Ruta de navegación


Aplicaciones anidadas


This project investigates multilingualism in Morocco (standard and Moroccan Arabic, Berber, French...), while addressing the case of multilingualism in the Moroccan community in Spain. Although Spain has 1.5 million people of Moroccan origin, their linguistic status is not well understood and Berber is practically invisible. This research will compare cultural and linguistic practices in the Arabic- and Berber-speaking parts of Morocco and Spain

In the first subproject, I will research language contact and its different outcomes . The second subproject will investigate Moroccan heritage folklore. I will study similarities and differences between folklore as performed by speakers at home and abroad, underlining the local and global features. Annotated audios will be made available, for easier accessibility for the speakers and other researchers.

This project aims to investigate multilingualism and different results of language contact in Morocco and among Moroccan immigrants in Spain, and to compare linguistic and cultural behavior of Moroccans abroad and at home. The study of Moroccan-heritage folklore aims to establish the local vs. global features.

This will be complemented by the edition of an online open-access corpus of collected data (annotated audios/videos), to ensure other researchers have access to the data for purposes of verification and further study. Audios will be made available for the speakers interested in their language and heritage. 

Aplicaciones anidadas


Main researcher

Evgeniya Gutova
group speech-public


financial aid

 FJC2021-046759-I funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR