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group Chemistry and Agricultural Biology (BACH)

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group members
Erro Garcés, Javier
Fuentes Ramírez, Marta
García-Mina Freire, José Mªcoordinator
Garnica Ochoa, María
Movila Movila, María
Ruíz Zabalza, Yaiza
Olaetxea Indaburu, Maite
Zamarreño Arregui, Angel Mª

Lines of research
- Mineral plant nutrition: basic and applied aspects. New fertilisers.
- development of molecules with the capacity to improve plant growth under biotic and abiotic stresses.
- subject soil organics. Physio-Chemistry of humus.
- Plant-micro-organism-humus interactions.
- New chemical methods for environmental remediation in water and soil.
- New methods for efficient nutrient recycling in the context of a circular Economics .



Aplicaciones anidadas


Florence Cruz, José María García-Mina, Sylvain Pluchon, María Movila (2024). Use of melatonin and/or precursor thereof for decreasing the plant nitrate content. WO2024033497A1

Oscar URRUTIA SAGARDIA, Javier ERRO GARCES, Marta FUENTES RAMIREZ, Roberto BAIGORRI, EKISOAIN, Angel Maria ZAMARRENO ARREGUI, Jean-Claude YVIN, Jose Maria GARCIA-MINA FREIRE 2020 Humic Substance-Encapsulated Particles, Compositions and Method of Making the Same WO2018149825A1                                                                                        


Urrutia, O., Erro, J., Fuentes, M., Baigorri, R., Zamarreño, AM., Yvin, JC., García-Mina, JM. (2018). Humic substance-encapsulated particles, compositions and method of making the same. WO2018149825A1.

Erro, J., Baigorri, R., García-Miina, JM., Yvin, JC. (2011). Method for preparing phosphate compounds. US9079804B2, WO2011/080496.

Garcia-Mina, JM., San Francisco, S., Urrutia, O., Yvin, JC. 2009. Urease inhibitor and nitrification inhibiting composition, useful e.g. for inhibiting conversion of urea into ammonia, comprises urease inhibitor compound of phosphoramide type associated with Allium essential oil. Patent Number(s): FR2925826-A1; WO2009083701-A2

Casanova, E., Garcia-Cantera, G., Garcia-Mina, JM., Yvin JC.2009. Composition, useful to treat physiopathies and diseases caused by post harvest fruit and vegetable pathogens, comprises vegetable essences containing e.g. thymol and eugenol; and essences or vegetable extracts containing salicylic acid. EP2047749-A2.

Garcia-Mina, JMª., Bacaicoa, E., San Francisco, S., Aguirre, E., Lemenager, D., Zamarreño, AMª. (2006). Formulations comprising indole and/or indole derivatives for increasing the capacity of plants to assimilate nutrients. EP 1 712 131.

Urrutia, O., San Francisco, S., Casanova, E., Houdusse, F., Garnica, M. (2005). New formulations with the ability to inhibit urease activity and potential agronomic use. EP 2264386 (2006).

Lemenager, D., Bacaicoa, E., Garcia-Mina, JM, Yvin, JC (2007). Utilisation des substances humiques comme activators des agents moleculaires specificiques de l'absorption du fer chez les plantes. FR 0758196, EP 2 211624 B1.

Garcia-Mina, JMª. (2006). Fertilising composition and process for the obtainment thereof. EP 1 612 200B1.

Garcia-Mina, JM., Garnica, M., Houdusse, F., Casanova, E. (2007). New use for 2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutanoic acid (HMTB. EP1849360B1, US 7,795,180 B2

Garcia-Mina, JM., Zamarreño, AM., Casanova, E., Houdusse, F. 2007 Formulation useful for improving assimilation of mineral nutrients e.g. nitrogen, magnesium and iron and activating the metabolism of the nutrients in plants comprises at least one 2-hydroxy-4-methyl thiobutanoic acid derivative. EP1813584B1

Garcia-Mina JM; Baigorri R; Zamarreno AM; et al. 2011. Heteromolecular metal-humic (chelate) complexes. Patent Number: US 07947818B2, EP 1 997793B1.

García-Mina Freire, JMª., Cenoz, A. (2004). Growth Stimulating composition for plants. EP 01500090.4B1

García-Mina Freire, J.Mª., Cenoz Imaz, S., García Cantera, R., Zamarreño Arregui, A.Mª. (2002). Natural source composition for the control of post-harvest pathologies and method of application. USA patent US 6,482,455 B1.

García-Mina Freire JMª., Jordana, R., Hernandez-Minguillon, MA (1994). Organic amendment of natural origin capable of protecting plants from the aggression of pathogens and of stimulating plant growth. (1993) EP 0609168B1.

Garcia-Mina, JM., San Francisco, S., Urrutia, O., Yvin, JC. 2009. Urease inhibitor and nitrification inhibiting composition, useful e.g. for inhibiting conversion of urea into ammonia, comprises urease inhibitor compound of phosphoramide type associated with Allium essential oil. FR2925826, US8430942B2, European Patent EP2225190B1.

Fuentes, Marta; Baigorri, Roberto; Bacaicoa, Eva; Garcia-Mina, Jose Maria, Yvin, JC. (2014) Metal complexes; use thereof for the preparation of compositions for agricultural use. FR 856977, US 08652231B2, EP2346 696 B1

Erro, J., Baigorri, R., Garcia-Mina, JM., Yvin, JC. 2010 . Nouveaux composés phosphatés et leur utilisation en tant qu'engrais. FR 1050009; European Patent 2 251 703 B1, US 9,079,804 B2

Garcia-Mina, Jose Mª; Casanova, Esther; Garcia-Cantera, Rodrigo, Yvin, Jean Claude. (2007). Compositions of natural origin to treat post-harvest physiopathologies and pathogenic diseases of fruits and vegetables and method for their application. P 200702638.

Garcia-Mina, JMª., Baigorri, R., Zamarreño, AMª., Bacaicoa, E. (2007). Heteromolecular metal complexes (chelates) of humic nature. P2000700595 (application)

Garcia-Mina, Jose Mª; Casanova, Esther; Houdusse, Fabrice; Garnica, Maria. (2006) New use of 2-Hydroxy-4-methylthiobutanoic acid (HMTB). P200601056.

Garcia-Mina, JMª., Houdusse, F., Zamarreño, A.Mª., Casanova, E. (2006). New metabolic and nutritional activator for plants. P200600178.

Urrutia, O., San Francisco, S., Casanova, E., Houdusse, F., Garnica, M. (2005). New formulations with the ability to inhibit urease activity and potential agronomic use. P200501360.

Garcia-Mina, JMª., Bacaicoa, E., San Francisco, S., Aguirre, E., Lemenager, D., Zamarreño, AMª (2005). New formulations with the capacity to increase the efficiency of plants to assimilate different mineral nutrients and especially iron under normal conditions and under conditions of potentially assimilable iron deficiency. P200500841.

García-Mina, JM. (2004). Fertiliser composition controlled by plant needs and activity and procedure to obtain it. P 200401565.

García-Mina, JM. (2004). Extractive composition of humic substances and a procedure for obtaining an extract containing humic substances. P 2 212 915.

García-Mina, JM., G-Cantera, R., Zamarreño, AM. (2004). Method to increase plant productivity. P 2 213 480.

García-Mina Freire, JMª. Method of Manufacture of Phospho-ureic Products. Patent : P200000035 (10 January 2000).

García-Mina Freire, JMª., Cenoz, A. Plant growth stimulant composition Patent : P200000968 (13 April 2000).

García-Mina Freire, J.Mª., Cenoz Imaz, S., García Cantera, R., Zamarreño Arregui, A.Mª. Composition of natural origin to control the post-harvest pathology of fruits and vegetables and method of application. Patent : P9902472 (12-November-1999).

García-Mina Freire, JMª. Nitrogen fertiliser containing urea, nitric, ammoniacal and organic nitrogen, with gradual solubility and progressive nitrification and method of obtaining it. Patent : P9901639 (21 July 1999).

García-Mina Freire, J.Mª., Cenoz, S., García Cantera, R., Urdániz, A.,. Zamarreño, A.Mª., and Lerga, J. Composition capable of stimulating the acquired defence mechanism of plants. Patent : P9702715 (29 December 1997). Publ. No. 2 134 167 (1999).

García-Mina Freire, J.Mª., García Cantera, R., Cenoz, S. Composition capable of stimulating the development of skin and pulp colour in fruits and vegetables. Patent : P9800752 (7 April 1998). Publ. No. 2137893. 1999.

García-Mina Freire, J.Mª., García Cantera, R., Urdániz, A.,. Zamarreño, A.Mª. Composition capable of improving the hygienic-sanitary conditions of bedding for domestic animals and in agricultural and livestock farms. Patent : P9800806 (16 April 1998).

García-Mina Freire, J.Mª. Organic complex suitable for controlling the enzymatic hydrolysis of urea present in soils by the action of the enzyme urease. Patent : P9801875 (4 September 1998).

