Advances in research in family and couples therapy: integrating research and internship clinic
June 12, 13 and 14, 2025
The Spanish association for the research and development of Family Therapy (AEI+DTF), the Spanish association for the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) and the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra, with the support of the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra and CoCoMintnetwork Thematicnetwork on Conflict Communication and Mediation), organize the XIII International graduate congress : Advances in research in family and couples therapy: integrating research and internship clinicwhich will be held on June 12, 13 and 14, 2025.
This congress seeks to bring together professionals from different areas and perspectives to reflect and deepen on practical experiences and research results in the field of families and couples, with the goal of fostering a space for scientific and clinical partnership and exchange .
group A wide range of professionals from reference letter in the field of psychotherapy will participate. The program will include practical workshops, round tables and activities aimed at facilitating discussion, integrative reflection and collaborative learning. This congress is positioned as a unique forum for relational exchange and professional enrichment.
- Researchers and university professors
- Cliniciansspanish psychology residency program , MPGS, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals)
- Mixed profiles (clinical researchers and experts in pragmatic linguistics interested in multidisciplinarity)
- Master's Degree students in General Health Psychology or other Master's Degree related to Psychotherapy or Family Therapy, and doctorate students in Psychology.
Participants will receive an official certificate issued by the AEI+DTF and the SPR, endorsed by their scientific and academic recognition. Likewise, scientific and sanitary recognition has been requested from the Regional Ministry of Health and Families of the Autonomous Community of Navarra, and the recognition of FEAP (Spanish Federation of Family Therapy Associations).
Dania Andrade Urbina - Universidad de Navarra
Úrsula Paiva - University of Navarra
Yurema de la source - association Sumando
Mª de los Ángeles Cueli Naranjo - Universidad de Navarra
Carles Pérez Testor - Ramon Llull University
Alessandra Sambuceti - University of Navarra
Pilar Aviñó - University of Navarra
Cristina Nofuentes - Ramon Llull University
Carmen Callizo - University of Navarra
Carles Pérez Testor
Ramon Llull University
Adrian Montesano
Open University of Catalonia
Shayne Anderson - Brigham Young University
Inés Aramburu - Vidal i Barraquer Foundation
Pilar Berzosa Grande - International University of La Rioja
Virginia Cagigal - Comillas Pontifical University
María Calatrava - University of Navarra
Susana Cormenzana - University of Deusto
Valentín Escudero Carranza - University of A Coruña
María Estellés (University of Valencia)
Candice Fischer - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Jesús de la source - University of Navarra
Miguel Garrido - University of Seville
Marta González Pescador - Hospital Universitario de Valdecilla
Elkin Luis - University of Navarra
Ana Martínez Pampliega - University of Deusto
Joan Carles Medina - Ramon Llull University
Danilo Moggia - University of Trier
Iñigo Ochoa de Alda - University of the Basque Country
Inés Olza - University of Navarra
Olatz Ormaechea - UNED-Pamplona
Martiño Rodríguez González - University of Navarra
Elena Torrado - University Pablo de Olavide
Professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), specializing in the area of psychotherapy and clinical psychology. He directs several programs of training in psychotherapy, such as the university Master's Degree of General Health Psychology and the postgraduate program of Brief Systemic Therapy, and teaches teaching in several programs of training of psychotherapists both nationally and internationally. He collaborates with several professional psychotherapy associations, such as the association Spanish Association of Constructivist Psychotherapies (ASEPCO), the association Spanish Association of Narrative Therapy (AETEN) or the Catalan Society of Family Therapy (SCTF), and is the national coordinator of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR). He is part of the group of research: Intervention in Clinical and Health Psychology and promotion of Well-being, in which he develops research applied on interpersonal relationships, health and psychotherapy.
Professor of Psychology at the University of Deusto. Director of the Master's Degree in Systemic-Relational Psychotherapy. Member of the Academic Committee of the doctoral program in Psychology at the University of Deusto. Principal Investigator of the Deusto FamilyPsych research team "assessment and Family Intervention". Ex-president of the Spanish association for the research and development of Family Therapy. At the research level, her activity is focused on understanding the difficulties of families in crisis or adversity situations: divorce, adoption, psychosocial risk, immigration, etc.
