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Back to 2016_3_21 FECLES Noticia Conciencia Inexplicada

"Unexplained consciousness

Its author, Juan Arana, gave a CRYF seminar

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Professor Juan Arana in a moment of his lecture. exhibition PHOTO: Manuel Castells
21/03/16 10:59 Fina Trèmols Garanger

Last Wednesday, March 16, the seminar "The unexplained consciousness", organized by the group of research Science, Reason and Faith (CRYF), of the University of Navarra, took place in the classroom 1 of the building of the Schools Ecclesiastics. The speaker was Juan Arana, Full Professor of Philosophy and Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Seville, who was introduced by Professor Ruben Herce, of the School Ecclesiastical Philosophy and secretary of the CRYF.

The reigning split in our culture means that in circles close to science the naturalization of consciousness is often considered a truism, while in circles attached to the Humanities it is seen as a ridiculous pretension. Professor Arana's pretension in writing "La conciencia inexplicada" (Library Services Nueva, 2015) was to examine the reasons and unreasons of each party, which led him to a philosophical problem that is far from having been solved: the opposition between nature and freedom .

All attempts to "scientifically explain" man eventually lead to the naturalization of consciousness, and if, as he believes, such attempts are doomed to failure, then the reasons for this impossibility must be clarified. The author has tried to take some steps in that direction, but "I cannot presume to have gone too far," he assured. "I think I've slipped into a degree program relay. After running my leg I've lost my breath and attention now to see who I can pass the baton to."

Juan Arana has worked for more than 30 years in the study of the relationships between different areas of modern and contemporary culture: Philosophy, science, religion and literature. He has published almost twenty monographs and an extensive issue of articles in specialized journals. He has recently been appointed academician of issue of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences.



