Funding entity: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
PI: Johann Martínez Lüscher
01/12/2024 - 30/11/2027
PI: Javier Erro
01/12/2024 - 30/11/2027
Circular biotechnology applied to fertilizers and management of inputs as an integral strategy to achieve zero footprint of agricultural production in Navarra (AGROGREEN).
Funding entity: Government of Navarra.
PI: Marta Fuentes
01/04/2024 - 30/4/2026
Contribution of genotypic diversity of grapevine varieties and rootstocks to adaptation to climate change through modulation of water consumption and grape composition under high temperature conditions.
Funding entity: Bioma Institute.
PI: Martinez-Lüscher, J and Angel Zamarreño.
Researchers: Antolín Bellver, Maria del Carmen, Garcia-Mina Freire, José María,Goicoechea Preboste, María Nieves, Juan José Irigoyen Iparrea, Lizarraga Perez, Elena, Pascual Elizalde, Inmaculada
TETTRIs Transforming European Taxonomy through Training, Research, and Innovations
Funding Entity: European Union
Principal Researcher: Arturo Ariño (UNAV)
01/01/2024 - 31/10/2025
RUNA. Control of phreatic water and protocol to improve water quality in the 3 rivers of Pamplona". Call for grants for the renaturalization and resilience of cities 2021.
Funding entity: Fundación Biodiversidad F.S.P. partnership agreement between the City Council of Pamplona and the University of Navarra (UNAV)
26/03/2024 to 31/12/25
I.P.: Santamaría Ulecia, Jesús Miguel
researcherP.I.: Rafael Miranda
Holistic rethinking of the potential of the vegetable value chain within a approach of Economics circular
Funding entity: Call 2023-2024: financial aid to Projects of research BIOMA CONVOCA
01/01/2024 to 31/12/25
I.P.: Elustondo D.
Team researcher: Santos J., Álvarez M.J., Jaca M.C., Viles E., Fuentes M., Erro J., García-Mina J.M., Durán A., Lasheras E., Pons I., Almagro E., Larrea G., Sanmartin C., Plano, D.
assessment of the risk of proliferation of cyanobacteria producing cyanotoxins and their effects on human health and ecosystems in rivers and reservoirs of the Ebro River Basin.
Funding entity: Call 2023-2024: financial aid a Proyectos de research BIOMA CONVOCA
01/01/2024 -31/12/2025
I.P.: Morera Gómez, Yasser
researcherRafael Miranda
ZooNaGreen - micromammals
Funding entity: Senda Viva
P.I.: Galicia D.
assessment of the risk of proliferation of cyanobacteria producing cyanotoxins and their effects on human health and ecosystems in rivers and reservoirs of the Ebro River Basin.
Funding entity: Call 2023-2024: financial aid a Proyectos de research BIOMA CONVOCA.
researcher Principal: Yasser Morera Gómez
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025
Smart Campus Living Lab
Funding entity: Call 2023-2024: financial aid to Projects of research BIOMA CONVOCA.
I.P.: Jesús Miguel Santamaría Ulecia.
01/01/2024 to 31/12/25.
Grants for the hiring of staff researcher young people.
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra.
I.P.: Fuentes M.
Aid for the hiring of young staff researcher .
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
I.P.: Fuentes M.
network of research in biotechnology of beneficial interactions between plants and microorganisms: importance of plant-microorganism interactions in crop resilience.
Funding Entity: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
I.P. Paula García Fraile
Researcher: Inma Pascual
assessment of the resilience to climate change of local varieties of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) compared to their commercial reference letter .
Funding entity: Program for the promotion of partnership in actions of research and development+i between Autonomous Communities (EATEX). European Union. Government of Spain.
Government of Navarra.
PI: Martinez-Lüscher, J.
researcherJuan jose Irigoyen Iparea.
Grants for the hiring of staff researcher young people. MRR INVESTIGO Program (23-0011-4001-2023-000110)
Government of Navarra
I.P. Inma Pascual
Analysis of the ecological connectivity of dams in relation to the conservation status of Iberian fish: an approach. multidisciplinary
Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic challenge
I.P.s: David Galicia and Ana Villarroya.
01/07/2023 to 31/12/2025
Study of genotypic and environmental factors linked to climate change associated with whole plant water consumption as resource in the face of water scarcity.
Government of Navarra.
PI: Martinez-Lüscher, J
Researchers: Andoni Iglesias Irizibar, Mohammad Abdullah
Sustainability in legume crops: analysis of amino acid transporters in the legume-rhizobium symbiosis.
Government of Navarra
I.P.: Ángel Zamarreño.
design and study of the use of products based on natural biostimulants of metabolic or microbial origin to improve the efficiency of nitrogen use in plant species of agronomic interest (PC018-019 BioestimulaN)
Government of Navarra
PI: María Garnica
Duration: Dec 2021-Nov 2024
Study of the use of biostimulant products of metabolic or microbial origin to improve nitrogen use efficiency in plant species of agronomic interest. PC018-019 BiostimulaN
Government of Navarra.
I.P.: Idoia Ariz Arnedo, UPNA (PI), María Garnica Ochoa, UNAV (Co-PI).
01/12/2021- 30/112024
employment of phyto-regulators as tool to mitigate the effects of climate change on grape quality (CLIMAVITIS).
European Union Next Generation EU (PRTR-C17.I1)
I.P.: Inma Pascual
Sustainability in legume crops: analysis of amino acid transporters in legume-rhizobium symbiosis (PC169-170 UMAMIT)
Government of Navarra
Duration: Dec 2022-Nov2024
assessment of the agronomic effects of new bioactive molecules from Kraft black liquor (TED2021-131892B-C22)
Duration: Dec 2022-Nov2024
Contribución de los microorganismos edáficos beneficiosos a la adaptación de variedades comerciales de vidas al cambio climático/ Contribution of beneficial rhizospheric microorganisms to the adaptation of commercial wine grape varieties to climate change (RHIZOCLIMAVID)
Funding Entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation
Duration: 01/09/2021 - 30/08/2024
researcher Principal: Goicoechea N., Pascual I.
Legumes and plant hormones: role in symbiosis and drought conditions (PC112-113 LEGUSI).
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2019-2022
researcher main researcher: Ángel Mª Zamarreño
design and management of modulators of plant nitrogen metabolism for the reduction of nitrate content in vegetables (PC106-107 HORTA 0,0).
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2019-2022
researcher main: María Movila
BOSQUE SALUD: project pilot of forest baths as a promotion of health, human well-being and a complementary activity to the sustainable management of our forests/landscapes.