Doctor in Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Psychiatry. Full Professor Professor Emeritus of the Ramon Llull University (URL) of Barcelona. researcher of the research group of Couple and Family (GRPF) of the URL. Psychotherapist of the Couple and Family Unit of the Vidal i Barraquer Foundation of Barcelona and professor Supervisor for the FEAP and FEATF. President of the AEI+DTF, vice-president of the European network of Family Institutes (REDIF) and member of the Scientific committee of the International association of Couple and Family Psychoanalysis. Author of several articles and books, in 2019 he coordinated the book "Psychoanalytic Couple Psychotherapy" and in 2023, together with Anna Vilaregut, he coordinated the book "Family Therapy: a psychoanalytic and systemic view", both published by the publishing house Herder.
Associate Professor at the School of Psychology of the University of the Basque Country (Dept. of Personality, assessment and Psychological Treatment). Director the training Program in Family and Couple Therapy of AVAPSI. Former President of the Spanish Federation of Psychotherapy Associations (FEAP).
Specialist in clinical psychology, as well as family and couple therapist and professor supervisor accredited by FEAP and FEATF. Adjunct Professor of the Psychology department of the School of Human and Social Sciences of the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. Founding member of the Spanish association for the research and development of Family Therapy (AEI+DTF). She is a therapist at the UNINPSI Clinical Psychology Unit at Comillas Pontifical University, where she has been Director (2013-2022). Her main lines of research are child and adolescent mental healthproject iCygnus, project iEncuist, partnership with the Chair of Children's Rights of Comillas, project Psychology of Forgiveness), sibling relationships, family-school relationship and abuse in the Churchproject Jordán).
researcher and professor at the University of Navarra. PhD and graduate in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela. award extraordinary of licentiate degree and doctorate. Family and Couple Therapist accredited by FEAP. He has maintained an active clinical activity since 2006 and in 2019 he was appointed president of the Spanish association for the research and development of Family Therapy (AEI+DTF). He currently directs the General Health Psychology center "Family Clinic" in Pamplona. He is a Health Psychologist, member of issue N-01730 and coordinator of the pathway of Family Therapy of the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology. He collaborates with several research centers in the United States and Canada. His research covers models of couple therapy, development affective therapy, and Susan Johnson's emotion-focused therapy.
Associate Research Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, University School of Nursing and Occupational Therapy (EUIT-UAB). training in systemic family therapy, specialized in contextual therapy based on the Boszormenyi-Nagy model . Master's Degree in Psychology and Analytical Psychotherapy, and Master's Degree in Psychotherapy and Health Psychology. She has extensive professional experience as a psychologist in various mental health services, community mental health programs, Education and international cooperation.
Senior Associate Professor of family psychotherapy, couples and groups at the Degree of Psychology of the University of Seville. professor and supervisor of the association Andalusian Family Therapy and Human Systems. Director of the Master's Degree of Relational Psychotherapy of the University of Seville. Trainer and supervisor of the family treatment teams of the board of Andalusia between 2005 and 2011. He was president of the Spanish association for the research and development of Family Therapy between 2007 and 2013.
Online participation.
Adjunct Professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University (BYU) since 2015. He earned his doctorate in Child and Family development , with a specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy, from the University of Georgia, after fill in a master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and a licentiate degree in Family Sciences at BYU. He is accredited as a marriage and family therapist in Utah and is a C supervisor C the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). He is a member of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (since 2015), the National Council on Family Relations (since 2002), and the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (since 1999). His research focuses on the therapeutic alliance in couple therapy, the efficacy of therapeutic interventions, and the dynamics of family relationships.
Online participation.
Professor at the University of A Coruña. Director of the research Unit in Intervention and Family Care (UIICF). Director of the Program of assessment and Therapeutic Treatment of Minors status Risk or Homelessness (social concert University of A Coruña-Xunta 2023-2026 FSE+). Director of the Master's Degree in Intervention and Family Caredegree scroll UDC). He conducts process research in Clinical Psychology, mainly in family therapy. His current project is "Building an extended therapeutic alliance: a task analysis with families caught in conflicts between parents and adolescents".
