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network Thematic on conflict communication and mediation




Interaction, relational ties and social cohesion


Aplicaciones anidadas


The 'network Thematic on conflict communication and mediation: Interaction, relational links and social cohesion' starts from the hypothesis that the core of all conflict - be it interpersonal or social - and of mediation practices has a fundamental communicative and interactive component, hence the need to shed light on the conflict/mediation binomial from linguistics and, within this, from the currents of functional analysis of language (pragmatics, conversation analysis, analysis of speech, cognitive linguistics, or multimodal analysis of language).

In this framework, the CoCoMInt Thematic network is the first one proposed to officially unify groups of Spanish universities working in linguistics and pragmatics of conflict and mediation, paying attention to different genres of human communication and different languages/language communities.

Aplicaciones anidadas



Aplicaciones anidadas


Conflict and mediation

To develop unified models for the study of conflict and mediation as interrelated facts in human communication and interaction. These models will integrate the different methodological perspectives adopted so far by the teams of the network, showing their operability for the analysis of different genres of oral, written and digital communication.


Common platform

promote the addition, unification and exchange of data through a common platform of linguistic corpora, and sharing knowledge technical and methodological to optimize the protocols for their collection, processing and maintenance.

Aplicaciones anidadas



Generate spaces for training and joint reflection that permeate all layers of the teams, with active and tangible exchanges (e.g. joint publications, visits and consultations, co-direction of doctoral thesis ) between senior, consolidated, young and training researchers.


research linguistic

Consolidate and promote the Spanish linguisticresearch on conflict and mediation beyond physical borders (dialogue with foreign researchers and traditions, many of them with some experience of exchange with the teams of the network) and of the knowledge (dialogue with other disciplines).


Social agents

To ensure that the scientific knowledge on the communicative-interactive core of conflict and mediation is meaningful for social agents, converts linguists into interlocutors with society, and contributes in a special way to the promotion of social cohesion (reconciliation and conflict resolution strategies) and social and gender equality (special attention to groups that suffer special vulnerability in contexts of social and interpersonal conflict).

Aplicaciones anidadas



Aplicaciones anidadas


researcher manager

Inés OlzaInés Olza

group "Links, creativity and culture".



→ Marta Albelda (University of Valencia)
→ Esperanza Rocío Alcaide (University of Seville)
→ Isabel Alonso (Autonomous University of Madrid)
→ Patricia Bou (University of Valencia)
→ Ester Brenes (University of Córdoba)
→ Lucía Fernández (Pablo de Olavide University)
→ Carolina Figueras (University of Barcelona)
→ Carmen Maíz (Complutense University of Madrid)
→ Susana Ridao (University of Almería)
→ Carmen Santamaría (University of Alcalá)

Aplicaciones anidadas



financial aid Ref. RED2022-134123-T funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033