
VII ICS Lecture on Humanities and Social Sciences

Advances in couples research and intervention: A 40 year perspective

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The ICS Lectures are a series of conferences organized annually by the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS). goal These lectures are given by internationally renowned researchers and their aim is to present to the entire University of Navarra some of the topics that are being researched in the different ICS projects.

It will be given by Howard J. Markman, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Denver (USA) and co-director of the Center for Marital Studies, under the title 'Advances in couples research and intervention: A 40 year perspective'.

summary of the lecture:

"Preventing marital failure is not only beneficial for spouses and their environment: it also saves countries economic costs."

On the discussion paper

Howard J. Markman's discussion paper will begin with an overview of current trends in relationships and marriages in the United States, the European Union and Spain. He will focus particularly on the so-called 'cohabitation effect' which suggests that couples who live together before marriage may have a higher risk of divorce in the future.

Afterwards, the expert will describe the danger signs of interactions that they have discovered in their research on couples and that can predict present and future moments of discomfort. In addition, videos will be shown of real couples showing these danger signs when discussing problems in their lives together.

He will then describe the research-based PREP (The Prevention and Relationship Education Program), which is designed to teach couples how to counter these danger signs and help them learn skills and principles associated with a happy marriage. He will present PREP as an example of a relationship education programme and contrast some relationship education programmes with couples therapy. In particular, he will focus on the similarities and differences between couple education and therapy.

Finally, the session will end with a summary of the challenges facing the fields of couples research , couple therapy and Education of relationships.

On the speaker

Howard MarkmanHoward J. Markman is Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Denver (USA) and co-director of the Center for Marital Studies. He is a member of the Family Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association and the Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy. He is a recipient of the 'Distinguished contributions to family therapy researchawarded by the American Family Therapy Association.

Markman has developed PERP (The Prevention and Relationship Education Program), an internationally acclaimed evidence-based relationship education programme educational . He is one of the world's leading researchers on reference letter in the areas of couples, marriage, divorce prevention, Education in relationships and therapy. development To develop his research he has received grants from governmental institutions such as the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Science Foundation and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Children's Health and Human Services high school .

The expert has written more than 100 books and scientific articles in the field of family and couple relationships, including the bestseller 'Fighting FOR Your Marriage' (Wiley/Jossey-Bass, 2010). He has also practiced as a couples therapist, offers courses for couples and is director of the Couples Clinic at the University of Denver.

The PREP programme is widely used by the US military, as well as in 10 other countries including Australia, Austria, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Israel, Malaysia, Norway, Qatar, Singapore and Sweden. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention has found that the programme can prevent and ameliorate intimate partner violence. It has also been verified by the National Registry of Evidence-Based and Practical Programmes and is registered on the US Government's list of evidence-based programmes.

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