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Some news of what's going on at School.


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01 | 12 | 2016

Trading Club students participate in Evo Banco's Smart Fund Contest

TextoRocío del Prado


01 | 12 | 2016

José Ramón Ayllón publishes in the U.S. magazine The Chesterton Review

TextoRocío del Prado


30 | 11 | 2016

Ignacio Ferrero, Dean of Economics, receives the award of research and programs of study Rafael Termes Carreró

TextoRocío del Prado



25 | 11 | 2016

"To invest well, the right personality is more important than knowledge."

TextoRocío del Prado


23 | 11 | 2016

"The important thing about this election is not who won, but who lost."

TextoRocío del Prado


23 | 11 | 2016

The University, issue 1 in Spain and 37th in the world in the 2017 QS Employability Ranking.

ImagenManuel Castells


21 | 11 | 2016

"Brands should produce content, not advertising. You will take care of the rest".

TextoÁlvaro Elola


Josean Perez

Josean Perez Caro

Head of Communication

+34 948 42 56 00
Extension: 802177