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Some news of what's going on at School.


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26 | 11 | 2012

The International Day offers information on the 95 destinations of exchange in 35 countries to the students of the School of Economics.

ImagenManuel Castells

20 | 11 | 2012

Eduniversal ranking ranks the School Economics as Top International Business School

18 | 10 | 2012

Judith Arnal: "To become a State Economist you have to enjoy studying".

ImagenManuel Castells

04 | 10 | 2012

Launch of the master's degree programs at Personnel Management Service and in Banking and Financial Regulation.

ImagenAntonio Olza.

31 | 08 | 2012

Nine students work in embassies on Foreign Affairs scholarships

ImagenManuel Castells

27 | 08 | 2012

"More than atheism, what a large sector of today's culture professes is a non-theism", says director of the CRYF.

ImagenManuel Castells

23 | 07 | 2012

A 1% increase in ticket prices reduces attendance to around 2.5%.


Josean Perez

Josean Perez Caro

Head of Communication

+34 948 42 56 00
Extension: 802177