Online participation.
Associate Clinical Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). Director of the diploma courses in Mindfulness and Self-Care, Personality Disorders, Mindfulness and Psychotherapy at the PUC. Adjunct researcher at the Millennium Institute for the research in Depression and Personality (MIDAP). Her areas of interest include the development of therapeutic approaches focused on mindfulness, self-care and intervention in personality disorders.
PhD in Psychology from the Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). Professor at the FPCEE Blanquerna (URL). Accredited in research by the AQU, 2015. 1 Sexenio by the CNEAI. Principal Investigator of the Grup de Recerca de Parella i Família (GRPF), 2021 SGR Cat 00553. Coordinator and professor of the Master in Family Therapy at URL. Psychotherapist by FEAP. Family psychotherapist and professor supervisor by FEATF. Vice-president of the Societat Catalana de Teràpia Familiar (SCTF) and board member of the General board of FEAP.
Professor of Pragmatic Linguistics at the Universitat de València. Member of the Val.Es.Co. group (Valencia Español Coloquial), PI of the ESPRINT project (Pragmatic-rhetorical strategies in conflictive conversational interaction between intimates and acquaintances: intensification, attenuation and interactional management ) of the Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness, where conversations of couples in conflict are analyzed in their natural context (at home) and in the context of couple therapy (in partnership with the Effects project ).
Online participation.
Dr. Joaquin Gaete Silva is the Director of the Calgary Family Therapy Centre. He is a psychologist and Associate Professor at the University of Calgary. His internship and research focus on systemic and cultural psychology, particularly interpersonal conflict, relational pain, disruptive behavior, change processes and clinical supervision.
Doctor in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country in the area of Adoption and Foster Care. Family and Couple Psychotherapist. Director of the Center for Psychotherapy and Family Studies of Navarra (CEPSINA). General Health Psychologist. Psychotherapist and professor supervisor accredited by FEAP. Vice-president of the Basque association of Dynamic and Systemic Psychotherapies (AVAPSI) and member of the board of directors of FEAP. Vice-president of AEI+DTFassociation Spanishassociation for research and development of Family Therapy). Director of the Centro de Psicoterapia y Estudio de la Familia-Navarra in Pamplona.
Associate Professor of the Master's Degree in General Health at the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra, Pamplona. Tutor at the UNED of Pamplona in Criminology and Social work in the Psychology department . Clinical supervisor of several teams of Childhood and Youth of the City Council of Navarra, as well as the Social Services of Villava and Valle de Egüés. Associate Professor at the Centro Crímina of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Professor of the Master's Degree in Systemic Relational Psychology at the University of Deusto, Vizcaya and of the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology at the University of the Basque Country. Supervisor of Multidisciplinary Teams of Family Intervention and consultant in her private office in Pamplona.
Professor of Pragmatic Linguistics at the Universitat de València. Member of the group Val.Es.Co. (Valencia Español Coloquial), PI of the project Es.Var.Atenuación (La atenuación pragmática en el español hablado: su variación diafásica y diatópica) of the Ministerio de Economics y Competitividad, and of the project ESPRINT (Estrategias pragmático-retóricas en la interacción conversacional conflictiva entre íntimos y conocidos: intensificación, atenuación y management interaccional), where conversations of couples in conflict are analyzed in their natural context (at home) and in the context of couple therapy (in partnership with the project Effects).
Principal investigator in four funded research projects, she is the author of more than 20 JCR articles, another 15 indexed in SJR, 28 book chapters and two books. With three sexenios of research, director of thirteen doctoral thesis and evaluator of 40. Expert in the analysis of conflicting speech , corpus linguistics and pragmatics of Spanish. In 2011, together with M. Estellés, I initiated research on the Ameresco corpus, a macro-corpus under construction that collects colloquial conversations from Latin America and Spain.
