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To be better informed about fertility



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The consortium 'B2-InF - Be Better Informed About Fertility. Giving voice to citizens towards improving assisted reproduction technologies for society(B2-InF)' addresses with an interdisciplinary approach the field of assisted human reproduction in Europe. It is funded by the European Commission in the area of Humanities of the H2020 Call, in the framework of the 'Science with and for Society' (SwafS) programme. 

Through semi-structured interviews, it will collect and analyse the scientificknowledge , expectations and concerns of young people about the science of human reproduction. B2-InF will also focus on what subject information clinics provide to society and how it can be improved.

It is estimated that in a few years, 10% of the population born in Europe will be the result of assisted reproductive techniques (ART), and about half of the population wishing to have children will go to specialised centres. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) therefore plays an important role in the reproductive health of European society and is a rapidly growing part of the healthcare industry. In this context, B2-InF aims to find out, on the one hand, how young people perceive these techniques and what they think about them; and on the other hand, how clinics can better align their research, services and information with citizens' views, concerns and expectations.

The project will be carried out in three stages. In the first stage, data will be collected on young people's perceptions and knowledge about assisted reproductive technologies, as well as the information offered by clinics to their patients. In the second stage, this data will be analysed from different perspectives to identify mismatches and weaknesses, and to identify ways to improve the information. The third stage will focus on disseminating the findings through the distribution of guidelines with standardised guidelines.

The study is led by Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarra and proposes an integrated methodology of research to be developed in eight European nations: Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Macedonia, Albania, Slovenia and Kosovo. These countries present very different social and legal realities regarding this field. 


Aplicaciones anidadas


Main researcher

Francisco Güell Pelayo
group Mind-brain ,  




This project receives funding from the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Innovation Programme (agreement nº872706):

European Commission Horizon 2020