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20 | 02 | 2015
No more public money to bail out banks
Germán López Espinosa,
Director of the Master's Degree in Banking and Financial Regulation of the University of Navarra.
Posted in:Expansion
14 | 10 | 2014
A Nobel Prize for unraveling the markets
Javier Elizalde Blasco,
Lecturer at School of Economics at the University of Navarra
Published in:Diario de Navarra
05 | 05 | 2014
Can we continue to trust the financial sector?
Jesús Ignacio Ferrero Muñoz,
Professor of Business Ethics
Published in:The World
08 | 11 | 2013
Rates at 0.25%: it was about time
Antonio Moreno
Published in:Hoy de Extremadura, Ideal de Granada, Ideal de Jaén, La Rioja, La Verdad de Cartagena, Las Provincias and Sur and Diario de Navarra.
14 | 10 | 2013
award well-deserved
Sergio Mayordomo
Professor at the University of Navarra
María Rodríguez-Moreno
Published in:La Razón
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