Angulo Paredes, Amaia
Galicia Paredes, David (coordinator) e-mail: dgalicia@unav.es
Hernández Soto, Rubén
Miqueleiz Legaz, Imanol
- Information infrastructures for biodiversity: environmental data processing (big data) and ecoinformatics.
- Biogeographical, temporal and taxonomic patterns of biodiversity.
- Quantification and bio-indicators of ecological and environmental quality.
- Biodiversity management and conservation.
- Accessibility of the environmental knowledge for society.
- Ethical, educational and social aspects arising from knowledge on biodiversity and environmental quality.
- Information Gap Analysis (GAP) - instructions of biodiversity data - Bioquantification - Bioinformatics - Animal biology - Environmental change · Conservación - Community dynamics - Species distribution - Biological diversity - Ecoinformatics - Animal Ecology - Plant Ecology |
- Education and environmental thinking - Evolution of diversity - Soil fauna - Fitness-for-use (FFU) - Hydrobiology - Bio-indicators - Environmental impact - Limnology - Environment and society - Loss of biodiversity - Natural restoration - Data validation |