Jaime Nubiola: "Philosophers must get out of their ivory tower and get their hands dirty in the face of real problems".
The professor of the School of Philosophy and Letters teaches the April seminar of the group 'Science, Reason and Faith' focused on the philosopher and scientist Charles S. Peirce.

"The error of the Philosophy is its enclosure in the structure of a discipline. Philosophers must get out of their ivory tower and get their hands dirty in the face of real problems. That is where creativity lies. This was stated by University professor Jaime Nubiola at the April seminar of the group Science, Reason and Faith'..
Under the topic "C.S. Peirce: science, religion and the abduction of God", Professor Nubiola stressed that for Peirce belief in God is not only a natural product arising from the generation of hypotheses, but that belief in God and scientific development are interrelated: "To really understand Peirce it is necessary to study his religious concerns. For him scientific activity is a genuinely religious business , perhaps even the religious activity par excellence."
He explained that against those who claimed that science and religion spoke two different languages, "Peirce argued that they are mutually supportive. Science, without the emotive and experiential forms of religion would be mere scientism, an ineffective and uninspired theory, and religion without science would become blind and incapable of growth."
In an attempt to explain this question, his exhibition was organized into six sections: a brief presentation of Charles S. Peirce; Peirce's religious spirit; God and the scientific research ; belief in God as a product of abduction; the reality of God and the development of science; and finally, by way of conclusion, he offered some observations about Peirce's religious context.
Jaime Nubiola is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Navarra, where he has held several academic positions. He has been a visiting scholar at Harvard, Glasgow and Stanford Universities. He is the author of eleven books and more than a hundred articles on Philosophy of language, history of analytical Philosophy , philosophical methodology, Philosophy American and pragmatism. He is a scholar of the figure and thought of the American scientist and philosopher Charles S. Peirce. Promoter of group of programs of study Peirceanos that has disseminated the thought of C. S. Peirce in the Spanish-speaking world for 25 years. He has been president of the Charles S. Society and was the chairman of the C. S. Peirce International Centennial Congress held in 2014.