Botany Series 1 to 5
issue 5 (1985)
Ursúa Sesma, C., Garde Navarro, L. and López Fernández, M. L. "Paisaje Vegetal y Espectro Ecológico de dos Municipios Navarros (España)". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 5 (1985): 3-13.
Ederra Indurain, A. "Some aspects of the moss communities dependent on the Ilici-Fagion Alliance in Navarra". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 5 (1985): 15-21.
López Fernández, S. and López Fernández, M. L. "Geografía-Paisaje-Taxonomía". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 5 (1985): 23-44.
issue 4 (1985)
García Zamora, C., Báscones Carretero, J. C. y Medrano Moreno, L. M. "Flora vascular de la Sierra de Mendaur". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 4 (1985): 3-57.
issue 3 (1983)
Losantos, A. P.; Báscones, J. C.; Ederra, A. and López, M.L. Catalog Ascomycetes of Navarra. Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 3 (1983): 3-33.
issue 2 (1983)
Garde Navarro, M. L., López Fernández, M. L.. Catalog florístico de Marcilla. University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 2 (1983): 35-69.
Ursúa Sesma, M. C., López Fernández, M. L.. Vascular flora of the municipality of Milagro. Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 2 (1983): 3-34.
issue 1 (1982)
Pérez Losantos, A; Báscones Carretero, J. C. "Flora fungica de las formaciones navarras de Pinus Sylvestris L.; I. Ascomycetes". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 1 (1982): 3-20.
Báscones Carretero, J. C. "Flora vascular de la Navarra húmeda". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 1 (1982): 21-52.
Ederra, A.; Báscones Carretero, J.C. Floristic-ecological considerations about the limestone crags of the Navarre Pyrenees. I. Foz de Mintxate. Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 1 (1982): 53-60.
Báscones Carretero, J.C. The grasslands of humid Navarre. Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 1 (1982): 61-85.