create a secure connection by following these steps:


Recuerda autenticarte con tu cuenta completa de la Universidad 
<UnavNetID>@unav.es, <UnavNetID>@alumni.unav.es o <UnavNetID>@external.unav.es


  1. Connect to the wifi "unav-guest".

  2. Open the browser and go to: https://cat.eduroam.org/?idp=89 Click on the button to download the file ".onc" configuration.


  3. In a new tab, enter: chrome://net-internals/#chromeos (or chrome://network , depending on ChromeOS version). Find the "Choose file" option and choose the ONC file downloaded earlier.


  4. The network Eduroam should already be correctly configured and we only need to connect to it and enter our University credentials: Username@alumni.unav.es and the password of our account.