García-Mina Freire, J.Mª., Urdániz Solá, Arturo. procedure for the production of organo-mineral fertilisers. Patent : P9801876 (4 September 1998).

García-Mina Freire, JMª., Jordana, R., Hernandez-Minguillón, M.A. (1993). Organic amendment, of natural origin, with the capacity to protect plants from the aggression of pathogens and to stimulate plant growth. National Patent nº P9300163. January 1993.

García-Mina Freire, JMª. (1992). Granulated calcium supplement for feeding birds during the laying season. National Patent nº P9202458. Dec.1992.

García-Mina Freire, JMª. (1990). Method for obtaining organo-metallic complexes by liquid route. National Patent nº P9001813. July. 1990. Pub.- ES 2032699 (1994).

García-Mina Freire, JMª. (1990). Method for obtaining organo-metallic complexes by solid route. National Patent nº P9002379. Sept.1990. Pub.- ES 2032702 (1994).



Aplicaciones anidadas


Use of magnesium co-products to facilitate the circular Economics in urban wastewater treatment plants through the recovery of phosphorus in the form of struvite, biogas upgrading and fertilizer production (MagnEDAR).
Funding entity: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
PI: Javier Erro
01/12/2024 - 30/11/2027

Circular biotechnology applied to fertilizers and management of inputs as an integral strategy to achieve zero footprint of agricultural production in Navarra (AGROGREEN).
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
PI: Marta Fuentes
01/04/2024 - 30/4/2026

Contribution of genotypic diversity of grapevine varieties and rootstocks to adaptation to climate change through modulation of water consumption and grape composition under high temperature conditions.
Funding entity: BIOMA Institute
PI: Johann Martinez-Lüscher and Ángel Mª Zamarreño

design and study of the use of products based on natural biostimulants of metabolic or microbial origin to improve the efficiency of nitrogen use in plant species of agronomic interest (PC018-019 BioestimulaN)
Government of Navarra
Duration: Dec 2021-Nov 2024

Sustainability in legume crops: analysis of amino acid transporters in legume-rhizobium symbiosis (PC169-170 UMAMIT)
Government of Navarra
Duration: Dec 2022-Nov2024

assessment of the agronomic effects of new bioactive molecules from Kraft black liquor (TED2021-131892B-C22)
Duration: Dec 2022-Nov2024

Legumes and plant hormones: role in symbiosis and drought conditions (PC112-113 LEGUSI).
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2019-2022
researcher main researcher: Ángel Mª Zamarreño

design and management of modulators of plant nitrogen metabolism for the reduction of nitrate content in vegetables (PC106-107 HORTA 0,0).
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2019-2022
researcher main researcher: María Movila

development of optimised applications of humic substances to improve plant growth of salt-stressed plants (PT009 HUMIESTRES 2)
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2018-2019
researcher main researcher: Marta Fuentes Ramírez

Nitrogen fertilisation alternatives in vegetables to minimise their nitrate content and improve their food quality (PC068-069 NITROHEALTHY).
Funding entity: Government of Navarra.
Duration: 2018-2019
researcher main researcher: Idoia Ariz Arnedo

Monitoring of gaseous pollutant emissions in agriculture (PC012-013-014 CropGas)
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2018-2019
researcher main researcher: Óscar Urrutia

development of optimised applications of humic substances to improve plant growth of plants subjected to salt stress (PT027 HUMIESTRES)
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2017-2018
researcher Principal Researcher: Marta Fuentes Ramírez

Nitrogen fertilisation alternatives in vegetables to minimise their nitrate content and improve their nutritional quality (PC061-062 NITROHEALTHY)
Funding entity: Government of Navarra.
Duration: 2017-2018
researcher main: Idoia Ariz Arnedo

Monitoring of gaseous pollutant emissions in agriculture (PC035-036-037 CropGas)
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2017-2018
researcher principal: Óscar Urrutia Sagardia

Circular system for the recovery and agronomic evaluation of phosphorus (RTC-2017-6049-2 PHERTILIZER)
Funding entity: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Challenges Grants partnership
Duration: 2018-2021
researcher principal: Javier Erro Garcés

assessment of biochar as a technical additive for obtaining new forms of nutrient release and protection in special high-value fertilisers (0011-1365-2018-000187 FERTCHAR)
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2018-2019
researcher main researcher: Óscar Urrutia

Evaluation of pesticide residue detection techniques in food matrices: triple quadrupole mass spectrometry versus high resolution mass spectrometry (0011-1383-2017-000000-PC033-034 ORBIPLAG)
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2017
researcher main researcher: Ángel Mª Zamarreño

development of a nanotechnology-based microcomposite for the control of hygiene in stable bedding and its subsequent use as a fertiliser (PT014-015 DESINFERT).
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2017
researcher main researcher: Óscar Urrutia Sagardia

Natural chelates of microelements for sustainable agricultural fertilisation (0011-1365-2016-000065)
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2016-2018
researcher main: Marta Fuentes Ramírez    

development of a nanotechnology-based microcomposite for the control of hygiene in stall bedding and its subsequent use as fertiliser (0011-1383-2016-000013 PT070 DESINFERT)
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2016
researcher principal: Ángel Mª Zamarreño

Polyvalent decontaminants (heavy metals and organic pollutants) for the regeneration and/or protection of soils and the environment (0011-1365-2016-000163)
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration: 2016-2018
researcher main researcher: Javier Erro Garcés

"assessment of the efficiency of the use of essential nutrients and the take-use balance for the optimisation of fertiliser applications" (2012-2015). IDI20130394 CDTI-Government of Navarra.

"Multielemental foliar fertilisers with trace elements of high agronomic efficiency" (2012-2015). IPT-2012-0004-060000 MICINN.

"Nitrogen fertilisers from high performing with nitrification accelerators (HYPER N)" (2011-2014). IDI-20120058 CDTI-Government of Navarra.

"development of high efficiency phosphorus fertilisers and calibration lines for their standardisation and improvement" (2010-2013). IPT-310000-2010-0009 MICINN.

"Organo-phosphorus fertilisers with high agronomic efficiency and low environmental impact" (2010-2011). IDI-20101173 CDTI-Government of Navarra.

"Homeostasis and Transport of Iron - improving Plant Productivity and Growth" (2009-2012). EUI2008-03618 project European Plant KBBE.

"Biomolecules with the capacity to regulate nitrogen absorption and metabolism in plants" (2008-2011) IDI-20090276 CDTI-Government of Navarra.

development " and pre-competitive validation of modified humic substances" (2008-2011) IDI-20080489 CDTI-Government of Navarra.

"Optimised anaerobic digestion process for obtaining high quality fertilisers added value and integrated fertiliser management (FERTIDIGES)" (2011-2013). IIM14518.RI1 Government of Navarra.

"Application of nanoparticles as advanced fertilisers in vegetable crops (NANOFER)" (2010-2013). IM13006.RI1 Government of Navarra.

"development of new products based on magnesium oxide with applications in animal nutrition and plant fertilisation" (2009-2011).

"development of new products containing urease inhibitors" (2006-2009). CDTI-PROFIT-Government of Navarra.

"New products to enhance the response of dicotyledonous plants to iron chlorosis" (2005-2008).

 "Physical characterisationChemistry and development of a specific analytical method for humic substances" (2005-2008). CDTI-PROFIT-Government of Navarra.

"evaluation of the role of urea and other forms of organic nitrogen as a means of reducing nitrate concentration in plants and soils". (2003-2006). CDTI-PROFIT-Government of Navarra.

development " and validation of fertiliser compositions with high bioassimilability and reduced polluting effect" (2003-2005). CDTI-PROFIT-Government of Navarra.

"development of new urease inhibitors". (2000-2003). CDTI-PROFIT-Government of Navarra.

"development of highly effective natural products for post-harvest treatment". (2000-2003). CDTI-PROFIT-Government of Navarra.



Aplicaciones anidadas


M.A. Navarro, C. Navarro, L.E. Hernández, M. Garnica, J.M. Franco-Zorrilla, Y. Burko, S. González-Serrano, J.M. García-Mina, J. Pruneda-Paz, J. Chory, A. Leiva. 2024. GLABRA2 transcription factor integrates arsenic tolerance with epidermal cell fate determination. New Phytologist 244, 1882-1900.

M.A. Navarro, C. Navarro, L.E. Hernández, M. Garnica, J.M. Franco-Zorrilla, Y. Burko, S. González-Serrano, J.M. García-Mina, J. Pruneda-Paz, J. Chory, A. Leiva. 2024. GLABRA2 transcription factor integrates arsenic tolerance with epidermal cell fate determination. New Phytologist 244, 1882-1900.

J. Erro, I. seminar, J.M. García-Mina. 2024. Interactions between struvite and humic acid and consequence on fertilizer efficiency in a nonacidic soil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 72, 21475-21487.

G. Keshav, M. Segura, S. Alonso, R. Pasadas, J.M. García-Mina, A.M. Zamarreño, C. Martínez, M. Jamilena. 2024. Jasmonate-insensitive mutant jar1b prevents petal elongation and flower opening coupling with parthenocarpic fruit development in Cucurbita pepo. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 214, 108923.

