Biology Publications of the University of Navarra:
issue 17 (2008)
World bioclimatic classification and bioclimatic cartography of mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands.
López Fernández, ML. |
López Fernández, ML. |
Bioclimatic cartography of peninsular and Balearic Spain. Bibliographic and cartographic background |
López Fernández, ML. |
Materials necessary and methods used in the "bioclimatic mapping of peninsular and Balearic Spain". |
Piñas, S., López Fernández, ML. and López F., M.S. |
Macrobioclimates, bioclimates and bioclimatic variants of peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands and their cartography. |
López Fernández, ML., Piñas, S. and López F., M.S. |
Thermotypes of peninsular and Balearic Spain and their mapping |
Piñas, S., López Fernández, ML. and López F., M.S. |
Ombrotypes of peninsular and Balearic Spain and their mapping |
Piñas, S., López Fernández, ML. and López F., M.S. |
Similarities and differences between our "Bioclimatic Cartography of Peninsular and Balearic Spain" and previous works |
López Fernández, ML., Piñas, S. and López F., M.S. |
Annex 1: Synoptic overview table of "Global Bioclimatics". |
Bioclimatic overview of the Earth |
Annex 2: Large gross table data |
Table of data gross |
Annex 3: Large table "nuetra source de dadtos". |
Table source of data our |
Annex 4: Maps |
Map 1: Macrobioclimates |
issue 16 (2005)
De Miguel, A.M. and Sáez, R. "Some competing mycorrhizae of truffle plantations". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 16 (2005): 1-18.
De Román, M. and De Miguel, A.M. "First data on the reforestation of a burned kermes oak forest area with Quercus ilex subsp. ballota plants inoculated with Tuber melanosporum". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 16 (2005): 19-40.
Clavería V. and De Miguel A.M. "Description and characterization of mycorrhizas of the genera Tuber and Genea from a natural training of holm oak (Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.)". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 16 (2005): 41-51.
Etxeberria M. and Ibáñez R. "Spontaneous colonization of clearcut slopes on marl in Navarra: establishment and source of diaspores". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 16 (2005): 53-70.
Piudo, M. J. and Cavero Y. "Seed bank: comparison of extraction methodologies, density and sampling depth". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 16 (2005): 71-85.
López, M. L., Piñas, S., Aquerreta, S., Amézqueta, A. and López, S. "Mapa bioclimático -2ª aproximación-, mapa ombrotípico -1st aproximación-, y diversidad bioclimática de Navarra". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 16 (2005): 87-97.
issue 15 (2003)
Alberdi, L. and Cavero, R.Y."Post-fire vascular flora in a kermes oak grove of Nazar (Navarra)". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 15 (2003): 1-17.
Clavería, V., De Miguel, A.M. and De Román, M."Comparison of the post-fire dynamics of the ectomycorrhizal community in two Quercus ilex stands in Northern Spain". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 15 (2003): 19-30.
López M.L. and Royo, A."Identification of bulbs of the Common and Cornwall forms and their apical and lateral bulbs of Oxalis latifolia kunth". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Serie Botánica, 15 (2003): 31-38.
López M.L.; Piñas, S.; Amezketa, A.; Aquerreta, S.; López, M.S.; Almárcegui, I.; Uurdiain, M. and Royo, A."Bioclimatic map of Navarra". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 15 (2003): 53-63.
Amezketa, A and López, M. L."Temperate bioclimates of Kazakhstan." University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 15 (2003): 65-79.
issue 14 (2002)
Azqueta, A.; Ibáñez, R."Study of the Vascular Flora of Ilundáin (Navarra)". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 14 (2002): 1-153.
Madotz, N.; Cavero, R.Y. and Ederra, A."Study of the vegetation of the beech forest where plot 15Fs of the network European Intensive and Continuous Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems (Auritz- Navarra) is located". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 14 (2002): 155-215.
issue 13 (2000)
De Román, M.; De Miguel, A. M."Identification and description of the Ectomycorrhizae of Quercus Ilex L. Subsp. Ballota (Desf.) Samp. in a burnt area and an undisturbed area of the kermes oak forest of Nazar (Navarra)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 13 (2000): 1-42.
San Emeterio, L.; López, M. L. and Cavero, R. Y."Mediterranean culture of cardoon, Cynara cardunculus N.: Elementary composition and biological function". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra. Botany Series, 13 (2000): 43-49.
