26 | 08 | 2010
"The preparation demanded by society requires the Christian to have a good training to guide his life."
ImagenManuel Castells
29 | 06 | 2010
Adult Baptisms at the University of Navarra
ImagenManuel Castells
18 | 05 | 2010
Two works by Mariano Artigas on evolutionism and on the Galileo case are published at Spanish .
18 | 05 | 2010
University of Navarra theologian Ramiro Pellitero publishes a book on Benedict XVI's pontificate
26 | 04 | 2010
17 University of Navarra students receive diaconate ordination
ImagenManuel Castells
16 | 04 | 2010
An Italian deputy considers it important to "strongly express the great vitality of Christian thought".
ImagenManuel Castells
15 | 04 | 2010
A Full Professor of Anatomy asserts that "religious experience is capable of bringing very complex cortical neural networks into concert".
ImagenManuel Castells
25 | 03 | 2010
Five students from the University of Navarra film "Do you know Benedict XVI?"
21 | 01 | 2010
"The Year for Priests will contribute to the renewal and interiorization of faith and commitment," says the auxiliary bishop of Getafe.
ImagenManuel Castells
06 | 11 | 2009
The national administrative assistant of Manos Unidas assures that "the State, without the social financial aid provided by the Church, would be lost".
ImagenManuel Castells
Mª Jesús Cantalapiedra
Head of Communication of the Schools Ecclesiastics
mcantal@unav.esSchools Ecclesiastical, Campus University
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 802629