H. Zhou, Y. Dang, C. Li, X. Chen, Y. Liu, H. Bian, A. Ivanets, J. Zheng, X. He, J.M. Garcia-Mina, X. Su. 2024. Conversion mechanism of pyrolysis humic substances of cotton stalks and carbide slag and its excellent repair performance in Cd-contaminated soil. Chemical Engineering Journal, 494, 153147.

B. López, Y. Izquierdo, T. Cascón, A.M. Zamarreño, J.M. García-Mina, P. Pulido, C. 2024. Castresana. Mutant noxy8 exposes functional specificities between the chloroplast chaperones CLPC1 and CLPC2 in the response to organelle stress and plant defence. Plant, Cell and Environment 47, 2334-2348.

M. Rivero-Marcos, B. Lasa, T. Neves, A.M. Zamarreño, J.M. García-Mina, C. García-Olaverri, P.M. Aparicio-Tejo, C. Cruz, I. Ariz. 2024. Plant ammonium sensitivity is associated with external pH adaptation, repertoire of nitrogen transporters, and nitrogen requirement. Journal of Experimental Botany 75, 3557-3578. 

G. Tcherkez, S. Ben Mariem, I. Jauregui, L. Larraya, J.M. García-Mina, A.M. Zamarreño, A. Fangmeier, I. Aranjuelo. 2024. Differential effects of elevated CO2 on awn and glume metabolism in durum wheat (Triticum durum). Functional Plant Biology 51, FP23255.

R. Hidri, O.M.B. Mahmoud, A. Debez, W. Zorrig, C. Abdelly, A.M. Zamarreño, J.M. García-Mina, R. Azcón, R. Aroca. 2024. Dual PGPR-AMF inoculation offsets salinity stress impact on the fodder halophyte Sulla carnosa by concomitantly modulating plant ABA content and leaf antioxidant response. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 

M. Sanmartín, E. Rojo, A. Kurenda, N. Larruy-García, A.M. Zamarreño, M.O. Delgadillo, P. Brito-Gutiérrez, J.M. García-Mina, E.E. Farmer, J.J. Sánchez-Serrano. 2024. GLR-dependent calcium and electrical signals are not coupled to systemic, oxylipin-based wound-induced gene expression in Marchantia polymorpha. New Phytologist 19803.

Bosch G., Fuentes M., Erro J., Zamarreño A.M., García-Mina J.M. 2024. Hydrolysis of riboflavins in root exudates under iron deficiency and alkaline stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 210, 108573.

Romero-Munar A., Aroca R., Zamarreño A.M., García-Mina J.M., Pérez-Hernández N., Ruíz-Lozano J.M. 2023 Dual inoculation with rhizophagus irregularis and bacillus megaterium improves maize tolerance to combined drought and high temperature stress by enhancing root hydraulics, photosynthesis and hormonal responses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (6) 5193

Chini A., Monte I., Zamarreño A.M., García-Mina J.M., Solano R. 2023 Evolution of the jasmonate ligands and their biosynthetic pathways. New Phytol. 238 (5) 2236-2246

Aranaz J., De Hita D., Olaetxea M., Urrutia O., Fuentes M., Baigorri R., Garnica M., Movila M., Zamarreño A.M., Erro J., Baquero E., González-Gaitano G., Álvarez J.I., García-Mina J.M. 2023 The molecular conformation, but not disaggregation, of humic acid in water solution plays a crucial role in promoting plant development in the natural environment. 14, 1468

R. Baigorri, G. González-Gaitano, J.M. García-Mina 2023 Thermodynamic and spectroscopic data suggesting hypothetical humic fractions evolution on carbon cycle in soils. Science of the Total Environment, 892, 163899

L. Pola, M. Movila, J. Erro, M. Fuentes, S. Collado, J.M. García-Mina, M. Díaz 2023 Structure of the humic acid-like compounds of raw and hydrothermally treated sewage sludge. Int. J. Biol. Macrom., 242, 125115 

M Fuentes, G Bosch, D de Hita, J Erro, AM Zamarreño, JM García-Mina 2023 Supramolecular arrangement of lignosulfonate-based iron heteromolecular complexes and consequences on their interaction with Ca++ at alkaline pH and Fe plant root uptake mechanisms Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 71, 11404-11417

J. Erro, J.M. Martínez, M. Guembe, R.López & J. M. Garcia-Mina 2023 MgO-mediated activation of active carbon as an affordable strategy to "in situ" degradation of lindane in contaminated soils. J.Environ. Manage. 344, 118476

Kneeshaw, S., Soriano, G., Monte, I., .Jimenez-Aleman, G.H., Solano, R. 2022 Ligand diversity contributes to the full activation of the jasmonate pathway in Marchantia polymorpha. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022, 119(36).

Santana, M.M., Rosa, A.P., Zamarreño, A.M., ...Rai, A., Cruz, C. 2022 Achromobacter xylosoxidans and Enteromorpha intestinalis Extract Improve Tomato Growth under Salt Stress. Agronomy, 2022, 12(4), 934.

Nicolas, M., Torres-Pérez, R., Wahl, V., ...Prat, S., Cubas, P. 2022 Spatial control of potato tuberization by the TCP transcription factor BRANCHED1b. Nature Plants, 2022, 8(3), pp. 281-294.

Nardi, S., Schiavon, M., Muscolo, A., Canellas, L.P., Garcia-Mina, J.M. 2022 publishing house: Molecular Characterization of Humic Substances and Regulatory Processes Activated in Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13, 851451

Garnica, M., Baigorri, R., San Francisco, S., Zamarreño, A.M., Garcia-Mina, J.M. 2022 Humic Acid Alleviates Fe Chlorosis in Graminaceous Plants Through Coordinated Fe-Dependent and Fe-Independent Mechanisms. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13, 803013

Soriano, G., Kneeshaw, S., Jimenez-Aleman, G. 2022 An evolutionarily ancient fatty acid desaturase is required for the synthesis of hexadecatrienoic acid, which is the main source of the bioactive jasmonate in Marchantia polymorpha. 233 (3)1401 - 1413

Garnica, M., Baigorri, R., San Francisco, S., Zamarreño, A.M., Garcia-Mina, J.M. 2022 Humic Acid Alleviates Fe Chlorosis in Graminaceous Plants Through Coordinated Fe-Dependent and Fe-Independent Mechanisms. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13, 803013

Ruiz-Lozano, J. M.; Quiroga, G.; Erice, G.; Pérez-Tienda, J.; Zamarreño, Ángel; García-Mina, José María; Aroca, R. 2022 Using the maize nested association mapping (NAM) population to partition arbuscular mycorrhizal effects on drought stress tolerance into hormonal and hydraulic components.. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 23, 9822

Monte, I.; Caballero, J.; Zamarreño, Ángel; Fernández-Barbero, G.; García-Mina, José María; Solano, R. 2022 JAZ is essential for ligand specificity of the COI1/JAZ co-receptor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 49, e2212155119

da Silva, M.S.R.R.D.A., Huertas Tavares, O.C., Ribeiro, T.G., Berbara, R.L.L., Jesus, E.D.C. 2021 Humic acids enrich the plant microbiota with bacterial candidates for the suppression of pathogens. Applied Soil Ecology, 2021, 168, 104146.

Navarro, C., Mateo-Elizalde, C., Mohan, T.C., Sánchez-Bermejo, E., Urrutia, O., Fernández-Muñiz, M.N., García-Mina, J.M., Muñoz, R., Paz-Ares, J., Castrillo, G., Leyva, A. Arsenite provides a selective signal that coordinates arsenate uptake and detoxification through the regulation of PHR1 stability in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 14. 

da Silva, M.S.R.R.D.A., Huertas Tavares, O.C.,Ribeiro, T.G., da Silva, C.S.R.R.D.A., da Silva, C.S.R.R.D.A., García-Mina, J.M., Baldani, V.L.D., Calderín García, A., Berbara, R.L.L., Jesus E.D.C. (2021) Humic acids enrich the plant microbiota with bacterial candidates for the suppression of pathogens. Applied Soil Ecology 168, 104146

Perminova, I.V., Garcia-Mina, J.M., Podgorski, D.C., Cervantes, F.J., Efremenko, E.N., Domingo, J.L. Humic substances and living systems: Impact on environmental and humanhealth. Environmental Research 194, 110726

Olaetxea, M., Mora, V., Baigorri, R., Zamarreño, A.M., García-Mina, J.M. The singular molecular conformation of humic acids in solution influences their ability to enhance root hydraulic conductivity and plant growth. Molecules 26, 3.

Tcherkez, G., Ben Mariem, S., Larraya, L., García-Mina, J.M., Zamarreño, A.M., Paradela, A., Cui, J., Badeck, F.-W., Meza, D., Rizza, F., Bunce, J., Han, X., Tausz-Posch, S., Cattivelli, L., Fangmeier, A., Aranjuelo, I. Elevated CO2has concurrent effects on leaf and grain metabolism but minimal effects on yield in wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany 71, 5990-6003.

