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PhD dissertations

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Germán Bosch Estévez 2023 Study of riboflavin and its derivatives in cucumber plant in the face of iron deficiency, and their role in the mechanism of action of a heteromolecular iron complex as a sustainable ferric fertilizer." Marta Fuentes and Javier Erro
Mónica González Alonso 2023 Airborne pollen and spores in Navarra and artificial intelligence for atmospheric particle monitoring Arturo H. Ariño Plana
Mercedes Valerio Galán 2022 Spatial and temporal patterns of plant community assembly in two biogeographic regions: a taxonomic and functional approach Ricardo Ibáñez and Antonio Gazol
Blanca Fernández Eslava 2022
Moulting and colouration in the common crossbill (Loxia curvirostra): a study in the northern Iberian Peninsula
David Galicia and Juan Arizaga
Tommaso Cancellario 2021

The use of Odonata as model organisms for freshwater ecological research.

Rafael Miranda and Enrique Baquero
Gabriel de Biurrun Baquedano 2021 Spiders of Navarre. Diversity and distribution.
Digital study methods
Enrique Baquero
Rubén Hernández Soto 2021 The Barn Owl (Tyto alba): influence of captive breeding on its adult behaviour and indirect assessment of its population evolution in Navarra. Enrique Baquero, David Galicia and Luis Lezana

Imanol Miqueleiz


Fish conservation in the 21st century: Lessons learned and perspectives for a sustainable future.

Rafa Miranda and Arturo Ariño

Sandra Pérez Martínez


Diversity of mites (Acari) and their interaction network with their host insects (Diptera and coleoptera) in the Mediterranean region of the Community of Navarra: Their role and forensic interest.

Moraza, M.L.

David de Hita Mejías


Effects of sedimentary humic acids on endophytic microbiomes: implications and agronomical potential.

José Mª García-Mina and Marta Fuentes

Marta Arrizabalaga Arriazu


Response of Tempranillo (Vitis vinifera L.) clones to climate change-related factors (elevated temperature, high CO2 and water deficit): plant performance and berry composition".

Inma Pascual and Juanjo Irigoyen

Amaia Angulo Rodeles


River connectivity and its implications for freshwater fish conservation: methods of study in the Iberian Peninsula".

Rafa Miranda and David Galicia

Nora escribano Compains


Gaps, lags and other shortfalls besetting the digitally accessible knowledge of biodiversity

Arturo Ariño and David Galicia

Nazareth Torres Molina


Influence of mycorrhizae on the production and quality of grapevine under different climate change scenarios.

M. Carmen Antolín and Nieves Goiecoechea 

María Casas Jericó


Landscape in Compulsory Secondary Education: from the curriculum and textbooks to development of didactic proposals.

Puig, J., Erneta L.

Tefide Kizildeniz


Photosynthetic acclimatisation, production and quality of Tempranillo Tinto and Blanco grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) plants grown under different climate change scenarios.      

Juan José Irigoyen and Fermín Morales

Mikel Queralt


Mycorrhizal diversity and mycelial quantification of edible ectomycorrhizal fungi mycelium under different silvicultural management in forests of Northern Spain

Ana de Miguel, Xavier Parladé

Gregorio Sánchez Montes


Integrative demographic inference in Iberian pond-breeding amphibians

Ariño A.H.
Martínez-Solano, I.

Ibon Tobes Sesma


Ecological gradients and distribution of fish communities in mountain rivers: from ecology to conservation; from the Pyrenees to the Andes.

Miranda R.

Iván Vedia Jiménez


Ecology of the signal crab in Navarre and its interactions with the autochthonous fauna

Miranda, R.
Baquero, E.

Johann Martinez Lüscher


Effects of UV-B radiation on grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Tempranillo) leaf physiology and berry composition, framed within the climate change scenario (water deficit, elevated CO2 and elevated temperature)

Aguirreolea J.,
Pascual I.

Josep Maria Mallarach


Improving the effectiveness of natural protected areas: identifying, recognising and integrating cultural and spiritual values in Europe's protected areas

Puig, J.

Andrea Pino del Carpio


Application of knowledge biodiversity in biosphere reserve management

Miranda, R.
Ariño, A.

Ainhoa Agorreta


Molecular Phylogenetics of Gobioid Fishes (Gobioidei).
(Molecular Phylogenetics of Gobioidei.)