La Caixa Banking Foundation
01/05/2020- 30/04/2022
Team researcher: Ana Villarroya
Implication of transpiration and respiration of the grape bunch in the final quality of wine grapes in a changing environment: development and validation of a new multi-sensor of H2O, CO2 and O2 (MULTI-SENSOR) PC 144-145 MULTISENSOR
Government of Navarra.
Duración: 01/01/2020-30/11/2022
PI: Pascual Elizalde, Inmaculada and Morales, Fermín
Team researcher: Antolín Bellver, María del Carmen, Goicoechea Preboste, María Nieves, Irigoyen Iparrea, Juan José
Getting to know the living treasures of the Rueda A.O.
European University Miguel de Cervantes (Valladolid) and Valladolid Provincial Council
1 October 2019 - 30 June 2020
researcher manager : Patricia Casanueva
Team researcher: Hernández M.A.
Social perception of animal welfare and animal rights in Spain: diagnosis and characterisation.
Principal Investigators: Puig J., Villarroya A. Puig J.,
Team researcher: Casas M., Cruz Ortiz de Landázuri M., López D., Arbués E., Collado S., Erneta L., Otegui J., Castro C., Romero J.,
The effects of predator spillover from resource islands to surrounding ecosystems. PID2019-103863RB-I00
Ministry of Science and Innovation
01/06/2020 - 01/06/2023
Principal Investigators: Moya J., Montserrat M.
Team researcher: Moraza M.L.
Organic carbon and soil biodiversity as tools to mitigate the effect of climate change on crops. PID2019-105373RB-I00
Ministry of Science and Innovation
01/06/2020 - 01/06/2023
researcher Principal: Sánchez S.
Team researcher: Hernández M.A.
Quantification of pollutant parameters of building exhalation in urban environments. PID2019-104083RB-I00
Ministry of Science and Innovation.
01/06/2020 - 01/06/2024
Principal Investigators: César Martín, Arturo Ariño,
Team researcher: Juan Carlos Ramos, Amaia Zuazua, Bruno Sánchez, Juan Carlos Sánchez
Interreg Sudoe Open2 preserve: macro-mesoedaphofauna diversity.
Funding entity: Initia S.A.
Duración: 01/06/2020-01/03/2021
researcher Principal: Enrique Baquero
Circular system for phosphorus recovery and agronomic evaluation (RTC-2017-6049-2 PHERTILIZER)
Funding entity: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Challenges Grants partnership
Duration: 2018-2021
researcher principal: Javier Erro Garcés
Monitoring of gaseous pollutant emissions in agriculture (PC012-013-014 CropGas)
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2018-2019
researcher main: Óscar Urrutia
assessment of biochar as a technical additive for obtaining new forms of nutrient release and protection in special high-value fertilisers (0011-1365-2018-000187 FERTCHAR)
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2018-2019
researcher main researcher: Óscar Urrutia
Monitoring of gaseous pollutant emissions in agriculture (PC035-036-037 CropGas)
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2017-2018
researcher main: Óscar Urrutia Sagardia
Identifying and delimiting key components of vulnerability and resilience to drought: the role of ecological report and legacies in Iberian forests.
Funding Entity: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
Duration: 2020-2022
I.P.: Jesús Julio Camarero Martínez
researcher : Ricardo Ibáñez
The impact of hydroelectric dams and the conservation status of resident fish fauna in the Andean Amazon
Funding Entity: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
Duration: 01/09/2019 - 29/02/2020
I.P.: Rafael Miranda
LichenCity II: expanding the use of lichens as air bioindicators in your city. FCT-18-13679
Duration: 2019-2020
Sergio Pérez Ortega (Royal Botanical Garden -CSIC).
researcher : David Galicia
SOS margaritona. strategic actions for the conservation of Margatifera auricularia: exhaustive survey and identification of suitable river stretches, and improvement of stocks of its host, the fritillary (Salaria fluviatilis).
Funding Entity: Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment. Biodiversity Foundation 2018 Call for Applications for Grants.
01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019
I.P.: Quim Pou i Rovira
researcher : Rafa Miranda
Size-based approaches to understand impacts on river ecosystem functioning
Funding Entity: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019
I.P.: Lluís Benejam Vidal and Sandra Brucet Balamaña
researcher : Rafael Miranda
design and implementation of sustainable multi-production systems in truffle farming and analysis of the associated ecosystem services.
Funding Entity: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
Duration: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2022
P.I.: A. Rincón
researcher : Ana de Miguel
Diagnosis of the conservation status of the alder groves in the Sierra de Aralar and Aritzakun-Urritzate-Gorramendi SACs.
Funding Entity: Government of Navarre
Duration:November 2018-September 2019
Vanesa Clavería Iracheta, Ricardo Gregorio framework García, Ricardo Ibáñez Gastón, Stella López de Vinuesa Gavilán, Jaime Molina Azcona y Alberto Más Erice
development of optimised applications of humic substances to improve plant growth of salt-stressed plants (PT009 HUMIESTRES 2)
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2018-2019
researcher main researcher: Marta Fuentes Ramírez
Impact of N deposition in vulnerable areas in Spain: temporal trends and interactions at ecosystem and landscape level (INDOVA). CGL2017-84687-C2-2-R
Funding Entity: Ministry of Economics, Industry and Competitiveness
Duración: 01/01/2018-31/12/2020
I.P.: David Elustondo Valencia and Anna Ávila Castells
researcher : David Galicia
development and validation of a new sensor for measuring transpiration in grape bunches. PT005-006 SENSOR 2
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2018-2019
I.P.: Fermín Morales
Team researcher: Mª Carmen Antolín, Nieves Goicoechea, Juan José Irigoyen, Inmaculada Pascual, Amadeo Urdiain, Mónica Oyarzun
assessment of the role of zoos: analysis of investment and efficiency in biodiversity conservation.
Funded by: Loro Parque
Duración: 01/01/2019-31/12/2021
I.P.: Rafael Miranda
Diagnosis of the social perception about the role played by zoos and aquariums in Spain and Portugal.
Funded by: Loro Parque
Duración: 01/01/2019-31/12/2021
P.I.: Rafael Miranda
development and validation of a new sensor for measuring transpiration in grape bunches (SENSOR). PT035-036 SENSOR
Funded by: Government of Navarra
Duration: 02/02/2018 - 30/11/2018
I.P.: Fermín Morales Iribas
Researchers: Fermín Morales, Inmaculada Pascual, M. Carmen Antolín, Nieves Goicoechea, Juanjo Irigoyen, Amadeo Urdiain y Mónica Oyarzun
Improving the monitoring of pollen composition and variation of pollination periods in relation to climate change - Action C5.6 of project LIFE NADAPTA
Funding: project LIFE NADAPTA
PI: David Elustondo
Researchers: Arturo Ariño, Anabel Pérez de Zabalza, David Galicia, Enrique Baquero.