López, M. L.; Cavero, R. Y.; framework, R. and Bode, P. "Alcachofa de Tudela, Cynara scolymus L., y suelo de cultivo analizados por Análisis Instrumental por Activación con Neutrones (INAA)". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 13 (2000): 51-61.
Cavero, R. Y.; López, M. L.; framework R.; Baucells, M. and Roura, M. "Alcachofa de Tudela, Cynara scolymus L., y suelo de cultivo analizados por Fluorescencia de Rayos X (FRX)". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 13 (2000): 63-70.
framework, R.; Cavero R. Y. and López, M. L. "Comparison of the Elemental Composition of the Tudela artichoke and its cultivation soil". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 13 (2000): 71-83.
San Emeterio, L. and Cavero, R. Y."Contribución a la flora de las cuencas Juan de Paz y Las Cañas, reservation de Biosfera Sierra de las Minas (Guatemala)". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 13 (2000): 85-100.
Alberdi, L. and Cavero, R.Y."Sowing with seeds of plants characteristic of kermes oak groves". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 13 (2000): 101-110.
issue 12 (1999)
López Fernández, S.; Cavero, R. Y.; López Fernández, M. L.; López, F.; Oromí; M. J. Y Sesma, P. "Azafrán: Eco-Histología foliar del Crocus sativus L.". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 12 (1999): 1-11.
Etayo, M. L.; De Miguel, A. M. Y De Román, M. "Ectomycorrhizae occurring in hazel (Corylus avellana L.), oak (Quercus faginea Lam.) and evergreen oak (Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.) in a cultivated truffle bed along 4 sampling years". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 12 (1999): 13-22.
Ibáñez, R. "Keys of vegetative characters to differentiate some vascular plants of roadside slopes in northwestern Navarre". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 12 (1999): 23-38.
framework, R.; Cavero; R. Y. And López; M. L. "Comparison of the disseminating multiplication phase of piquillo pepper, Tudela artichoke and Peralta thistle". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 12 (1999): 39-43.
DE ROMÁN, M.; DE MIGUEL A. M. Y ETAYO, M.L. "Ectomycorrhizal morphotypes identified in two sites (burned and non-disturbed) in a Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp. forest in Navarra (Spain)". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 12 (1999): 45-58.
URDÍROZ, A. AND EDERRA, A. "Recolonising bryoflora in two forests of Navarra (N Spain) subjected to controlled fires". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 12 (1999): 59-84.
issue 11 (1998)
San Emeterio, L., Cavero, R. Y. and López, M. L. "Concentration of 18 chemical elements in the different stages of the development of the whole plant and leaves of Peralta thistle". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 11 (1998): 1-54.
Etayo, M. L. and De Miguel, A. M. "Study of ectomycorrhizae in a cultivated truffle plantation located in Olóriz (Navarra)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 11 (1998): 55-114.
issue 10 (1997)
De Miguel, A. and Sáez, R. "Aspects of truffle growing in Navarra (Spain)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 10 (1997): 3-9.
De Miguel, A. and Sáez, R. "Análisis de micorrizas en truferas cultivadas de Navarra (España)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 10 (1997): 11-18.
Cemborain, G., Urdíroz, A. and Ederra, A. "Estudio de los Erysiphales de Navarra". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botanical Series, 10 (1997): 19-43.
Urdíroz, A., Ederra, A. and Otano, M. "Estudio del impacto de los incendios en medios forestales y su recuperación: brioflora de un carrascal mediterráneo". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 10 (1997): 45-53.
Cavero, R. and Ederra, A. "Evolution of floristic richness after controlled fires in an oak forest in Navarra (Spain)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 10 (1997): 55-66.
Cavero, R. Y., framework, R., López, M. L. and Echeverría, A. "Composición Chemistry de la Alcachofa de Tudela a lo largo de su development". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 10 (1997): 67-77.
framework, R., Cavero, R. Y. and López, M. L. "Evolution of the content of 16 chemical elements in the Tudela artichoke along its development". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 10 (1997): 79-93.
issue 9 (1993)
Cavero, R. Y. and López Fernández M.L. "Content and evolution of 68 chemical elements in the plant-soil system of the Lodosa Piquillo pepper crop". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 9: 1-252.
issue 8 (1991)
López, M. L.; Ederra, A.; Pignati, S.; Solans, M. J.; López, S. Y De Miguel, A. M. "Cartografía de la Flora navarra". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 8: 1-419.
issue 7 (1987)
Ederra Indurain, A. "Hepatics of Navarre (Spain). Anthrocerotales, Marchantiales and Metzgeriales". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botanical Series, 7 (1987): 3-11.
