24 | 06 | 2016
Pope Francis appoints Bishop Richard James Umbers Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney
TextoFina Trèmols
ImagenArchdiocese of Sydney
30 | 05 | 2016
Sixteen students from Schools Ecclesiastical were invested with doctorates.
TextoFina Trèmols
ImagenManuel Castells
27 | 05 | 2016
"Being a philosopher today can be heroic".
TextoFina Trèmols
ImagenAdolfo Suárez Hermoso de Mendoza
16 | 05 | 2016
80 doctoral students and students from Master's Degree attended the course "instructions anthropological and ethical aspects of research at the University".
TextoFina Trèmols
ImagenManuel Castells
27 | 04 | 2016
Atheists and believers facing the uncertainty of the afterlife
ImagenManuel Castells
16 | 04 | 2016
Professor Ángel Luis González, Full Professor of the University, passed away.
ImagenManuel Castells
13 | 04 | 2016
Mode 2 Science', a new paradigm for doing Science
TextoFina Trèmols
ImagenManuel Castells
21 | 03 | 2016
"Unexplained consciousness
TextoFina Trèmols Garanger
ImagenManuel Castells
25 | 02 | 2016
The high school Higher School of Religious Sciences publishes "Philosophy of Science".
TextoFina Trèmols Garanger
ImagenManuel Castells
23 | 02 | 2016
"The media fertilize the ground for pseudoscience."
TextoFina Trèmols Garanger
ImagenManuel Castells
Mª Jesús Cantalapiedra
Head of Communication of the Schools Ecclesiastics
mcantal@unav.esSchools Ecclesiastical, Campus University
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 802629