12:30 Training session for doctoral students
15:00 Collection of documentation
15:15 Opening ceremony.
Participants: Dr. Carlos Pérez Testor (President AEI+DTF) and Dr. Alfonso Osorio (University of Navarra).
15:30 Joint session
Speakers: Dr. Martiño Rodríguez González (University of Navarra) and Dr. Ana Martínez Pampliega (University of Deusto).
- Main lines of research in psychotherapy at ICS-UNAV: transforming couple therapy in Spanish (project Effects). The need for culturally sensitive therapies.
- Main lines of research in psychotherapy in Deusto FamilyPsych: In-depth study of the latest applications of research in post-divorce intervention.
17:00 Joint session - dialogue
Speakers: Dr. Valentín Escudero (University of A Coruña) and Dr. Shayne Anderson (Brigham University).
- The therapeutic alliance in family and couple therapy: current status and future perspectives.
18:00 Coffee Break
18:30 plenary lecture
speaker: Dr. Candice Fischer (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) -discussiondiscussion paper online-.
- Challenges and new tools in the training of therapists: the experience of HAP (Skills Applied to Psychotherapy internship )
19:30-20:45 Assembly of the AEI+DTF association
21:00 Dinner congress
09:00 Joint session
- Dr. Carlos Pérez Testor and Anna Vilaregut (Ramón Llull University). Main projects of the research group of Couple and Family of the Ramón Llull University and contributions of the research to psychoanalytic psychotherapy of couple.
- Dr. Virginia Cagigal (Pontificia Universidad de Comillas). Mind the gap: building bridges between research and clinical internship at UNINPSI.
- Dr. Adrián Montesano (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya). appliedresearch in systemic therapy: from evidence to clinical innovation.
11:15 Coffee Break
11:45 Simultaneous workshops
- Dr. Miguel Garrido (University of Seville). Humorous reflections on the person of the therapist and his resources. If you draw a blank... dance with your feet
- Dr. Mercè Rived-Ocaña (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona). Ethical and relational perspectives: Practical applications of Boszormenyi-Nagy's contextual theory.
- Dr. Íñigo Ochoa de Alda (University of the Basque Country). From if you tell me to come I leave everything, to if you tell me well I go with everything.
13:45 Lunch
15:15 Simultaneous communications
16:45 closing discussion paper
speaker: Dr. Joaquín Gaete (University of Calgary) | Discussant: Dr. Olatz Ormaetxea (UNED)
- The approach family therapy "Bringfordism" (Dr Karl Tomm) and its developments from the CFTC.
17:45 Closing and conclusions of the congress
18:15 Interdisciplinary Symposium (I): contributions of pragmatic linguistics to the training and improvement of effectiveness in emotion-focused couple therapy. Multimodal analysis of interactions in couple therapy from the E(f)FECTS project and transfer of results to improve the training of couple therapists from the ESPRINTER project .
10:00 International Symposium (II) Tools and applications for interdisciplinary work in the study of conflictive communications between intimates and acquaintances.
11:45 Conclusions and closing of the symposium
- Dr. Marta Estellés (University of Valencia).
- Dr. Martiño Rodríguez (University of Navarra).
The following will not be collected applications by hand and those sent by regular mail, fax or e-mail will not be accepted.
Applications will be accepted by strict order of registrationuntil the maximum number of places available ( issue ) is seating).
The maximum date of registration for the on-site format and for the online format is the 29 May (included).
congress dinner: the congress dinner will take place at New Trujal (Calle San Fermín 55, Pamplona). It will cost 30 euros (drinks not included). It is possible to make the reservation to participate in the congress dinner until May 22nd. After this date it is necessary to check availability.
THE registration INCLUDES
Coffees from average Friday afternoon and average Saturday morning
Friday lunch
Presential for members of the AEI+DTF, staff of the University of Navarra, SPR members, unemployed, students of Degree, or students of AVAPSI schools. | 50 euros | 70 euros |
Presential for students of Master's Degree or other professionals | 80 euros | 110 euros |
Online | 15 euros | 20 euros |
degree scroll from work:
It should clearly reflect the content and objectives of the study.