Aquatic Invasive Alien Species of Freshwater and Estuarine Systems: Awareness and Prevention in the Iberian Peninsula LIFE17 GIE/ES/000515
Funding Agency: LIFE Environmental Governance and Information Project
Duration: 01/11/2018 - 31/10/2023
I.P.: Rafael Miranda
Adaptation of old grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera) with high oenological potential and important commercial projection to abiotic stresses associated to climate change (CLIMAVID)
Funding Entity: PIUNA
Duration: 01/09/2018 -31/08/2021
I.P.s.: Mª Carmen Antolín and Juan José Irigoyen
Researchers of department: Nieves Goicoechea and Inmaculada Pascual
Mobilising data, policies and experts in scientific collections. CA17106
Funding Entity: Cost Action
Duration: 1/4/2018 - 1/4/2022
Researchers: Arturo Ariño (MZNA) Arnald Marcer (UAB), Santago Merino (MNCN), Jesús Muñoz (RJB), Francesc Uribe (Barcelona Museum)
development and validation of a new sensor for measuring transpiration in grape bunches (SENSOR). PT035-036 SENSOR
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 02/02/2018 - 30/11/2018
I.P.: Fermín Morales Iribas
Researchers of the department. Inmaculada Pascual, M. Carmen Antolín, Nieves Goicoechea, Juanjo Irigoyen, Amadeo Urdiain and Mónica Oyarzun
Personalised modulation of the microbiota by means of the intelligent design of foods and ingredients based on the diagnosis of enterotypes (Nutribiota) 0011-1411-2018-000040
Duration: 01/01/2018 - 30/12/2020
I.P.: Rita Cavero
Bioaccessibility and bioactivity of ingredients and functional foods of plant origin: compounds involved, effect of gastrointestinal digestion and microbiota, and application of the model system in vivo of C. elegans.
Funding Entity: PIUNA
Duración: 03/08/2018-30/08/2021
I.P.: de Peña, María Paz;
Researchers: Ansorena D; Concepción Cid Rita Y. Cavero, M. Paz de Peña; Diana Ansorena ; Concepción Cid
Innovation in safe and healthy meat products (INPROCARSA) AGL2017-90699-REDC CONSOLIDER
Duración: 01/07/2018-30/06/2020
researcher of department. Rita Y. Cavero
network of Biodiversity Observatories of Navarre (ROBIN)
Funding Entity: PIUNA
Duration: 03/08/2018- 02/08/2021
I.P.: Baquero, E.
department Researchers . Baquero, E., Ariño, A.H., Galicia, D., Ibáñez, R., Miranda, R.
Dragonflies of the province of Valladolid University
Funding: Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes and Diputación de Valladolid.
Duración: 01/09/2018-30/06/2019
I.P.: Paricia Casanueva
researcher of department: Miriam Hernández
Review of the status of knowledge on the role of aquariums and zoos.
Funding Entity: Loro Parque
Duración: 01/03/2018-31/12/2018
I.P.: Rafael Miranda
Researchers of the department: Rafael Miranda, Andrea Pino Del Carpio, María Casas, Jordi Puig, Nora Escribano, David Galicia, Arturo H. Ariño
Alternatives of nitrogen fertilisation in vegetables to minimise their nitrate content and improve their food quality (PC068-069 NITROHEALTHY)
Funding entity: Government of Navarra.
Duration: 2018-2019
researcher main researcher: Idoia Ariz Arnedo
Evaluation of pesticide residue detection techniques in food matrices: triple quadrupole mass spectrometry versus high resolution mass spectrometry (0011-1383-2017-000000-PC033-034 ORBIPLAG)
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2017
researcher main researcher: Ángel Mª Zamarreño
Determination of the effects of climate change (elevated temperature, increase in carbon dioxide concentration and drought) on grape aroma (Vitis vinifera L.)
Funding entity: ADANA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY. Unit of Scientific Research Projects Coordination. Approved Project Nº 17203001
Duración: 22/03/2017-22/09/2018
research principal of project: Dr Selin Yabaci Karaoglan (AU)
Researchers of the department: Juan José Irigoyen, Tefide Kizildeniz, Inmaculada Pascual
Biodiversity Data Analytics and Environmental Quality
Funding Entity: PIUNA
Duración: 01/09/2017-31/08/2018
I.P.: David Galicia
Researchers of department: Enrique Baquero, Rafa Miranda, Jordi Puig, Arturo Hugo Ariño, Ricardo Ibáñez
New range of healthy cured sausages with traditional flavour- TRADITION 0011-1365-2017-000237
Duration: 01/09/2017 - 30/04/2019 2017
I.P.: Diana Ansorena (Coordinator UNAV)
researcher of department: Rita Cavero
Study of reeds for musical instrument mouthpieces.
Funding Entity: Caña Selecta S.L.
Duration: 10/10/2017 - 31/07/2018
I.P.: Nieves Goicoechea
development of optimised applications of humic substances to improve plant growth of salt-stressed plants (PT027 HUMIESTRES)
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2017-2018
researcher main researcher: Marta Fuentes Ramírez
Nitrogen fertilisation alternatives in vegetables to minimise their nitrate content and improve their nutritional quality (PC061-062 NITROHEALTHY).
Funding entity: Government of Navarra.
Duration: 2017-2018
researcher main researcher: Idoia Ariz Arnedo
Monitoring of gaseous pollutant emissions in agriculture (PC035-036-037 CropGas)
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2017-2018
researcher main: Óscar Urrutia Sagardia
Consolidation of the Spanish Fish Farming Charter: a tool for the knowledge dissemination, management and conservation of Iberian fish.
Funding Entity: Fundación Biodiversidad. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment
Duration: 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2017
I.P.: Rafael Miranda
Monitoring of gaseous pollutant emissions in agriculture (CropGas). PC012-013-014 CROPGAS
Government of Navarre. Department of Industry
José Mª García-Mina
Effects of climate change on mountain aquatic ecosystems. Its analysis by means of bioindicators II
Funding Entity: European University Miguel de Cervantes
Duración: 05/04/2017-05/04/2018
I.P.: David García López
researcher of department. Mª Angeles Hernández
Characterisation of the microbiota associated with the biological cycle of the black truffle and influence on the vegetative development RTA2015-00053- 00-00 quotation
Funding Entity: INIA
Duración: 01/01/2017-31/12/2019
I.P.: Sergio Sánchez Durán
researcher of department: De Miguel, Ana
development of a nanotechnology-based microcomposite for the control of hygiene in stable bedding and its subsequent use as a fertiliser (PT014-015 DESINFERT).
