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IT Services manages the hardware, software and audiovisual media needs of the work workstations, classrooms and rooms of the University of Navarra.



Aplicaciones anidadas


Purchase of equipment and software

Requests for the purchase of equipment, software or peripherals follow this validation process. procedure validation procedure.
If the product is not in the portal purchase order form, IT Services will request a matching budget .



Software with licence Campus

In addition to the more than 200 licenses acquired by the centers for specific uses, the University has different agreements to install some of them on any computer owned by the University of Navarra. software packages on any equipment owned by the University of Navarra.

7IT_EQ_Telefonia IP Snom D735 SIP VOIP 2.7" PoE - mobile with support for  USB WiFi, black colour: Electronics

IP Telephony

The central switchboard of the University of Navarra has an IP telephony system with Alcatel and Snom equipment, with a wide range of services. services such as voice mailboxes, management for busy lines, lecture multiple, etc.

Aplicaciones anidadas

7IT_EQ_Nuevas incorporaciones

Equipment new additions start of the course

In order to cover the work space of the new incorporations at the beginning of the academic year, IT Services provides centre managers and service directors with a form where they can make their requests. This form is sent in June, according to the following procedure.


Annual renewal of IT equipment

On an annual basis, IT Services is responsible for the renewal of computers in all the University's centres and services, according to this procedure.
In September, IT Services sends a formto all managers and service directors for them to make their requests. These requests are processed and prioritised according to age or incidents received.

7IT_EQ_Centro de Software

Software Center - Catalog for self-installation

IT Services makes available to employees a new application called "Software Center". This application contains a Catalog of the most used programs so that Username can install them by itself, without the need to ask for administrator permissions.



Aplicaciones anidadas


Computer rooms

The University has a total of 22 computer facilities with more than 750 PCs. These rooms are equipped with all the necessary software and audiovisual equipment for the teaching.
enquiry the location and software installed in this link.


Suggestions for student computer equipment

It is advisable to have a computer staff with adequate features for your academic needs. In this page we help you with the choice of components for your computer.