Hernández-Apaolaza, L., Escribano, L., Zamarreño, Á.M., García-Mina, J.M., Cano, C., Carrasco-Gil, S. Root silicon addition induces Fe deficiency in cucumber plants, but facilitates their recovery after Fe resupply. A comparison with Si foliar sprays. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 580552.

    Fuentes, M., Baigorri, R., García-Mina, J.M., 2020. Maturation in composting process, an incipient humification-like step as multivariate statistical analysis of spectroscopic data shows. Environmental Research 189, 109981. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109981.

Baigorri, R., San Francisco, S., Urrutia, O., García-Mina, J.M., 2020. Biochar-Ca and Biochar-Al/-Fe-mediated phosphate exchange capacity are main drivers of the different biochar effects on plants in acidic and alkaline soils. Agronomy 10(7):968. doi:10.3390/agronomy10070968

De Hita, D., Fuentes, M., Zamarreño, A.M., Ruiz, Y., García-Mina, J.M., 2020. Culturable bacterial endophytes from sedimentary humic acid-treated plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 837. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00837.

De Hita, D., Fuentes, M., Fernández, V., Zamarreño, A.M., Olaetxea, M., García-Mina, J.M., 2020. Discriminating the short-term action of root and foliar application of humic acids on plant growth: emerging role of jasmonic acid. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 493. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00493

Monte, I., Kneeshaw, S., Franco-Zorrilla, J.M., Chini, A., Zamarreño, A.M., García-Mina, J.M., Solano, R., 2020. An ancient COI1-independent function for reactive electrophilic oxylipins in thermotolerance. Current Biology 30, 962. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2020.01.023

Chico, J.M., Lechner, E., Fernandez-Barbero, G., Canibano, E., García-Casado, G., Franco-Zorrilla, J.M., Hammann, P., Zamarreño, A.M., García-Mina, J.M., Rubio, V., Genschik, P., Solano, R., 2020. CUL3BPM E3 ubiquitin ligases regulate MYC2, MYC3, and MYC4 stability in JA responses. PNAS 117, 6205. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1912199117.

Quiroga, G., Erice, G., Aroca, R., Zamarreño, Á.M., García-Mina, J.M., Ruiz-Lozano, J.M., 2020. Radial water transport in arbuscular mycorrhizal maize plants under drought stress conditions is affected by indole-acetic acid (IAA) application. Journal of Plant Physiology 246-247, 153115. doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2020.153115.

Conesa, C.M., Saez, A., Navarro-Neila, S., de Lorenzo, L., Hunt, A.G., Sepúlveda, E.B., Baigorri, R., Garcia-Mina, J.M., Zamarreño, A.M., Sacristán, S., Del Pozo, J.C., 2020. Alternative polyadenylation and salicylic acid modulate root responses to low nitrogen availability. Plants 9, 251. doi: 10.3390/plants9020251

Calvo-Polanco, M., Armada, E., Zamarreño, A.M., García-Mina, J.M., Aroca, R., 2019. Local root ABA/cytokinin status and aquaporins regulate poplar responses to mild drought stress independently of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor. Journal of Experimental Botany 70, 6437. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erz389

Lucena, C., Porras, R., García, M.J., Alcántara, E., Pérez-Vicente, R., Zamarreño, Á.M., Bacaicoa, E., García-Mina, J.M., Smith, A.P., Romera, F.J. Ethylene and phloem signals are involved in the regulation of responses to Fe and P deficiencies in roots of Strategy I plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 1237. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01237

Olaetxea, M., Mora, V., Bacaicoa, E., Baigorri, R., Garnica, M., Fuentes, M., Zamarreño, A.M., Spíchal, L., García-Mina, J.M., 2019. Root ABA and H+-ATPase are key players in the root and shoot growth-promoting action of humic acids. Plant Direct 3, e00175. doi: 10.1002/pld3.175.

Gimenez-Ibanez, S., Zamarreño, A.M., García-Mina, J.M., Solano, R., 2019. An evolutionary ancient immune system governs the interaction between Pseudomonas syringae and early-diverging land plant lineage. Current Biology 29, 2270. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.05.079.

Perminova, I.V., Garcia-Mina, J.-M., Knicker, H., Miano, T., 2019. Humic substances and nature-like technologies: learning from nature: understanding humic substances structures and interactions for the development of environmentally friendly, nature-like technologies. Journal of Soils and Sediments 19, 2663. doi: 10.1007/s11368-019-02330-6.

Gámez, A.L., Soba, D., Zamarreño, A.M., García-Mina, J.M., Aranjuelo, I., Morales, F., 2019. Effect of water stress during grain filling on yield, quality and physiological traits of illpa and rainbow quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa willd.) cultivars. Plants 8, 173. doi: 10.3390/plants8060173.

Foltran, E.C., Rocha, J.H.T., Bazani, J.H., Gonçalves, J.L.D.M., Rodrigues, M., Pavinato, P., Valduga, G.R., Erro, J., Garcia-Mina, J.M., 2019. Phosphorus pool responses under different P inorganic fertilizers for a eucalyptus plantation in a loamy Oxisol. Forest Ecology and Management 435, 170. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.10.053.

Monte, I., Franco-Zorrilla, J.M., García-Casado, G., Zamarreño, A.M., García-Mina, J.M., Nishihama, R., Kohchi, T., Solano, R., 2019. A single JAZ repressor controls the jasmonate pathway in Marchantia polymorpha. Molecular Plant 12, 185. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2018.12.017.

Garcia, A.C., Van Tol De Castro, T.A., Santos, L.A., Tavares, O.C.H., Castro, R.N., Berbara, R.L.L., Garcia-Mina, J.M., 2019. Structure-property-function relationship of humic substances in modulating the root growth of plants: A review. Journal of Environmental Quality 48, 1622. doi: 10.2134/jeq2019.01.0027.

Baigorri, R., Erro, J., Urrutia, Ó., Martinez, J.M., Mandado, M., Martín-Pastor, M., Garcia-Mina, J.M., 2019. Both chemical and crystalline phase configuration influence the molecular features of humic acids in humic-calcium-phosphates fertilizers. RSC Advances 9, 25790. doi: 10.1039/C9RA04383G.

De Hita, D., Fuentes, M., García, A.C., Olaetxea, M., Baigorri, R., Zamarreño, A.M., Berbara, R., Garcia-Mina, J.M., 2019. Humic substances: A valuable agronomic tool for improving crop adaptation to saline water irrigation. Water Science and Technology 19, 1735. doi: 10.2166/ws.2019.047.

Silva-Navas, J., Conesa, C.M., Saez, A., Navarro-Neila, S., Garcia-Mina, J.M., Zamarreño, A.M., Baigorri, R., Swarup, R., del Pozo, J.C., 2019. Role of cis-zeatin in root responses to phosphate starvation. New Phytologist 224, 242. doi: 10.1111/nph.16020.

García, M.J., Corpas, F.J., Lucena, C., Alcántara, E., Pérez-Vicente, R., Zamarreño, Á.M., Bacaicoa, E., García-Mina, J.M., Bauer, P., Romera, F.J., 2018. A shoot Fe signaling pathway requiring the opt3 transporter controls gsno reductase and ethylene in arabidopsis thaliana roots. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 1325. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01325.

Garnica, M., Bacaicoa, E., Mora, V., San Francisco, S., Baigorri, R., Zamarreño, A.M., Garcia-Mina, J.M., 2018. Shoot iron status and auxin are involved in iron deficiency-induced phytosiderophores release in wheat. BMC Plant Biology 18, 105. doi: 10.1186/s12870-018-1324-3.

Urrutia, O., Erro, J., Zabini, A., Hoshiba, K., Blandin, A.F., Baigorri, R., Martín-Pastor, M., Alis, Y., Yvin, J.C., García-Mina, J.M., 2018. New amphiphilic composite for preparing efficient coated potassium-fertilizers for top-dressing fertilization of annual crops. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 66, 4787. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04596.

Monte, I., Ishida, S., Zamarreño, A.M., Hamberg, M., Franco-Zorrilla, J.M., García-Casado, G., Gouhier-Darimont, C., Reymond, P., Takahashi, K., García-Mina, J.M., Nishihama, R., Kohchi, T., Solano, R., 2018. Ligand-receptor co-evolution shaped the jasmonate pathway in land plants. Nature Chemical Biology 14, 480. doi: 10.1038/s41589-018-0033-4.

Fuentes, M., Baigorri, R., González-Gaitano, G., García-Mina, J.M., 2018. New methodology to assess the quantity and quality of humic substances in organic materials and commercial products for agriculture. Journal of Soils and Sediments 18, 1389. doi: 10.1007/s11368-016-1514-2.

Quiroga, G., Erice, G., Aroca, R., Zamarreño, Á.M., García-Mina, J.M., Ruiz-Lozano, J.M., 2018. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and salicylic acid regulate aquaporins and root hydraulic properties in maize plants subjected to drought. Agricultural Water Management 202, 271. doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2017.12.012.