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2017
researcher principal: Óscar Urrutia Sagardia
Monitoring of gaseous pollutant emissions in agriculture (CROPGAS)
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duración: 01/01/2017-31/12/2017
I.P.: IÓscar Urrutia Óscar Urrutia, José Mª García-Mina
Researchers of department: Javier Erro, María Garnica, Marta Fuentes, Ángel Mª Zamarreño,
Effects of climate change on mountain aquatic ecosystems. Analysis using bioindicators.
Funding Entity: European University Miguel de Cervantes.
Duración: 06/02/2016-08/02/2017
I.P.: David García López David García López,
researcher del department: Mª Angeles Hernández
Evaluation of soil fungal diversity and its influence on the supply of edible ectomycorrhizal fungi in forest systems AGL2015-66001-C3-3-R 0
Funding Entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation
Duration: 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2018 2016 2018
researcher del department: de Miguel, Ana
development of a low-energy functional ingredient enriched in omega-3 fatty acids and natural antioxidants: application to meat products 0011-1383-2016-0000130 PI032 OMEGA3
Duración: 01/01/2016-31/12/2016
I.P.: Diana Ansorena
Researchers of department: Rita Y. Cavero
network of observatories of sensitive ecosystems (lakes, peatlands) to climate change in the Pyrenees.
Funding Entity: INTERREG/POCTEFA 2014-2020 projects. ERDF funds.
Duration: from 01/06/2016 to: 31/05/2019
I.P.: Blas Lorenzo Valero Garcés.
Researchers of department: Arturo Ariño y Rafa Miranda
PAIRQURS - Public Access to Air Quality Data from Roving Sensors
Funding Agency: EUDAT. reference letter : EUDAT Pilot Projects
Participants: University of Navarra
Duration: from 1/1/2016 to 31/12/2017
I.P.: A.H. Ariño (UNAV-AMBIUN)
Researchers of department: Arturo Ariño and David Galicia
Exploring whether functional and structural diversity confer drought resistance and resilience to drought in woody communities: implications for climate change adaptation
Funding entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation reference letter: CGL2015-69186-C2-1-R
Entities participating in subproject 1: high school Pirenaico de Ecología-CSIC, Universidad de Navarra, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
Duration, from: 01/01/2016 until: 31/12/2018
research subproject 1 main researcher: Jesús Julio Camarero Martínez
Researchers participating in subproject 1: Jesús Julio Camarero (IPE-CSIC), Xavier Serra (IPE-CSIC), Ricardo Ibáñez (UN) and Manuel Peinado (UAH).
PT070 DESINFERT: development of a nanotechnology-based microcomposite for the control of hygiene in stable bedding and its subsequent use as a fertiliser.
Funding entity: Government of Navarra. reference letter: 0011-1383-2016-000013
Participants: group Bach (University of Navarra) and Ludererra
Duration: from July 2016 to December 2016.
I.P.: Ángel Mª Zamarreño.
Researchers: Ángel Mª Zamarreño, Marta Fuentes, María Garnica, José M García-Mina, Oscar Urrutia, Javier Erro and José Manuel Martínez.
Polyvalent decontaminants (heavy metals and organic pollutants) for the regeneration and/or protection of soils andthe environment.
Funding entity: Government of Navarra. reference letter: 0011-1365-2016-000163
Participants: group Bach (University of Navarra) and Magnesitas Navarras.
Duration: from April 2016 to April 2018.
I.P.: Javier Erro.
Researchers: Marta Fuentes, María Garnica, José M García-Mina, Oscar Urrutia, Angel Mª Zamarreño and Javier Erro.
Natural chelates of microelements for sustainable agricultural fertilisation.
Funding entity: Government of Navarra. reference letter: 0011-1365-2016-000065
Participants: group Bach (University of Navarra) and Timac Agro España.
Duration: from April 2016 to April 2018.
PI: Marta Fuentes.
Researchers: Marta Fuentes, María Garnica, José M García-Mina, Oscar Urrutia, Angel Mª Zamarreño and Javier Erro.
assessment of soil fungal diversity and its influence on the supply of edible ectomycorrhizal fungi in forestry systems.
Participating entities Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentaries (IRTA) (Cabrils-Barcelona), University of Navarra, Centre Tecnologic Forestal de Catalunya, University of Montpellier. Swedish University of Agricultural sciences
Duration: 2016 -2018
PI: Parladé, X.
Researchers: Ana de Miguel
Towards an engineering of food webs: linking trait variability to ecosystem functioning.
Funding entity: Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness.
Participating entities: University of Navarra, Experimental Station of Arid Zones (CSIC).
Duration, from: 2016 to: 2020
researcher manager : Moya Laraño, J., Montserrat Larrasoa M.
issue of participating researchers: 7 (From department: Moraza M.L.)
Status: National
Food matrices of plant origin with potential antioxidant activity subjected to different technologies: assessment Chemistry and biological (VEG-ACTIV) AGL2014-52636-P
Funding Entity: MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA E INNOVACIÓN (Ministry of Science and Innovation)
Duration: 01/01/2015 -31/12/2018 (3 years + 1 year extension)
PIs: María Paz de Peña, Diana Ansorena
Researchers: María Paz de Peña, Diana Ansorena and Rita Cavero
network of research in Viticulture
Funding entity: Ministerio de Economics y Competitividad (MINECO) General Administration de research Científica y Técnica (Ref. AGL2015-70931-REDT)
Duration: 2015 - 2017
researcher principal: Dr. Luis Gonzaga Satesteban García (Universidad Pública de Navarra, UPNA)
issue of participating researchers: 10
Framework agreement concerning scientific collaboration in the area of basic and applied agriculture.
Private entity
José Mª García-Mina
Complete analysis of mineral magnesite samples and final products based on magnesium oxide using the high-resolution ICP-EOS technique .
Private entity
José Mª García-Mina
Influence of cycle length, CO2, temperature and availability on the imbalance between sugars and anthocyanins induced by climate change in Tempranillo (AGL2014-56075-C2-1-R ).
Funding Entity: Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness
Duration: 2015-2017
researcher Principal: Juan José Irigoyen
Researchers: Antolín MC., Goicoechea N., Pascual I., Sánchez-Díaz M.
Second Phase of the development of the Spanish Inventory of Traditional Knowledge related to Natural Heritage and Biodiversity (reference letter TEC0003909)
Funding Entity: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
Participating entities: TRAGSATEC, UAM, University of Navarra, other Universities
Duration, from: 1/10/2014 - 1/10/2017
researcher manager : Manuel Pardo de Santayana (UAM)
issue of participating researchers: 64 (from department: 1): Cavero R.Y.