Include each author's full name, their institutional membership and an email address of contact.
A concise text not exceeding 250 words, describing the objectives, methodology, results and main conclusions of work.
Words core topic:
Between 3 and 5 terms that represent the main topics of the study, facilitating their classification and search.
Opening of the call for applications:
February 1, 2025
Closing date:
March 31, 2025
Notification of acceptance:
April 15, 2025
Doctoral students of all courses:
This activity is designed for both those who are beginning their academic career and those who are nearing the end of their studies research:
- In the early stages: They will be able to discuss with experts methodological, theoretical and design aspects of research.
- In the final stages: For those who need advice on how to take the next step in their professional degree program . Experts will provide recommendations on postdoctoral options, international fellowships, collaborations and strategies to strengthen their profile as future researchers.
Participants will be able to present their projects in a collaborative environment, which will allow them to raise doubts, discuss ideas and receive personalized feedback. The professors participating in the mentoring will offer constructive feedback based on the clarity, relevance and feasibility of the projects presented, providing practical recommendations covering methodological, theoretical or application aspects according to the needs of each PhD student. In addition, it will be provided career guidance to help them identify useful resources, relevant bibliography and possible collaborations that can strengthen their research and academic future. This format is designed to encourage active learning and facilitate the development both staff and professional development of doctoral students.
If the issue of registered doctoral students requires it, the organizers will assign participants to groups according to thematic or methodological affinities.
- To be registered in the congress (the cost of participation in this session is included in the registration of the congress, it has no additional cost)
- Be enrolled in a doctoral program or have defended the thesis in the last year.
Send to
- degree scroll of the thesis , director and university of affiliation.
- summary brief (300 words maximum).
→ It can be a general abstract or summary or already prepared for other purposes.
- General ideas about the aspects on which they wish to receive guidance.
- Registration opens: February 1
- Registration deadline: April 31
- Confirmation of mentoring groups: May 17
Contributions of pragmatic linguistics to training and improving efficacy in emotion-focused couple therapy.
Linguistic and multimodal analysis of interactions in couple therapy from the E(f)FECTS project and transfer of results for the improvement of the training of couple therapists from the ESPRINTER project (PID2020-114805GB-100).
The symposium is an activity co-organized by ICS-UNAV, the thematic network CoCoMIntnetwork Thematicnetwork on Conflictive Communication and Mediation: Interaction, Relational Bonds and Social Cohesion; RED2022-134123-T), the project ESPRINTER (PID2020-114805GB-100) and the project E(f)FECTS as an activity of research transfer and interdisciplinary theoretical reflection.
The MINECO/MICINN-funded projects Es.VaG.Atenuación and ESPRINT have generated more than 80 publications on attenuation, intensification and evidentiality. The first one identified the need to study conflicting interactions due to their uniqueness and scarce research in spontaneous contexts. ESPRINT took a first step in this field, including family conflicts and taking advantage of the E(f)FECTs project , which analyzed couple therapies. Through this symposium we want to move towards transferring the results to the field of couple therapy. The results of ESPRINT(Marta Albelda and María Estellés) and E(f)FECTs(Martiño Rodríguez) will be considered to guide future research, as well as the multimodal perspective provided by the MultiNEg project (Dr. Inés Olza), exploring how linguistic criteria can contribute to the identification and characterization of conflict fragments in intimate interactions and their application in the clinical setting.
Marta Albelda - University of Valencia
Dania Andrade - University of Navarra
María Calatrava - University of Navarra
Mª de los Ángeles Cueli Naranjo - Universidad de Navarra
María Estellés - University of Valencia
Virginia González García - University of Valencia
María Querol - Catholic University of Valencia
Inés Olza - University of Navarra
Martiño Rodríguez - University of Navarra
Alessandra Sambuceti - University of Navarra
Technical secretariat

Institute for Culture and Society (ICS), University of Navarra
Ismael Sánchez Bella Building.
31009 - Pamplona (Spain)
(+34) 644 870 129