Garcia, A.C., Tavares, O.C.H., Balmori, D.M., Santos Almeida, V., Canellas, L.P., Garcia-Mina, J.M., Louro Berbara, R.L., 2018. Structure-function relationship of vermicompost humic fractions for use in agriculture. Journal of Soils and Sediments 18, 1365. doi: 10.1007/s11368-016-1521-3.

Fuentes, M., Bacaicoa, E., Rivero, M., Zamarreño, Á.M., García-Mina, J.M., 2018. Complementary evaluation of iron deficiency root responses to assess the effectiveness of different iron foliar applications for chlorosis remediation. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 351. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00351

Sánchez-Romera, B., Calvo-Polanco, M., Ruiz-Lozano, J.M., Zamarreño, A.M., Arbona, V., García-Mina, J.M., Gómez-Cadenas, A., Aroca, R., 2018. Involvement of the def-1 mutation in the response of tomato plants to arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis under well-watered and drought conditions. Plant and Cell Physiology 59, 248. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcx178.

Chini, A., Monte, I., Zamarreño, A.M., Hamberg, M., Lassueur, S., Reymond, P., Weiss, S., Stintzi, A., Schaller, A., Porzel, A., García-Mina, J.M., Solano, R., 2018. An OPR3-independent pathway uses 4,5-didehydrojasmonate for jasmonate synthesis. Nature Chemical Biology 14, 171. doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2540

Olaetxea, M., De Hita, D., Garcia, C.A., Fuentes, M., Baigorri, R., Mora, V., Garnica, M., Urrutia, O., Erro, J., Zamarreño, A.M., Berbara, R.L., Garcia-Mina, J.M., 2018. Hypothetical framework integrating the main mechanisms involved in the promoting action of rhizospheric humic substances on plant root- and shoot- growth. Applied Soil Ecology 123, 521. doi: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.06.007.

Sánchez-Rodríguez, A.R., Raya-Díaz, S., Zamarreño, Á.M., García-Mina, J.M., del Campillo, M.C., Quesada-Moraga, E., 2018. An endophytic Beauveria bassiana strain increases spike production in bread and durum wheat plants and effectively controls cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis) larvae. Biological Control 116, 90. doi: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2017.01.012

Kulikova, N.A., Polyakov, A.Y., Lebedev, V.A., Abroskin, D.P., Volkov, D.S., Pankratov, D.A., Klein, O.I., Senik, S.V., Sorkina, T.A., Garshev, A.V., Veligzhanin, A.A., Garcia Mina, J.M., Perminova, I.V., 2017. Key roles of size and crystallinity of nanosized iron hydr(oxides) stabilized by humic substances on iron bioavailability to plants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 65, 11157. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b03955.

Erice, G., Ruíz-Lozano, J.M., Zamarreño, Á.M., García-Mina, J.M., Aroca, R., 2017. Transcriptomic analysis reveals the importance of JA-Ile turnover in the response of Arabidopsis plants to plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and salinity. Environmental and Experimental Botany 143, 10, doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2017.08.006

Calvo-Polanco, M., Ibort, P., Molina, S., Ruiz-Lozano, J.M., Zamarreño, A.M., García-Mina, J.M., Aroca, R., 2017. Ethylene sensitivity and relative air humidity regulate root hydraulic properties in tomato plants. Planta 246, 987. doi: 10.1007/s00425-017-2746-0.

Manzano, C., Pallero-Baena, M., Silva-Navas, J., Navarro Neila, S., Casimiro, I., Casero, P., Garcia-Mina, J.M., Baigorri, R., Rubio, L., Fernandez, J.A., Norris, M., Ding, Y., Moreno-Risueno, M.A., Del Pozo, J.C., 2017. A light-sensitive mutation in Arabidopsis LEW3 reveals the important role of N-glycosylation in root growth and development. Journal of Experimental Botany 68, 5103. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erx324.

Ibort, P., Molina, S., Núñez, R., Zamarreño, Á.M., García-Mina, J.M., Ruiz-Lozano, J.M., Orozco-Mosqueda, M.D.C., Glick, B.R., Aroca, R., 2017. Tomato ethylene sensitivity determines interaction with plant growth-promoting bacteria. Annals of Botany 120, 101. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcx052.

  • Sánchez-Romera B, Ruiz-Lozano JM, Zamarreño ÁM, García-Mina JM, Aroca R. (2016) Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and methyl jasmonate avoid the inhibition of root hydraulic conductivity caused by drought. Mycorrhiza. 26 (2), 111-122

  • Botelho RV, Roberti R, Tessarin P, Garcia-Mina JM, Rombolà AD. (2016). Physiological responses of grapevines to biodynamic management. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 31(5) 402-413.

  • Garcia AC, Ambrosio de Souza LG, Pereira MG, Castro RN, Garcia-Mina JM, Zonta E, Junior F, Lisboa G, Louro-Berbara RL. (2016). Structure-Property-Function Relationship in Humic Substances to Explain the Biological Activity in Plants. Scientific Reports, 6:20798 | DOI: 10.1038/srep20798

  • Garcia-Mina JM, Hadawi I. (2016). publishing house: Organic-Based Foliar Biostimulation and Nutrition in Plants. Front. Plant Sci. 6:1131. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01131.

  • Carrasco-Gil S, Rios JJ, Álvarez-Fernández A, Abadía A, García-Mina JM, Abadía J. (2016). Effects of individual and combined metal foliar fertilisers on iron- and manganese-deficient Solanum lycopersicum plants. Plant and Soil, DOI 10.1007/s11104-015-2759-z.

  • Ruiz-Lozano JM, Aroca R, Zamarreño ÁM, Molina S, Andreo-Jiménez B, Porcel R, García-Mina JM, Ruyter-Spira C, López-Ráez JA. (2016) Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis induces strigolactone biosynthesis under drought and improves drought tolerance in lettuce and tomato. Plant Cell Environ. 39:441-522.

  • Esteban R, Royo B, Urarte E, Zamarreño ÁM, Garcia-Mina JM, Moran JF. (2016). Both Free Indole-3-Acetic Acid and Photosynthetic Performance are Important Players in the Response of Medicago truncatula to Urea and Ammonium Nutrition Under Axenic Conditions. Front Plant Sci. 2016 Feb 16;7:140. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00140. eCollection 2016.

  • Olaetxea M, Mora V, García AC, Santos LA, Baigorri R, Fuentes M, Garnica M, Berbara RL, Zamarreño AM, Garcia-Mina JM. (2016). Root-Shoot Signaling crosstalk involved in the shoot growth promoting action of rhizospheric humic acids. Plant Signal Behav. Apr 2;11(4):e1161878. doi: 10.1080/15592324.2016.1161878.

  • Garcia AC, Santos LA, de Souza LG, Tavares OC, Zonta E, Gomes ET, Garcia-Mina JM, Berbara RL. (2016). Vermicompost humic acids modulate the accumulation and metabolism of ROS in rice plants. J Plant Physiol. 192: 56-63.

  • Mohan TC, Castrillo G, Navarro C, Zarco-Fernandez S, Ramireddy E, Mateo C, Zamarreño AM, Paz-Ares J, Muñoz R, Garcia-Mina JM, Hernandez LE, Schmülling T, Leyva A. (2016). Cytokinin determines thiol-mediated arsenic tolerance and accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol. 2016 Apr 18. pii: pp.00372.2016.

  • Fernández L, Baigorri R, Urrutia O, Erro J, Aparicio-Tejo P. M, Yvin J. C, García-Mina JM. (2016). Improving the short-term efficiency of rock phosphate-based fertilizers in pastures by using edaphic biostimulants. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 2016 3:5

  • Erro J, Urrutia O, Baigorri R, Fuentes M, Zamarreño AM, Garcia-Mina JM. (2016). Incorporation of humic-derived active molecules into compound NPK granulated fertilizers: main technical difficulties and potential solutions. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 2016 3:18

  • Garcia, AC Olaetxea M, Santos LA, Mora V, Baigorri R, Fuentes M, Zamarreño AM, Berbara RL, Garcia-Mina JM. (2016) Involvement of Hormone- and ROS-Signaling Pathways in the Beneficial Action of Humic Substances on Plants Growing under Normal and Stressing Conditions. BioMed Research International, Volume 2016, Article ID 3747501,

  • Galantini JA, Duval M, Martinez JM, Mora V, Baigorri R, García-Mina JM. (2016). Quality and Quantity of Organic Fractions as Affected by Soil Depth in an Argiudoll under Till and No-till Systems. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 10 (5) 1-12.

  • Fuentes M, Baigorri R, González-Gaitano G, García-Mina JM. (2016). New methodology to assess the quantity and quality of humic substances in organic materials and commercial products for agriculture. J Soils Sediments, doi:10.1007/s11368-016-1514-2

  • Garcia AC, Tavares O C H, Balmori DM, Almeida VS, Canellas LM, Garcia-Mina JM, Berbara RLL. (2016). Structure-function relationship of vermicompost humic fractions for use in agriculture. J Soils Sediments, doi:10.1007/s11368-016-1521-3.