Influence of Tecto-Vulcanism on the evolutionary history of freshwater fishes from the Central Mesa of Mexico (reference letter CGL2013-41375-P)
Funding Entity: Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness
Participating entities: MNCN, University of Navarra
Duration, from: 1/10/2014 - 1/10/2017
researcher manager : Ignacio Doadrio (MNCN)
issue of participating researchers: 64 (from department: 1)
Study of the diversity and distribution of the resident animal species in the Subterranean Surface Environment of high mountain enclaves (P. N. de la Sierra de Guadarrama). (reference letter SPIP2014-01143)
Funding Entity: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
Participating entities: UAH, University of Navarra
Duration, from: 1/10/2014 - 1/10/2017
researcher manager : Vicente M. Ortuño (UAH)
issue of participating researchers: 6 (from department: 1)
Redesigning energy integration in buildings from animal metabolisms
Funding Entity: Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness
Duration: 2014-2015
researcher Principal: César Martín Gómez
Researchers: Baquero E., Miranda R.
Invasive alien species and their relationship with native species in protected river areas: interactions of signal crayfish with native fishes
Funding Entity: PIUNA
Duration: 2014-2017
researcher Principal: Rafael Miranda.
Researchers: Pedro M. Leunda, Javier Oscoz, Ivan Vedia, David Almeida.
Biodiversity of the epiphytic springtails of the network Natura 2000 of Navarra (BIOECNA)
Funding entity: Fundación Caja Navarra
Duration: 2014-2015
Team researcher: Baquero E., Jordana R., Ariño A.H., Amezcua A.
LIFE+ RESPIRA. Reduction of exposure of cyclists to urban pollutants
Funding Entity: European Union
Duration: 2014-2017
coordinator general: Jesús Miguel Santamaría
coordinator Technical: Arturo Ariño
Optimisation of the aerobic co-digestion process of municipal solid waste and industrial biosolids for their application as organic amendment and in the remediation of contaminated soils oriented to regional problems.
Funding Entity: committee National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina
Duration: 2013-2015
Principal Investigator: Carlos Alberto Martín
Team researcher: Antolin MC.
Comparative study of the edaphofauna of a reforestation area surrounded by esparto grassland, at partnership.
researcher Principal: Baquero E.
Team researcher: Jordana R.
Information on climate change in the Spanish media. Study on the interaction between journalistic norms and values, and the processes of mediation between science and the public, through television and press reports. CSO2010-15269 (COMU sub-programme)
Ministry of Science and Innovation,
01/09/2010- 30/06/2013
researcher Principal: León, B.
Team researcher: Baquero E.
Antioxidant capacity of foods and food ingredients of plant origin: influence of the presence of lipids and gastrointestinal digestion processes.
Funding entity: Fundación Universitaria de Navarra
Duration: 01/09/2013 - 30/08/2016
researcher manager : Diana Ansorena Artieda (UNAV)
issue of participating researchers: 9 (from department: 1)
First phase of the update of the National Inventory of Ichthyological Biodiversity and the creation and implementation of the Iberian Fish Charter". Biodiversity Foundation.
Funding entity: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
Duration: 2013 - 2014
researcher Principal: Rafael Miranda.
Study of the aquatic fauna of Pamplona
Funding entity: Pamplona City Council
Duration, from: 15/03/2013 to: 15/10/2013
researcher manager : Rafael Miranda
issue of participating researchers: 3
Computerisation and adaptation to network GBIF of vascular plant collections deposited in the herbarium of the University of Navarra PAMP. Phase II
Funding entity: Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness.
Duration from 01/10/2012 to 31/03/2014
reference letter : CGL2011-15056-E/BOS
researcher principal: Ricardo Ibáñez Gastón
Team researcher: Ibáñez R, Imas M
Morphological and molecular traceability of edible ectomycorrhizal fungi and fungal diversity in the management forest stands of Pinus sylvestris and P. pinaster.
Funding Entity: Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness
Duration from 01/01/2013 to 31/12/2015
reference letter : AGL2012-40035-C03-03
researcher principal: X. Parladé
Team researcher: de Miguel AM
Bibliographic review of extracts and essential oils
Funding Entity: DAYMSA
Duration from May to June 2013
researcher Principal: Juan José Irigoyen Iparrea
Team researcher: Baslam M
Combining innovation in vineyard management and genetic diversity for a sustainable European viticulture
Funding Entity: European Union FP7 ("Programme: FP7 Cooperation Theme 2 Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnologies")
Duration: 2013-2016
researcher Principal: Fermín Morales
Team researcher: Aguirreolea J, Antolín MC., Goicoechea N., Irigoyen JJ, Pascual I., Sánchez-Díaz M.
Photosynthetic acclimatisation, production and quality of alfalfa, vine and lettuce plants grown under different climate change scenarios .
Funding entity: MICINN BFU2011-26989
Duration: 2012-2014.
researcher manager : Juan José Irigoyen Iparrea
Team researcher: Sánchez-Díaz M, Aguirreolea J, Antolín MC, Goicoechea N, Pascual I, Morales F, Niculcea M, Fiasconaro MF, Baslam M, Martínez J
Study of the Collembola of the Parc Natural dels Ports, Tortosa, Tarragona (caves, Biodiversity). Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona.
14/12/2012 -14/12/2013
researcher Principal: Baquero E.
Effect of UV-B radiation on vine physiology and the synthesis of phenolic compounds in the berry.
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra. project de Cooperación Transfronteriza entre Navarra y Aquitania (Francia) Duration: 2011 and 2012
researcher manager : Manuel Sánchez Díaz
Team researcher: Aguirreolea J, Morales F, Pascual I, Martínez J
Iberian Bryophytic Flora, Phase VI
Funding entity: Ministry of Economics y Competitividad
Duration: 2012-2015
reference letter : CGL2012-30721
researcher principal: Juan Guerra Montes
Team researcher: Ederra A
1st Phase of development of the Spanish Inventory of Traditional Knowledge related to Natural Heritage and Biodiversity.
business Awardee: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Duration: from 08/14/2012 to 12/31/2012.
researcher Principal Researcher: Manuel Pardo de Santayana
issue of participating researchers: 60
Team researcher: Cavero RY
Environmental problems associated with reactive nitrogen
Funding Entity: management Ambiental de Navarra S.A.-Fundación la Caixa
Duration 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2014
researcher principal investigator: Jesús Miguel Santamaría Ulecia
issue of participating researchers: 9
Team researcher: Ederra A, de Miguel AM, Ibañez R
Study of the Collembola of the Parc Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt, Barcelona (Bioindication).
Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona.
17/11/2012- 17/11/2013
researcher Principal: Baquero, E.
The effect of hybridisation on the diversity of fish helminth parasites of the genus Xiphophorus. (reference letter 0127310)
Funding Entity: committee Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt) (Mexico)
Participating entities: Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, University of Texas College Station, University of Navarra.
Duration, from: April 2011 - April 2014
researcher manager : Scott Monks (UTX)
issue of participating researchers: 7 (from department: 1)
Pamplona day butterflies
Funding entity: Pamplona City Council
Duration: 2011
researcher manager : Carmen Escala
Effect of UV radiation on the physiology of the grapevine (Tempranillo cv.) and the synthesis of health compounds in the berry.
Funding Entity: Fundación Universitaria de Navarra (PIUNA-2010)
Duration: 2011-2013
researcher principal: Inmaculada Pascual
Team researcher: Erice G, Martínez J, Salazar C
Study of Pamplona's mammals
Funding entity: Pamplona City Council
Duration, from: 15/03/2011 to: 15/10/2012
researcher manager : Enrique Baquero
issue of participating researchers: 5
assessment of transversal competences in the Degrees of the School of Sciences through programmed activities: directed works, seminars and reports of practices elaborated by the students (project de innovación professor)
Duration: from 1/09/2011 to 31/08/2012
Participants: de Miguel AM, Burrell MA, Santamaría C
Obtaining gentiana lutea "in vitro" and determining the ideal cultivation parameters to obtain the best functional properties and optimal composition in active principles.
Funding entity: Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca de Catalunya, on behalf of the Community of work of the Pyrenees
Duration from 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2012
Principal Investigators: Mª Pilar Almajano / Mª Isabel Calvo
Team researcher: Cavero RY
work fieldwork for the study of potential species of small mammal species in the Pamplona area.
Funding entity: Pamplona City Council.
Duration: 2011
researcher main researcher: Carmen Escala
Relationship between hormone balance and grape phenolic quality in plants subjected to water deficit.
Funding Entity: Fundación Universitaria de Navarra (PIUNA-2010)
Duration: 2010-2011
researcher principal: Mª Carmen Antolín
Team researcher: Sánchez-Díaz M, Aguirreolea J, Niculcea M
Response of two mycorrhizal lettuce varieties to the addition of a highly bioassimilable phosphorus fertiliser.
Funding entity: Timac-AGRO (group Roullier)
Duration: March-September 2010
researcher principal: Manuel Sánchez Díaz
Team researcher: Aguirreolea J, Goicoechea N, Irigoyen JJ, Pascual I, Sánchez-Díaz M, Baslam M
Computerisation of collections of reference letter in Navarra deposited in the herbarium of the University of Navarra -PAMP- and their adaptation to the network GBIF.
Funding entity: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Duration from 12/4/2010 to 11/7/2011
reference letter : CGL2009-08507-E/BOS
researcher principal: Ricardo Ibáñez Gastón
Team researcher: Imas M
assessment morphological and molecular persistence of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis in plants inoculated with edible ectomycorrhizal fungi: influence of edaphoclimatic and biotic parameters.
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation)
Duration from 01/01/2010 to 31/12/2012
researcher principal: Xabier Parladé
Team researcher: de Miguel AM
programs of study integrated monitoring in a Pyrenean forest basin
Funding Entity: Fundación Universitaria de Navarra
Start date: 2010 End date: 2013
researcher principal: Jesús Miguel Santamaría Ulecia
Team researcher: Cavero RY, de Miguel AM, Delgado V, Ederra A, Ibáñez R, Iglesias N, Uría J
Pamplona day butterflies
Funding entity: Pamplona City Council
Duration: 2010
researcher Principal Researcher: Enrique Baquero
Team researcher: Moraza ML, Ariño AH, Jordana R
Effect of climate change on alfalfa and grapevine: Interaction between CO2, temperature and water availability
Funding Entity: MEC (Ref. BFU2008-01405/BFI)
Duration: 2009-2011
researcher main researcher: Juan José Irigoyen Iparrea
Team researcher: Aguirreolea J, Morales F, Salazar C, Sanz A, Sánchez-Díaz M
Study of the ectomycorrhizal diversity of two beech forests in Navarra.
Funding entity: Contract with management Ambiental Viveros y Repoblaciones de Navarra S.A.
Duration from 11/11/2009 to 11/05/2010.
researcher principal: Ana Mª de Miguel Velasco
Team researcher: Uría J
Biodiversity and environmental management (project for innovation professor)
Duration: from 1/09/2010 to 31/08/2011
Participants: Cavero RY, de Miguel AM, Ederra A, Ibáñez R, framework R
Atlas and Red Book of the Bryophytes of Spain
Funding entity: Ministry of the Environment
Duration from August 2009 to August 2011
researcher principal: Ricardo Garilleti
Team researcher: Ederra A
Iberian Bryophytic Flora, Phase V
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Ministry of Science and Innovation)
Duration from 15-07-2009 to 15-07-2012
researcher principal: Juan Guerra Montes
Team researcher: Ederra A
Typology of truffle stations in the Pyrenean regions: Pyrenean truffles
Funding entity: Community of work of the Pyrenees (CTP) and Government of Navarre
Duration: 1-1-2009 to 31-12-2010
researcher principal: Benoît Jaillard (Montpellier)
Team researcher: de Miguel AM
Age determination, growth analysis and differentiation of the resident and migratory forms and individuals of a population of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in the Bidasoa river basin (Navarre), by means of Digital Image Analysis .
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra department de Industria y Tecnología, Comercio y work
Duration from 2009 to 2010
researcher principal:Rafael Miranda
Team researcher: Leunda PM
Online Access to the Natural Science Collections of the University of Navarra: Mammals
Funding entity: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Duration from 2009 to 2010
researcher principal: Arturo Ariño
Team researcher: Escala MC, Galicia D, Otegui J
Effect of climate change on alfalfa and vines: Interaction between CO2, temperature and water availability
Funding Entity: Fundación Universitaria de Navarra
Duration: 2008-2011
researcher Principal Researcher: Juan José Irigoyen
Team researcher: Aguirreolea J, Irigoyen JJ, Morales F, Salazar C, Sánchez-Díaz M, Sanz A.
Improving the accuracy of leaf-scale carbon assimilation models: hydraulic, anatomical and metabolic constraints to net photosynthesis .
reference letter : MICINN-INIA SUM2008-00004-C03-03
Duration: 2008-2011
researcher Principal: Gil Pelegrín, E.
Team researcher: Irigoyen JJ, Morales F, Sánchez-Díaz M.