Miranda R.
Rüber, L.

Antonio Vilches Morales


Trophic ecology and habitat selection of the kingfisher Alcedo atthis L. 1758 in Navarra.

Miranda R.
Arizaga, J.

Maria Niculcea


Relationship between hormone content and phenolic quality of grapes (Tempranillo and Graciano cvs.) under deficit irrigation conditions.

Antolin, MC.
Sánchez Díaz, M.

Noemí Iglesias Teixeira


Study of the bryophyte diaspore bank in the beech forests of Navarre and the influence of temperature and drought on the survival of the diaspores.

Ederra, A.

Javier Otegui Tellechea


Quality and fitness-for-use assessments on the primary data indexed at the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).

Ariño, A.H.

Ana Villarroya Ballarín


Ecological compensation in environmental impact assessment in Spain: situation and proposals for action.

Puig, J.

Verónica Delgado Huarte


Changes in the bryophyte biodiversity of Navarrese beech forests over time and their relationship with some environmental parameters.

Ederra, A.

Marouane Baslam


Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) on growth and nutritional quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown in greenhouses.

Goicoechea, N.

Maria Laura Fiasconaro


Application of sewage sludge to alfalfa cultivation for use as a second generation biofuel. Effects of drought on development and nitrogen assimilation.

Antolin M.C.,
Sánchez Díaz, M.

Sergio Sánchez Durán 


Ectomycorrhizae in black truffle cultivation: ecology, diversity and management.

Barriuso Vargas, J.J.
De Miguel Velasco, A.

Carolina Salazar Parra


Grapevine and climate change. Study of the berry ripening process in fruiting Tempranillo cuttings in response to the interaction of elevated CO2, water stress and elevated temperature. 

Morales Iribas F.
Sánchez Díaz, M.

Antonio Gazol Burgos


Spatial heterogeneity of vegetation in a forest basin in the Western Pyrenees.

Ibáñez, R.

Jaime Uría Díez


Ecology of an herbaceous population (Carex Remota L.) associated with unmanaged temperate forest regimes.

Ibáñez, R.

Álvaro Sanz Sáez de Jáuregui


Study of the effect of the interaction between CO2 increase, temperature and symbiosis with different strains of Sinorhizobium meliloti on photosynthesis, N2 fixation and quality of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Aragón).

Irigoyen, JJ.
Erice, G.

Pedro Manuel Leunda Urretabizkaia


Conservation status of the River Erro: river habitat, biotic indices, ichthyofauna and human alterations.

Miranda, R.

Iñaki Azcona Saldías


Effect of the application of sanitised sludge on yield, fruit quality and severity of Verticillium dahliae Kleb. induced wilt in Piquillo peppers.

Aguirreola, J.
Pascual I.

Iván Closa Guerrero


Microclimate, physiology of Fagus sylvatica L. and soil biology in naturally regenerating beech forests in north-western Navarre after clear-cutting".

Goicoechea, N.

Iara Muro Castaño


Influence of sewage sludge application on the physiology and nodulation of Alfalfa (/Medicago sativa/ L.) plants under water stress".

Sánchez Díaz, M.
Antolin, MC.

Fernando Echarri Iribarren


Meaningful learning and environmental education: didactic applications of the Museum of Natural Sciences of the University of Navarra.

Puig, I.

Víctor López Ramos


Screening of plants traditionally used in Navarra (Spain) for new biological activities: an in vitro approach

Calvo M.I.
Cavero, R.

Silvia Akerreta Molina


Pharmaceutical ethnobotany in Navarre: from the traditional use of medicinal plants to their scientific evidence

Calvo M.I.
Cavero R.

Juan Arizaga Martínez


Migration patterns of Sylvia atricapilla Linnaeus, 1758 (Birds) in Spain and behaviour at a staging area

Barba E.

Héctor Santesteban Muruzabal


Study on the role of abscisic acid and polyamines in fruit ripening under deficit irrigation conditions in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.).

Sánchez Díaz, M.
Antolín Bellver MC.

MªJosé Piudo Aincinena


Analysis of the seed bank in different areas of a holm oak (Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.)

Cavero R.

Sebastián Piñas Arteta


Bioclimatology of Peninsular and Balearic Spain and its cartography.

López M.L.