  • Abros'kin DP, Fuentes M, Garcia-Mina JM, Klyain OI, Senik SV, Volkov DS, Perminova IV, Kulikova NA. (2016).The effect of humic acids and their complexes with iron on the functional status of plants grown under iron deficiency. Euroasian Soil Science, 49 (10) 1099-1108.

  • Billard V, Maillard A, Coquet L, Jouenne T, Cruz F, Garcia-Mina JM, Yvin JC, Ourry A, Etienne P. (2016). Mg deficiency affects leaf Mg remobilization and the proteome in Brassica napus. Plant Phys. Biochem, 107, 337-343

  • Stamatiadis S, Evangelou L, Yvin JC, Tsadilas C, Garcia-Mina JM, Cruz F (2015) Responses of winter wheat to Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol. extract application under the effect of N fertilization and water supply. Journal of Applied Phycology. 27: 589-600.

  • Billard V, Maillard A, Garnica M, Cruz F, Garcia-Mina JM, Yvin JC, Ourry A, Etienne P (2015). Zn deficiency in Brassica napus induces Mo and Mn accumulation associated with chloroplast proteins variation without Zn remobilization. Plant Physiol Biochem. 86: 66-71.

  • Vetvicka V, Garcia-Mina JM, Proctor M, Yvin JC (2015). Humic acid and glucan: protection against liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride. J Med Food. 18: 572-7.

  • Jauregui I, Aroca R, Garnica M, Zamarreño ÁM, García-Mina JM, Serret MD, Parry M, Irigoyen JJ, Aranjuelo I. (2015) Nitrogen assimilation and transpiration: key processes conditioning responsiveness of wheat to elevated [CO2] and temperature. Physiol Plant. 155: 338-354.

  • Maillard A, Diquélou S, Billard V, Laîné P, Garnica M, Prudent M, Garcia-Mina JM, Yvin JC, Ourry A. (2015) Leaf mineral nutrient remobilization during leaf senescence and modulation by nutrient deficiency. Front Plant Sci. 13;6:317. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00317. eCollection 2015.

  • Sorin E, Etienne P, Maillard A, Zamarreño AM, Garcia-Mina JM, Arkoun M, Jamois F, Cruz F, Yvin JC, Ourry A. (2015) Effect of sulphur deprivation on osmotic potential components and nitrogen metabolism in oilseed rape leaves: identification of a new early indicator. J Exp Bot. 66: 6175-89.

  • Silva-Navas J, Moreno-Risueno MA, Manzano C, Pallero-Baena M, Navarro-Neila S, Téllez-Robledo B, Garcia-Mina JM, Baigorri R, Gallego FJ, Del Pozo JC. (2015). D-Root: a system for cultivating plants with the roots in darkness or under different light conditions. Plant J. 84:244-55.

  • Vetvicka V, Garcia-Mina JM, Yvin JC (2015) Prophylactic effects of humic acid-glucan combination against experimental liver injury. J. Intercul Ethnopharmacol, 4: 249-255.

  • Olaetxea M, Mora V, Bacaicoa E, Garnica M, Fuentes M, Casanova E, Zamarreño AM, Iriarte JC, Etayo D, Ederra I, Gonzalo R, Baigorri R, García-Mina JM. (2015) Abscisic Acid Regulation of Root Hydraulic Conductivity and Aquaporin Gene Expression Is Crucial to the Plant Shoot Growth Enhancement Caused by Rhizosphere Humic Acids. Plant Physiology 169, 2587-2596.

  • Billard V, Maillard A, Garnica M, Cruz F, Garcia-Mina JM, Yvin JC, Ourry A, Etienne P. (2014). Zn deficiency in Brassica napus induces Mo and Mn accumulation associated with chloroplast proteins variation without Zn remobilization. Plant Physiol Biochem. 86: 66-71.

  • Billard V, Ourry A, Maillard A, Garnica M, Coquet L, Jouenne T, Cruz F, Garcia-Mina JM, Yvin JC, Etienne P. (2014). Copper-deficiency in Brassica napus induces copper remobilization, molybdenum accumulation and modification of the expression of chloroplastic proteins.PLoSOne.15;9(10):e109889.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0109889. eCollection 2014.

  • Pro D, Huguet S, Arkoun M, Nugier-Chauvin C, Garcia-Mina JM, Ourry A, Wolbert D, Yvin JC, Ferrières V. (2014). From algal polysaccharides to cyclodextrins to stabilize a urease inhibitor. Carbohydr Polym. 112:145-51.

  • Kołodziej A, Fuentes M, Baigorri R, Lorenc-Grabowska E, Garcia-Mina JM, Burg P, Gryglewicz G. (2014). Mechanism of adsorption of different humic acid fractions on mesoporous activated carbons with basic surface characteristics. Adsorption 20: 667-675.

  • Calvo-Polanco M, Molina S, Zamarreño AM, Garcia-Mina JM, Aroca R (2014). The symbiosis with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis drives root water transport in flooded tomato plants. Plant Cell Physiology. 55:1017-29

  • Porcel, R., Zamarreño, AM., Garcia-Mina, JM., Aroca, R. (2014) Involvement of plant endogenous ABA in Bacillus megaterium PGPR activity in tomato plants. BMC Plant Biol., 14:36.

  • Urrutia O, Erro J, Guardado I, San Francisco S, Mandado M, Baigorri R, Yvin JC, Garcia-Mina JM (2014). Physico-chemical characterization of humic-metal-phosphate complexes and their potential application to the manufacture of new types of phosphate-based fertilizers. J Plant Nutr Soil Sci., DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201200651.

  • Sánchez-Romera B, Ruiz-Lozano JM, Li G, Luu D-T, Martínez-Ballesta MC, Carvajal M, Zamarreño AM, García-Mina JM, Maurel C, Aroca R (2014). Enhancement of root hydraulic conductivity by methyl jasmonate and the role of calcium and abscisic acid in this process. Plant Cell Environment, 37: 995-1008.

  • Piñero, MC., Houdusse, F., Garcia-Mina, JM., Garnica, M., Del Amor F. (2014). Regulation of hormonal responses of sweet pepper as affected by salinity and elevated CO2 concentration. Physiol Plant., 151(4):375-89.

  • Mora, V., Bacaicoa, E., Baigorri, R., Zamarreño, AM., Garcia-Mina, JM (2014) NO and IAA Key regulators in the shoot growth promoting action of humic acid in Cucumis sativus L. J Plant Growth Reg., 33:430-439.

  • Billard V, Etienne P, Jannin L, Garnica M., Cruz F, Garcia-Mina JM, Yvin JC, Ourry A (2014). Two biostimulants derived from algae or humic acid induce similar responses in the mineral content and gene expression of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). J Plant Growth Reg., 33:305-316.

  • Vetvicka V, Garcia-Mina JM, Proctor M and Yvin J-C. (2014). Synergistic Effects of Humic Acid and Glucan in Hepatoprotection against Experimental Liver Injury. Austin Journal of Clinical Pathology, 1:4. 

  • Mustapha Arkoun, Laëtitia Jannin, Philippe Laîné, Philippe Etienne,Céline Masclaux-Daubresse,Sylvie Citerne,Maria Garnica, José-Maria Garcia-Mina, Jean-Claude Yvin, Alain Ourry. 2013. A physiological and molecular study of the effects of nickel deficiency and phenylphosphorodiamidate (PPD) application on urea metabolism in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Plant and Soil 362 : 79-92.

  • Ricardo Aroca, Juan Manuel Ruiz-Lozano, Ángel María Zamarreño, José Antonio Paz, José María García-Mina, María José Pozo, Juan Antonio López-Ráez. 2013. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis influences strigolactone production Ander salinity and alleviates salt stress in lettuce plants. J Plant Physiol., 170 (2013) 47- 55.

  • Laetitia Jannin, Mustapha Arkoun, Philippe Etienne, Philippe Laıne, Didier Goux, Maria Garnica, Marta Fuentes, Sara San Francisco, Roberto Baigorri, Florence Cruz, Fabrice Houdusse , JoseMaria Garcia-Mina, Jean-Claude Yvin, Alain Ourry. 2013. Brassica napus Growth is Promoted by Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol. Seaweed Extract: Microarray Analysis and Physiological Characterization of N, C, and S Metabolisms. J Plant Growth Regul., 32:31-52.

  • Oscar Urrutia, Iñaki Guardado, Javier Erro, Marcos Mandado, Jose M Garcia-Mina. 2013. Theoretical chemical Characterization of phospho-metal-humic complexes and relationships with their effects on both phosphorus soil fixation and phosphorus availability for plants. J Sci Food Agr., 93: 293-303.

  • Marta Fuentes, Maite Olaetxea, Roberto Baigorri, Angel M. Zamarreño, Philippe Etienne, Philippe Laîné, Alain Ourry, Jean-Claude Yvin, Jose M. Garcia-Mina. 2013. Main binding sites involved in Fe (III) and Cu(II) complexation in humic-based structures. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 129: 14-17.