Physiological effects of the agricultural application of humic acidsFinancing entity: Timac AGRO España S.A. (group Roullier)
Duration: April 08-August 08
researcher principal: Sánchez-Díaz, M.
Team researcher: Aguirreolea J, Antolín MC, Goicoechea N, Pascual I.
Effect of climate change on plants
Funding Entity: Fundación Caja Navarra, 2008
Participating entities: University of Navarra
Duration, from: 2008 to: 2008
researcher manager : Juan José Irigoyen Iparrea
Team researcher: 3 researchers
Use of plant extracts with antioxidant capacity in new formulations of sausages rich in omega 3 fatty acids.
Funding entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Duration from 1-10-2008 to 30-9-2011
researcher principal: Diana Ansorena Artieda
Team researcher: Cavero RY
Adaptation and putting on Internet through GBIF of the database of vascular plants of the PAMP herbarium of the University of Navarra.
Funding entity: Ministry of Education and Science.
Duration from 1/10/2008 to 31/12/2009
reference letter : CGL2007-30978-E/BOS
researcher principal: Ricardo Ibáñez Gastón
Team researcher: Ibáñez R, Sánchez MC, Imas M
Integrated monitoring of a forest basin in the Pyrenees.
Funding entity: Community of work of the Pyrenees.
researcher principal: Jesús Miguel Santamaria
Duration from 2008 to 2010
Team researcher: Cavero RY, de Miguel AM, Delgado V, Ederra, A, Gazol A, Ibáñez R, Iglesias N, López ML, Uría J
Publication of reference letter for the identification of river macroinvertebrates in relation to the estimation of biotic indices.
Funding entity: Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs. Ebro Hydrographic Confederation
Duration from 2008 to 2009
researcher principal: Rafael Miranda
Team researcher: Oscoz J, Galicia D
Study of metal homeostasis in plants (AGL2007-61948)
Funding entity: MEC-DGI. National Programme of Agri-Food Resources and Technologies Duration: 2007-2010
researcher principal: J. Abadía (CSIC)
Team researcher: Morales F.
network Thematic on Biotechnology of Beneficial Interactions between Plants and Microorganisms.
Funding entity: MEC General Administration of research. National Biotechnology Programme (Ref. BIO2006-28481-E).
Duration: 2007-2009.
researcher principal: Manuel Sánchez-Díaz
Team researcher: Aguirreolea J, Antolín MC, de Miguel A, Goicoechea N, Irigoyen JJ
Influence de la symbiose mycorhizienne sur la croissance, la physiologie et le metabolisme du palmier dattier soumis au déficit hydrique et sur le développement des mohines de lutte contre la fusariose vasculaire" (A/5367/06)
Funding body: Interuniversity and Scientific Cooperation Programmes (PCI-Mediterranean) between Spain and Morocco ( research ).
Duration: 2007-2008
Spanish Coordinator: Dr. Nieves Goicoechea Preboste
coordinator Moroccan: Dr. Ahmed Qaddoury (School de Sciences et Techniques de Marrakech, University of Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco)
development integral truffle farming in Teruel. Subproject 1: Inventory of competing and contaminating mycorrhizal fungi in black truffle plantations in the truffle-producing areas of Teruel. Evolution of the mycorrhizal status of truffle plantations according to external actions.
Funding entity: high school research National Institute of Agriculture and Food Technology (INIA).
Duration from 01/10/2007 to 30-09-2010
researcher principal: Carlos Palazón Español
Team researcher: de Miguel AM, González B
Contract for consultancy service and advisory service: Study of the flora and vegetation around the Oskía quarry (Navarra).
Duration from 23/07/2007 to 05/08/2007
researcher principal: Ricardo Ibáñez Gastón
Expert system for assessment of biodiversity (BIOTOOL)
Funding entity: Government of Navarre, department de Innovación, business and employment
Duration from 2007 to 2009
researcher principal: Rafael Jordana
Team researcher: Baquero E, Santamaría JM, Ariño AH, Hansen A
Analysis of the biodiversity of the aquatic vertebrates of Lake Tecocomulco, State of Hidalgo, Mexico.
Funding Entity: Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI).
Duration 2007
researcher principal: Rafael Miranda
Team researcher: Galicia D
Iberian Bryophytic Flora, Phase IV
Funding entity: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Duration from 01-12-2006 to 30-11-2009
researcher principal: Juan Guerra Montes
Team researcher: Ederra A
Study of the biological and agronomic factors influencing the production of black truffle (Tuber melasnoporum Vitt.)
research Funding Entity: high school National Institute of Agrarian and Food Technology (INIA)
Duration from 01-10-2006 to 30-09-2010
researcher principal: Carlos Palazón Español
Team researcher: Cavero RY, de Miguel AM, González B
Production of mycorrhizal shrubs with fungi from group Boletus edulis. Morphological and molecular characterisation of the mycorrhizal symbiosis and description of production habitat. Arboletus
research Funding Entity: high school National Institute of Agricultural and Food Technology (INIA).
Duration from 14/07/2006 to 25/03/2010
researcher principal: Fernando Martínez Peña
Team researcher: de Miguel AM
Revision of several samples of the seed mixtures used in the hydroseeding of the Autovía del Camino (A-12: Sections B/4 and 3) (Contract from consultancy service and advisory service)
Duration from March 2006 to April 2006
researcher principal: Ricardo Ibáñez Gastón
Revision of several samples of the seed mixtures used in the hydroseeding of the Autovía del Camino (A-12: Section 5) (Contract of consultancy service and advisory service)
Duration from March 2006 to April 2006
researcher principal: Ricardo Ibáñez Gastón
Trufficulture in Navarre. Study of the state of mycorrhization and vascular flora of black truffle plantations.
Funding entity: Government of Navarra, department de Education
Duration from 01-01-2006 to 31-12-2007
researcher principal: Ana Mª de Miguel
Team researcher: Cavero RY, de Miguel AM, González B
programs of study integrated monitoring in a Pyrenean forest basin
Funding Entity: Caja de Ahorros de Navarra and Fundación Universitaria de Navarra
Duration from: 01/09/2005 to: 31/08/2011
researcher principal: Jesús Miguel Santamaría Ulecia
Team researcher: Elustondo D, López ML, Garrigó J, de Miguel AM, Moraza ML, Baquero E, Cavero RY, Ariño AH, Gónzález L, Irigoyen JJ, Ederra A, Ibáñez R, Jordana R, Goicoechea N, Delgado V, Gazol A, Iglesias N, Uría J
Effect of the application of sewage sludge on symbiotic nitrogen fixation and the control of plant pathogens.
Funding entity: NILSA (Navarra de Infraestructuras Locales S.A.).
