Botany Series 6 to 10
issue 10 (1997)
De Miguel, A. and Sáez, R. "Aspects of truffle growing in Navarra (Spain)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 10 (1997): 3-9.
De Miguel, A. and Sáez, R. "Análisis de micorrizas en truferas cultivadas de Navarra (España)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 10 (1997): 11-18.
Cemborain, G., Urdíroz, A. and Ederra, A. "Estudio de los Erysiphales de Navarra". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botanical Series, 10 (1997): 19-43.
Urdíroz, A., Ederra, A. and Otano, M. "Estudio del impacto de los incendios en medios forestales y su recuperación: brioflora de un carrascal mediterráneo". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 10 (1997): 45-53.
Cavero, R. and Ederra, A. "Evolution of floristic richness after controlled fires in an oak forest in Navarra (Spain)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 10 (1997): 55-66.
Cavero, R. Y., framework, R., López, M. L. and Echeverría, A. "Composición Chemistry de la Alcachofa de Tudela a lo largo de su development". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 10 (1997): 67-77.
framework, R., Cavero, R. Y. and López, M. L. "Evolution of the content of 16 chemical elements in the Tudela artichoke along its development". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 10 (1997): 79-93.
issue 9 (1993)
Cavero, R. Y. and López Fernández M.L. "Content and evolution of 68 chemical elements in the plant-soil system of the Lodosa Piquillo pepper crop". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 9: 1-252.
issue 8 (1991)
Lóopez, M. L.; Ederra, A.; Pignati, S.; Solans, M. J.; López, S. Y De Miguel, A. M. "Cartografía de la Flora navarra". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 8: 1-419.
issue 7 (1987)
Ederra Indurain, A. "Hepatics of Navarre (Spain). Anthrocerotales, Marchantiales and Metzgeriales". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botanical Series, 7 (1987): 3-11.
De Miguel Velasco, A. M. and Ederra Indurain, A. "Distribución en España de algunos briofritos interesantes de los robledales navarros". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Serie Botánica, 7 (1987): 13-26.
Etayo Salazar, J. "Contribution to the lichenicolous Catalog of Navarra (Spain): saxicolous I". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 7 (1987): 27-33.
Etayo Salazar, J. "The genus Scoliciosporum (Lichenes) in Navarra". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Serie Botánica, 7 (1987): 35-39.
Cavero Remón, R. Y. and López Fernández, M. L. "Estudio preliminar de la flora vascular del valle de Leoz (Navarra, Spain)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Serie Botánica, 7 (1987): 41-50.
GARDE NAVARRO, M. L. and LÓPEZ FERNÁNDEZ, M. L. "Adiciones a la flora navarra". Biology Publications of the University of Navarre, Botany Series, 7 (1987): 52-56.
issue 6 (1986)
Ederra Indurain, A. "Contributions to the bryological flora of Navarre (Spain)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 6 (1987): 3-9.
Soláns Puyuelo, M. J. "Contribution to Catalog of Ascomycetes of Navarra: Coprophilous Ascomycetes". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 6 (1986): 11-20.
Arraiza Donázar, J., Ederra Indurain, A. and De Miguel Velasco, A."Brioflora de los rasos supraforestales de Peñas de Aya (Navarra, Spain)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botanical Series, 6 (1986): 21-28.
Etayo Salazar, J. "Líquenes epifitos navarros nuevos o interesantes para la Península". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Serie Botánica, 6 (1986): 29-39.
Echarri Prim, L., Suquía Mendizabal, A., Lobato Sampedro, V. and López Fernández, M. L. "Atmospheric pollen in San Sebastián: 1983, 1984, 1985. I. Total pollen and Gramineae". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 6 (1986): 41-45.
Garde Navarro, M. L. and López Fernández, M. L. "Damasonium alisma Miller, a novelty for the floristic Catalog of Navarra". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 6 (1986): 47-48.
Álvarez Calviño, R. and López Fernández, M. L. "Distribution and ecology of Echinospartum horridum (Vahl) Rothm. in Navarra". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Serie Botánica, 6 (1986): 49-51.