Vanessa Clavería Iracheta


Study of the ectomycorrhizal community of a mature forest of Quercus ilex subsp.ballota. Its characterisation and spatio-temporal dynamics.

De Miguel, A.

Maite Martínez Aldaya


Biodiversity of springtails in pine forest ecotones in Navarre.

Baquero E.
Ariño A.H.

David Galicia Paredes


Study of the ectoparasites of a population of Apodemus sylvaticus Linnaeus, 1758 in Navarra. Analysis of the fluctuating cranial asymmetry associated with parasitism.

Scale M.C.

Gorka Erice Soreasu


Effect of the interaction between elevated CO2, temperature and drought during regrowth of nodulated alfalfa plants.

Sánchez Díaz. M.
Irigoyen, J.J.

Marouen Ayari


Effect of water deficit on ripening and berry collaboration in fruiting cuttings of different grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinefera L.)

Sánchez Díaz, M.
Antolín Bellver MC.

Juan Bald Garmendia


proposal for the evaluation of the physico-chemical state of coastal and transitional waters in the Basque Country.

Puig, J.
Ariño, A.H.

Francisco Javier Guitiérrez Corchero


Study on the morphology, ecology and taxonomy of the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis Temminck, 1820)

Hernández, M.A.

Ruth Juaristi Iranzo


Study of the muscinal flora of the Western Spanish Pyrenees.

Ederra, A.

Diane Lemenager


Study of the effect of oxidative stress and growth regulators on the production of indole alkaloids in cell suspensions of Catharanthus roseus (L.). 

Aguirreoela, J.
Rideau, M.

Nuria Madotz Ekiza


Botanical survey of 5 plots of the European Network for Intensive and Continuous Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems.

Ederra, A.
Cavero, R.

Eva Santa María Monasterio


Incidence of Botrytis cinerea in relation to different physiological aspects of grapevine.

Aguirreolea, J.
Sánchez Díaz, M.

Idoia Garmendia López


Biocontrol of plant pathogens using arbuscular mycorrhizae.

Aguirreolea, J.
Goicoechea, N.

Alberto Lizarraga Senar


Breeding ecology of the Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio L.) in Navarra.

Escala, M.C.

Aritz Royo Esnal


Study of the Biology and Ecology of Oxalis latifolia Kunth: Effect of environmental and cultural factors on its aetiology.

López. M.L.

Iker Aranjuelo Michelena


Effect of the interaction between elevated CO2, temperature and availability water on the growth of nitrogen-fixing alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants.

Sánchez Díaz, M.
Irigoyen, J.J.

Lucía Alberdi López


Recovery of post-fire vascular flora and vegetation and application of techniques that can accelerate it.

Cavero Y.

Miriam de Román Martínez


Ectomycorrhizae of Quercus ilex subsp.ballota and their post-fire dynamics in a potential truffle-growing area.

De Miguel, A.

Marta Hekneby Garteiz-Goxeascoa


Cold tolerance of annual forage legumes in climates of subject continental Mediterranean.

Sánchez Díaz. M.
Antolin MC.

Inmaculada Pascual Elizalde


Study of sewage sludge application in the Mediterranean rural area: effects on crop and soil.

Sánchez Díaz, M.
Antolín Bellver, MC

Miriam Serrano Martínez


Landscape fragmentation caused by the road network in Navarre. Study proposals on a regional scale from the perspective of landscape ecology.

Puig, J.

Silvia García González


Cataloguing, biology and ecology of arthropods associated with tomato cultivation in the Ribera Navarra region.

Moraza, M.L.

Cristina García-Fresca Frías


Data on the biology of Cyprinids and Salmonids in the rivers Erro and Urederra (Navarre). Relationship with the environment and methodological analysis.

MC Scale.
Miranda, R.

Javier Oscoz Escudero


Study of the river Larraun (Navarre): Water quality and analysis of the fish community.

Scale MC.
Campos F.

Luis Lezana Amo


The Spotless Starling (Sturnus unicolor Temminck, 1820) in La Rioja leave. Main population parameters and their incidence on agriculture and livestock.

Campos F.
Peris S.

Luis Sanz Azcárate


Mortality of Fauna on the Motorways of Navarre. Implications for road safety and guidelines for the design and the environmental assessment of new roads.

Puig, J.