Coexistence and University Ombudsman. University of Navarra

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Coexistence and University Ombudsman


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Defensoría Universitaria y Comisión de Convivencia 1

University Coexistence Commission

The Coexistence Commission of the University of Navarra is the collegiate body in charge of overseeing university coexistence and compliance with the rules established in this area. Its main mission statement is to foster an atmosphere of respect, dialogue and harmony among all members of the university community, promoting mechanisms for the peaceful resolution of conflicts and ensuring compliance with the rules and regulations in force.

It channels initiatives to improve coexistence at the University, promotes mediation and conciliation in conflict resolution, appoints mediators and verifies compliance with the agreements reached in mediation processes.

The University of Navarra thus reinforces its commitment to the creation of an environment of coexistence based on freedom, respect, responsibility and diversity, ensuring effective mechanisms for the prevention and resolution of conflicts within the academic environment.

Applications cannot be anonymous.



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Members of the Coexistence Commission

- staff professor and researcher representative: Javier Bringué. President of the Commission
- Representative of the technical, management and administration and services staff : Nagore Gil, administrative assistant of the Commission.
- Representative of the student body: Blanca Basanta

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Defensoría Universitaria y Comisión de Convivencia 2

University Ombudsman's Office

The University Ombudsman's Office is a body of ultimate resource within the University of Navarra, whose mission statement is to guarantee respect for the rights and liberties of the members of the university community. Its task is to supervise the correct functioning of the institutional mechanisms established for the resolution of conflicts and the improvement of university quality.

Its main function is to deal with queries and suggestions, as well as to process complaints when ordinary means of resolution have been exhausted. In addition, it can mediate conflicts informally if all parties involved agreement.

Requests may not be anonymous and must be accompanied by a document justifying that they have been previously submitted to the ordinary settlement or enquiry channels.



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Members of the University Ombudsman's Office

- Ombudsman forprofessor and researcher staff : Javier Bringué
- Ombudsman for technical, management and administration and services staff : Nagore Gil
- Student Ombudsman: Tomás Gómez-Acebo