  • José M. García-Mina, Eva Bacaicoa, Marta Fuentes, Esther Casanova. 2013. Fine regulation of leaf iron use efficiency and root iron uptake under limited iron bioavailability. Plant Sci., 198, 39-45.

  • Vaclav Vetvicka, Aruna Vashishta, Marta Fuentes,Roberto Baigorri, Jose M. Garcia-Mina, Jean-Claude Yvin. 2013. The relative abundance of oxygen-alkyl related groups in aliphatic domains is involved in the main pharmacological-pleiotropic effects of humic acids. Journal of Medicinal Food, 16: 625-632.

  • Damien Sudre, Elain Gutierrez-Carbonell, Giuseppe Lattanzio, Rubén Rellán-Álvarez, Frédéric Gaymard, Oliver Fiehn, Ana Álvarez-Fernández, Angel M Zamarreño, Eva Bacaicoa, Daniela Duy, Jose-María García-Mina, Javier Abadía, Katrin Philippar, Ana-Flor López-Millán, Jean-Francois Briat. 2013. Iron-dependent reset of the flower transcriptome, proteome, metabolome and hormonal content in an Arabidopsis ferritin mutant. Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 2665-2668.

  • Ariz I., Asensio, A., Zamarreño, AM., Garcia-Mina, JM., Aparicio-Tejo, P., Moran, J. 2013. Changes in the C/N balance caused by increasing external ammonium concentrations are driven by carbon and energy availabilities during ammonium nutrition in pea plants: the key roles of asparagine synthetase and anaplerotic enzymes. Physiologia Plantarum, 148: 522-537.

  • Baigorri R., Urrutia, O., Erro, J., Mandado, M., Perez-Juste, I., Garcia-Mina, JM 2013. Structural Characterization of Anion-Calcium-Humate Complexes in Phosphate-based Fertilizers. ChemSusChem., 6: 1245-1251.

  • Lingan Kong, Fahong Wang, Luis Lopez-bellido, Jose Maria Garcia-Mina, Jisheng Si. 2013 Agronomic improvements through the genetic and physiological regulation of nitrogen uptake in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Biotechnology Reports 7: 129-139.

  • Mora V, Baigorri R, Bacaicoa E, Zamarreño AM, García-Mina. JM. 2012. The humic acid-induced changes in the root concentration of nitric oxide, IAA and ethylene do not explain the changes in root architecture caused by humic acid in cucumber. Environ. Exp. Bot.,76, 24-32.

  • Azcona I., Pascual I., Agirreolea, J., Fuentes M., Garcia-Mina, JM, Sanchez-Diaz, M. 2012. Growth and development of pepper are affected by humic substances derived from composted sludge. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 174, 916-924.

  • C. Giovannini, J. M. Garcia-Mina, C. Ciavatta, C. Marzadori. 2013. Effect of organic-complexed superphosphates on microbial biomass and microbial activity of soil. Biol Fertil Soils, 49:395-401.

  • Marta Fuentes,Maria F Ortuno,Francisco Perez-Sarmiento, Eva Bacaicoa,Roberto Baigorri,Wenceslao Conejero,Arturo Torrecillas, JoseM Garcia-Mina. 2012 . Efficiency of a new strategy involving a newclass of natural hetero-ligand iron(III) chelates(Fe(III)-NHL) to improve fruit tree growth in alkaline/calcareous soils. J Sci Food Agr., 92: 3065-3071.

  • E Aymerich, JM Garcia-Mina, M Esteban-Gutierrez, JL Garcia-Heras. 2012. Dry Anaerobic Digestion of Agro-Food Waste in a Batch System. Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, Vol. 9, No. 1-(January 2012) 1544-8053.

  • Mustapha Arkoun, Xavier Sarda, Laëtitia Jannin, Philippe Laîné, Philippe Etienne, José-Maria Garcia-Mina, Jean-Claude Yvin, Alain Ourry. 2012. Hydroponics versus field lysimeter studies of urea, ammonium and nitrate uptake by oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). J Exp Bot., 63: 5245-5258.

  • Javier Erro, Oscar Urrutia,Roberto Baigorri,Pedro Aparicio-Tejo,Ignacio Irigoyen, Francesco Storino,Marcos Mandado, Jean Claude Yvin, Jose M. Garcia-Mina. 2012. Organic Complexed Superphosphates (CSP): Physicochemical Characterization and Agronomical Properties. J Agr. Food. Chem., 60, 2008-2017.

  • Laëtitia Jannin & Mustapha Arkoun, Alain Ourry, Philippe Laîné, Didier Goux,Maria Garnica,Marta Fuentes, Sara San Francisco,Roberto Baigorri,Florence Cruz,Fabrice Houdusse, José-Maria Garcia-Mina, Jean-Claude Yvin, Philippe Etienne. 2012. Microarray analysis of humic acid effects on Brassica napus growth: Involvement of N, C and S metabolisms. Plant and Soil 359: 297-319.

  • Maria Garnica, Fabrice Houdusse, Angel M Zamarreño, Jose M Garcia-Mina. 2010. Nitrate modifies the assimilation pattern of ammonium and urea in wheat seedlings. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture, 90, 357-369.

  • Maria Garnica, Fabrice Houdusse, Angel M. Zamarreño, Jose M. Garcia-Mina. 2010. The signal effect of nitrate supply enhances active forms of cytokinins and indole acetic content and reduces abscisic acid in wheat plants grown with ammonium. Journal of Plant Physiology 167: 1264-1272.

  • Roberto Baigorri, Marta Fuentes, Francisco J. González-Vila, José M. García-Mina. 2010. Singular structural features on humic fractions in solution: Statistical analysis of diverse analytical techniques spectra. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 74, 74-86.

  • Verónica Mora, Eva Bacaicoa, Angel-Maria Zamarreño, Elena Aguirre, Maria Garnica, Marta Fuentes, José-Maria García-Mina. 2010. Action of humic acid on promotion of cucumber shoot growth involves nitrate-related changes associated with the root to shoot distribution of cytokinins, polyamines and mineral nutrients. Journal of Plant Physiology 167,633-642.

  • Fuentes M, Baigorri R, González-Vila FJ, González-Gaitano G, García-Mina JM. 2010. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry identification of distinctive structures providing humic character to organic materials. J Environ Qual. 39,1486-1497.

  • Vetvicka V, Baigorri, R, Zamarreño, AM, Garcia-Mina JM; Yvin. 2010. Glucan and humic acid - synergistic effects on immune system. Journal of Medicinal Food, 13, 863-869.

  • Roberto Baigorri, Marta Fuentes, Gustavo Gonzalez-Gaitano, Jose M. Garcia-Mina, Gonzalo Almendros and Francisco J. Gonzalez-Vila. 2009. Complementary Multianalytical Approach To Study the Distinctive Structural Features of the Main Humic Fractions in Solution: Gray Humic Acid, Brown Humic Acid, and Fulvic Acid. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57 (8), 3266-3272.

  • Garnica M., Houdusse F., Yvin, JC., Garcia-Mina JM. 2009. Nitrate modifies urea root uptake and assimilation in wheat seedlings. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture, 89, 55-62.

  • Garnica M., Houdusse F., Yvin, JC., Garcia-Mina JM. 2009. Nitrate supply induces changes in polyamine content and ethylene production in wheat plants grown with ammonium. Journal of Plant Physiology, 163, 363-374.

  • Aguirre Elena, Leménager Diane, Bacaicoa Eva, Fuentes Marta , Baigorri Roberto, Zamarreño, Angel Mª , and García-Mina José Mª. 2009. The root application of a purified leonardite humic acid modifies the transcriptional regulation of the main physiological root responses to Fe deficiency in Fe sufficient cucumber plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 47, 215-223.

  • Camilla Giovannini, Jose M. Garcia-Mina, Claudio Ciavatta and Claudio Marzadori. 2009. Ureic Nitrogen Transformation in Multi-Layer Soil Columns Treated with Urease and Nitrification Inhibitors. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57 (11), 4883-4887.

  • Javier Erro, Angel M. Zamarreño, Jean-Claude Yvin and Jose M. Garcia-Mina. 2009. Determination of Organic Acids in Tissues and Exudates of Maize, Lupin, and Chickpea by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57 (10), 4004-4010.

  • Javier Erro, Angel M. Zamarreño, Jose M. Garcia-Mina, Jean-Claude Yvin 2009. Comparison of different phosphorus-fertiliser matrices to induce the recovery of phosphorus-deficient maize plants. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture, 89, 927-934.

  • Eva Bacaicoa, Jose Mª Garcia-Mina. 2009. Iron-Efficiency in Different Cucumber Cultivars: The Importance of the Optimizing the Use of Foliar Iron. Journal of American Society for Horticultural. Science 134, 405-416.

  • Eva Bacaicoa, Angel María Zamarreño, Diane Leménager, Roberto Baigorri, Jose Mª Garcia-Mina. 2009. Relationship between the Hormonal Balance and the Regulation of Iron Deficiency Stress Responses in Cucumber. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science, 134, 589-601.