Duration: 2005-2008.
researcher principal: Sánchez-Díaz, M.
Team researcher: Sánchez Díaz, M, Aguirreolea J, Antolín MC, Pascual I, Muro I
Conservation and biodiversity of freshwater fish in the Barranca de Metztitlán Biosphere reservation (State of Hidalgo, Mexico).
Funding entity: Ministry of Education and Science.
Duration from 2006 to 2009
researcher Principal: Rafael MIRANDA
Team researcher: Escala MC, Agorreta A, Leunda PM, Monks WS, Pulido G, Doadrio I, Pedraza CS, Galicia D
Online access to the Science Collections of the University of Navarra
Funding Entity: Ministry of Education and Science
Duration from 2005 to 2006
researcher Principal: Arturo H. Ariño
Team researcher: Jordana R, Baquero E, Cruchaga J, Amézcoa A, Sánchez M, Galicia D, Robles E
speech of science on television. Narrative strategies of scientific documentaries in Europe. Funding entity: PIUNA
Duration 01/10/2005 -01/10/2007
researcher Principal: León, B.
Team researcher: Baquero, E.
Mycorrhization of fruit and grapevine cultivars in replant soils. assessment of physiological parameters related to mycorrhizal colonization and pathogenic infections in roots.
Funding entity: INIA
Duration: 2004-2007
researcher Principal: M.C. Calvet, MC.
Team researcher: Calvet MC, Aguirreolea J
Study of the interaction between CO2 increase, temperature and drought in the physiology of regrowth of nodulated alfalfa plants.
Funding Entity: Ministry of Education and Science (BFU2004-05096/BFI)
Duration: 2004-2007
researcher principal: Juan José Irigoyen Iparrea
Team researcher: Sánchez-Díaz M, Erice G
Study of the interaction between CO2 increase, temperature and drought in the physiology of regrowth of nodulated alfalfa plants.
Funding Entity: Fundación Universitaria de Navarra
Duration: 2004 - 2007
researcher principal: Juan José Irigoyen Iparrea
Team researcher: Sánchez-Díaz M, Erice G, Antolín MC
A genomic approach to the identification of the genetic and environmental components underlying berry quality in grapevine
Funding Entity: Genoma España and Genoma Canadá joint R+D+I
Projects in Human Health, Plants and Aquaculture
Duration: 2004-2007
researcher principal: J.M. Martínez Zapater
Navarrese folk medicine: medicinal plants, uses and search for active ingredients of pharmaceutical interest: antioxidants and antifungals.
Funding Entity: Fundación Universitaria de Navarra
Duration from: 01/10/2004 until: 30/09/2007
researcher principal: Rita Yolanda Cavero Remón
Team researcher: Akerreta S
Study on the repercussions of the presence of DDTs and mercury in the waters of the Cinca river on the fish fauna.
Duration: 2004
Funding entity: Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro
researcher principal: Alfonso CALVO (CHE), Jaime MARTINEZ-LAGE (Flumen E.P.A.)
Team researcher: Leunda
Team researcher: 28 researchers from the following centres: CNB(CSIC), IMIDA, University of Alicante, IMIA, Consejería de Agricultura (board de Andalucía) and University of NavarraViticulture: Biotic and abiotic stress, grapevine defence mechanisms and grape development.
Funding Entity: European Union. COST 858. Code of project: 003367 Order: 052
Duration: 2003-2009
researcher Principal: Manuel Sánchez-Díaz
Team researcher: Aguirreolea J, Antolín MªC,; Sánchez Díaz, M.
Towards sustainable tagasaste cultivation in semi-arid areas. Stress response mechanisms
Funding entity: National Plan of research and development+I (MCYT)
Duration: 2003-2006
researcher principal: Jiménez Parrondo, MS
Team researcher: Sánchez-Diaz, M. (UN); Morales, D.; González, A. (University of La Laguna, Tenerife); Tansz Notiene, M. (Univ. of Graz, Austria)
network of beneficial microorganisms
Funding entity: CICYT (Special Action)
Duration: 2003-2004
researcher principal: Gutiérrez Mañero, FJ.
Team researcher: Sánchez-Díaz, M., Irigoyen Iparrea, JJ., Goicoechea Preboste, N., Aguirreolea Morales, J. (UN), and researchers from 20 Spanish universities.
Analysis of bird migration in Navarre: ecological and genetic aspects.
Funding Entity: Government of Navarre. General Administration de Universidades y Política Lingüística
Duration: 2003-2004
researcher Principal: Mª Angeles Hernández
Team researcher: Juan Arizaga J, Amézcua A
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizae on the development of the disease caused by Verticillium dahliae in pepper.
Funding entity: Fundación Universitaria de Navarra
Duration: 2002-2005
researcher principal: Nieves Goicoechea Preboste
Team researcher: Aguirreolea J, Garmendia I, Sánchez-Díaz M
development and validation of a new sensor for measuring transpiration in grape bunches. PT005-006 SENSOR 2
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2018-2019
researcher Principal: Fermín Morales
Team researcher: Mª Carmen Antolín, Nieves Goicoechea, Juan José Irigoyen, Inmaculada Pascual, Amadeo Urdiain, Mónica Oyarzun
Quality legume based forage systems for contrasting environments
Funding body: COST Action 852
Duration: 2001-2006
Spanish Delegate: Manuel Sánchez-Díaz
Application of sewage sludge to plant cultivation
Funding organisation: Chair Zurich de Medio Ambiente
Duration: 2001-2004
researcher principal: Manuel Sánchez-Díaz
Team researcher: Antolín MC, Pascual I
assessment of the impact of edaphic and environmental factors on the physiological development of the vine and on grape colouring.
Funding Entity: Fundación Universitaria de Navarra
Duration: 2001-2004
researcher principal: J.M. Fernández
Team researcher: Sánchez-Díaz M, Antolín MC, Ayari M, Calvo MI, Santamaría C, García-Mina, JM (UN), Suberviola J, Aguirrezábal F (EVENA)
Regulation of water flow in plants of agricultural interest subjected to cold.
Funding entity: Ministry of Science and Technology. (HI2000-124) Concerted Action Italy-Spain
Duration: 2001-2002
researcher principal: Manuel Sánchez-Díaz
Team researcher: Irigoyen JJ, Aroca R (UN) and researchers from the University of Pisa.
Study of the relationship between wildlife and roads speech in the Autonomous Community of Navarre: Study of wildlife mortality on Navarre's motorways (A-15 and N-240-A) and on the Estella Bypass. Implications for road safety
Funding entity: business public
researcher principal: Jordi PUIG
Team researcher: Sanz L, Serrano M