De Miguel Velasco, A. M. and Ederra Indurain, A. "Distribución en España de algunos briofritos interesantes de los robledales navarros". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Serie Botánica, 7 (1987): 13-26.
Etayo Salazar, J. "Contribution to the lichenicolous Catalog of Navarra (Spain): saxicolous I". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 7 (1987): 27-33.
Etayo Salazar, J. "The genus Scoliciosporum (Lichenes) in Navarra". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Serie Botánica, 7 (1987): 35-39.
Cavero Remón, R. Y. and López Fernández, M. L. "Estudio preliminar de la flora vascular del valle de Leoz (Navarra, Spain)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Serie Botánica, 7 (1987): 41-50.
GARDE NAVARRO, M. L. and LÓPEZ FERNÁNDEZ, M. L. "Adiciones a la flora navarra". Biology Publications of the University of Navarre, Botany Series, 7 (1987): 52-56.
issue 6 (1986)
Ederra Indurain, A. "Contributions to the bryological flora of Navarre (Spain)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 6 (1987): 3-9.
Soláns Puyuelo, M. J. "Contribution to Catalog of Ascomycetes of Navarra: Coprophilous Ascomycetes". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 6 (1986): 11-20.
Arraiza Donázar, J., Ederra Indurain, A. and De Miguel Velasco, A."Brioflora de los rasos supraforestales de Peñas de Aya (Navarra, Spain)". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botanical Series, 6 (1986): 21-28.
Etayo Salazar, J. "Líquenes epifitos navarros nuevos o interesantes para la Península". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Serie Botánica, 6 (1986): 29-39.
Echarri Prim, L., Suquía Mendizabal, A., Lobato Sampedro, V. and López Fernández, M. L. "Atmospheric pollen in San Sebastián: 1983, 1984, 1985. I. Total pollen and Gramineae". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 6 (1986): 41-45.
Garde Navarro, M. L. and López Fernández, M. L. "Damasonium alisma Miller, a novelty for the floristic Catalog of Navarra". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 6 (1986): 47-48.
Álvarez Calviño, R. and López Fernández, M. L. "Distribution and ecology of Echinospartum horridum (Vahl) Rothm. in Navarra". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Serie Botánica, 6 (1986): 49-51.
issue 5 (1985)
Ursúa Sesma, C., Garde Navarro, L. and López Fernández, M. L. "Paisaje Vegetal y Espectro Ecológico de dos Municipios Navarros (España)". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 5 (1985): 3-13.
Ederra Indurain, A. "Some aspects of the moss communities dependent on the Ilici-Fagion Alliance in Navarra". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 5 (1985): 15-21.
López Fernández, S. and López Fernández, M. L. "Geografía-Paisaje-Taxonomía". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 5 (1985): 23-44.
issue 4 (1985)
García Zamora, C., Báscones Carretero, J. C. y Medrano Moreno, L. M. "Flora vascular de la Sierra de Mendaur". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 4 (1985): 3-57.
issue 3 (1983)
Losantos, A. P.; Báscones, J. C.; Ederra, A. y López, M.L. Catalog of Ascomycetes from Navarra. University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 3 (1983): 3-33.
issue 2 (1983)
Garde Navarro, M. L., López Fernández, M. L.. Catalog florístico de Marcilla. University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 2 (1983): 35-69.
Ursúa Sesma, M. C., López Fernández, M. L.. Vascular flora of the municipality of Milagro. Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 2 (1983): 3-34.
issue 1 (1982)
Pérez Losantos, A; Báscones Carretero, J. C. "Flora fungica de las formaciones navarras de Pinus Sylvestris L.; I. Ascomycetes". Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 1 (1982): 3-20.
Báscones Carretero, J. C. "Flora vascular de la Navarra húmeda". University of Navarra Biology Publications, Botany Series, 1 (1982): 21-52.
Ederra, A.; Báscones Carretero, J.C. Floristic-ecological considerations about the limestone crags of the Navarre Pyrenees. I. Foz de Mintxate. Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 1 (1982): 53-60.
Báscones Carretero, J.C. The grasslands of humid Navarre. Biology Publications of the University of Navarra, Botany Series, 1 (1982): 61-85.