  • Baigorri, R., Garcia-Mina, JM., Aroca, RF., Alvarez-Puebla, R. (2008). Optical enhancing properties of anisotropic gold nanoplates prepared with different fractions of a natural humic substance. Chemistry of Materials, 20, 1516-1521.

  • Iñaki Guardado, Oscar Urrutia, Jose Mª Garcia-Mina. (2008). Some structural and electronic features of the interaction of phosphate with metal-humic complexes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56, 1035-1042.

  • Domínguez, MJ., SanMartin, C., Font, M., Palop, JA., San Francisco, S., Urrutia, O., Houdusse, F., Garcia-Mina, JM. 2008. Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of phosphoramide derivatives as urease inhibitors. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56, 3721-3731.

  • Baigorri, R; Zamarreno, AM; Fuentes, M, Gonzalez-Gaitano, G., Garcia-Mina, JM., Almendros, G., Gonzalez-Vila, FJ. 2008. Multivariate statistical analysis of mass spectra as a tool for the classification of the main humic substances according to their structural and conformational features. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56, 5480-5487.

  • Casanova, E., Garcia-Mina, JMª, Calvo, M., 2008. Antioxidant and Antifungal Activity of Verbena officinalis L. Leaves. Plant Foods and Human Nutrition, 63(3):93-97.

  • Houdusse Fabrice, Garnica Maria, Zamarreño, Angel Maria, Yvin, Jean-Claude, Garcia-Mina JM. 2008. Possible mechanism of the nitrate action regulating free-putrescine accumulation in ammonium fed plants. Plant Science 175, 731-739.

  • Font, M., Domínguez, MJ., SanMartin, C., Palop, JA., San Francisco, S., Urrutia, O., Houdusse, F., Garcia-Mina, JM. 2008. Structural characteristics of phosphoramide derivatives as uréase inhibitors. Requirements for activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56(18):8451-60.

  • Lopez, Victor, Akerreta, Silvia, Casanova, Esther, Garcia-Mina, JMª, Cavero, Titã, Calvo, Maria Isabel, 2008. Screening of Spanish medicinal plants for antioxidant and antifungal activities. Pharmaceutical Biology, 46, 602-609.

  • Roberto Baigorri,, José María García-Mina,, Gustavo González-Gaitano. (2007). Supramolecular Association Induced by Fe(III) in Low Molecular Weight Sodium Polyacrylate. Colloids and Surfaces A, 292, 212-216.

  • Roberto Baigorri, Marta Fuentes, Gustavo González-Gaitano, Jose Mª García-Mina, (2007). Analysis of molecular aggregation in humic substances in solution. Colloids and Surfaces A, 302, 301-306.

  • Iñaki Guardado, Oscar Urrutia, Jose Mª Garcia-Mina. (2007). Size distribution, complexing capacity and stability of phosphate-metal-humic complexes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55, 408-413.

  • Baigorri R, Fuentes M, Gonzalez-Gaitano G, García-Mina JM. (2007) Simultaneous presence of diverse molecular patterns in humic substances in solution. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 111(35):10577-82.

  • Villen M, Lucena JJ, Cartagena MC, Bravo R, Garcia-Mina J, de la Hinojosa MI.(2007). Comparison of two analytical methods for the evaluation of the complexed metal in fertilizers and the complexing capacity of complexing agents. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55(14):5746-53.

  • Esparza I, Santamaria C, Garcia-Mina JM, Fernandez JM. (2007). Complexing capacity profiles of naturally occurring ligands in Tempranillo wines for Cu and Zn: an electroanalytical approach for cupric casse. Analitica Chimica certificate, 599(1):67-75.

  • Belastegui-Macadam XM, Estavillo JM, Garcia-Mina JM, Gonzalez A, Bastias E, Gonzalez-Murua C. (2007). Clover and ryegrass are tolerant species to ammonium nutrition. Journal of Plant Physiology, 164(12):1583-1594.

  • García-Mina JM. (2007). Advantages and limitations of the use of an extended polyelectrolyte model to describe the proton-binding process in macromolecular systems. Application to a poly(acrylic acid) and a humic acid. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 111(17):4488-94.

  • Fabrice Houdusse, María Garnica, Jose M. García-Mina. (2007). Nitrogen fertilizer source effects on the growth and mineral nutrition of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture, 87, 2099-2115.

  • Fuentes M, Baigorri R, Gonzalez-Gaitano G, Garcia-Mina JM. (2007). The complementary use of 1H NMR, 13C NMR, FTIR and size exclusion chromatography to investigate the principal structural changes associated with composting of organic materials with diverse origin. Organic Geochemistry, 38, 2012-2023.

  • Erro J, Urrutia O, San Francisco S, Garcia-Mina JM. (2007). Development and agronomical validation of new fertilizer compositions of high bioavailability and reduced potential nutrient losses. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55(19):7831-7839.

  • Lopez V, Akerreta S, Casanova E, Garcia-Mina JM, Cavero RY, Calvo MI. (2007). In Vitro Antioxidant and Anti-rhizopus Activities of Lamiaceae Herbal Extracts. Plant Foods and Human Nutrition, 62(4):151-155.

  • Marta Fuentes Ramírez, Gustavo González-Gaitano, José Mª García-Mina (2006).The usefulness of UV-visible and fluorescence spectroscopies to study the chemical nature of humic substances from soils and composts. Organic Geochemistry. 37, 1949-1959.

  • Jose Mª Garcia-Mina. (2006). Stability, solubility and maximum metal binding capacity in metal-humic complexes involving humic substances extracted from peat and organic compost. Organic Geochemistry. 37, 1960-1972.

  • San-Francisco, S., Houdusse, F., Zamarreño, AMª., Garnica, M., Casanova, E., García-Mina, JMª. (2005). Effects of IAA and IAA precursors on the development, mineral nutrition, IAA content and free polyamine content of pepper plants cultivated in hydroponic conditions. Scientia Horticulturae, 106, 38-52.

  • Esparza, I., Salinas, I., Santamaría, C., Garcia-Mina, JMª., Fernández, JMª. (2005). Electrochemical and theoretical complexation studies for Zn and Cu with individual polyphenols. Analitica Chimica certificate 543, 267-274.

  • Houdusse, F , Zamarreño Angel M , Garnica Maria, García-Mina, JMª. (2005).The importance of nitrate in ameliorating the effects of ammonium and urea nutrition on plant development: the relationships with free polyamines and proline plant contents. Functional Plant Biology, 32, 1057-1067.

  • Iñaki Guardado, Oscar Urrutia, Jose Mª Garcia-Mina. (2005). A methodological approach to the study of the formation and physico-chemical properties of phosphate-metal-humic complexes in solution. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53, 8673-8678.

  • García-Mina, JM., Antolín, M.C., Sanchez-Diaz, M. (2004). Metal-humic complexes and plant micronutrient uptake: a study based on different plant species cultivated in diverse soil types. Plant and Soil. 258, 57-68.

  • Goicoechea, N., J. Aguirreolea, JMª. Garcia-Mina. (2004). Allevation of verticillium wilt in pepper (Capcisum annuum L.) by using the organic amendment COA H of natural origin. Scientia Horticulturae. 101, 23-37.

  • Bienfait, F., Garcia-Mina, JMª., Zamarreño, A Mª. (2004). Distribution and secondary effects of EDDHA in some vegetable species. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 50, 1103-110.  

  • Esparza, I., Salinas, I., Caballero, I., Santamaría, C., Calvo, I., Garcia-Mina, JMª., Fernández, JMª. (2004). Evolution of metal and polyphenol content over a 1-year period of vinification: sample fractionation and correlation between metals and anthocyanins. Analitica Chimica certificate., 524, 215-224.

  • Zamarreño, A., Cantera, R. G., and García-Mina F. J. Mª, (1997). Extraction and Determination of Glycinebetaine in Liquid Fertilizers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 45, 774-776.

  • Goicoechea, N., Aguirreolea, I., Cenoz, S., García-Mina, JMª. (2000). Verticillium Dahliae modifies the concentration of proline, soluble fats, starch, soluble protein and abcisic acid in pepper plants. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 106., 19-25.

  • Goicoechea, N., Aguirreolea, I., Cenoz, S., García-Mina, JMª. (2001). Gas Exchange and Flowering in Verticillium-wilted Pepper Plants. Journal of Phytopathology 149, 281-286.

  • G. Cantera, R., Zamarreño, A.M. and García-Mina, JM. (2002). Characterization of commercial iron chelates and their behavior in an alkaline and calcareous soil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50:7609-7615.

  • García-Mina, JM., Cantera, R.G., Zamarreño, A.M. (2003). Interaction of different iron chelates with an alkaline and calcareous soil: A complementary methodology to evaluate the performance of iron compounds in the correction of iron chlorosis. Journal of Plant. Nutrition, 26:1943-1954.

  • Zamarreño, A., García-Mina, JM., G-Cantera, R. (2003). A New Methodology for Studying the Performance of Products against Ruminal Acidosis Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture. 83, 1607-1612.