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The University of Navarra honors Mariano Artigas, founder of group 'Ciencia, Razón y Fe' (CRYF)

"Nothing pleases a good teacher so much as to have his disciples surpass him," said Vice President of research on the 10th anniversary of his death.

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From left to right, Santiago Collado, Icíar Astiasarán and Javier Sánchez-Cañizares. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
14/12/16 19:37 Chus Cantalapiedra

The group Science, Reason and Faith of the University of Navarra (CRYF) dedicated a tribute to its founder Mariano Artigas, on the 10th anniversary of his death. The event, which was attended by about fifty people, was attended by the University's Vice President of research , Icíar Astiasarán; the director of the CRYF, Javier Sánchez-Cañizares; and Santiago Collado, member of the CRYF and publisher of the Issue special issue of the journal Scientia et Fideswhich has been published for the occasion.

Mariano Artigas was the first Dean of the School Ecclesiasticus of Philosophywho founded the group 'Science, Reason and Faith' (CRYF). The Vice President of research affirmed about his figure that "the best homage that can be paid to him is that from his school come disciples who have the ambition to follow in his footsteps. Nothing pleases a good teacher as much as that his disciples surpass him".

He also recalled that the academic center has "a magnificent bequest, worthy of being studied and analyzed", so it has a great responsibility to continue with the work that Professor Artigas began "in the search for truth in the interrelationship between science, reason and faith". 

Scientia et Fides magazine special and commemorative video

On the occasion of this anniversary, the group CRYF has published a special issue of the journal Scientia et Fides, edited at the Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun. The coordinator of this edition, Santiago Collado, emphasized that "Mariano's academic work was not a task superimposed on his priestly condition, but he lived his priesthood precisely through his academic work ".

A commemorative video on the personality of Professor Artigas and the group 'Science, Reason and Faith' was also presented. For his part, director Sánchez-Cañizares explained that the video "is not simply a portrait of Mariano, but a reflection of his intellectual figure and his bequest for the interdisciplinary work on the relationship between science and faith at the University".

Chancellor The speakers at the event, held at the Schools Ecclesiastical of the University of Navarra, dedicated a few words to Bishop Javier Echevarría, who passed away on the 12th in Rome.



