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congress International

"Young people, relationships and psychological well-being."

Pamplona - June 6 and 7, 2024



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* The deadline for submitting papers has passed, however, posters will still be accepted.
Those interested can send a summary at the following form.

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Emotional wellbeing in young people is a very important topic topic whose impact can be transferred to the social, economic, educational spheres... The present congress seeks to bring together leading national and international researchers working on different aspects of this same topic. In this way, the attendees will have a panoramic view of the current challenges at research in this field, as well as the difficulties and successes of transferring these advances at research to internship. 

Specifically, the congress will revolve around four main axes: mental disorders in young people, relationship with new technologies, social interactions and behavioral addictions. These topics will be specified and developed through plenary lectures, round tables and presentations of papers and posters in each of these axes. 

This congress is part of the challenge ICS 22-23 "Youth, Relationships and Psychological Well-being" of the of the Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarra. This initiative of research multidisciplinary seeks to study psychological well-being in adolescence and youth.


The congress will revolve around 4 axes: 

Mental disorders in young people

Relationship with new technologies

Behavioral addictions

Integration of young people into society





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8:45 h - entrance hall ICS. Reception of participants.

09:00 h - Opening.
- Luis Campos Iturraldedirector general of Planning, Coordination, Innovation and Public Policy assessment
- Pablo Pérez López, director scientific of the ICS.


09:30 h - "We need to strengthen the mental health of university students. The vision of the World Mental Health initiative - International College Surveys (WMH-ICS)". speaker: Jordi Alonso. Pompeu Fabra University.

10:30 h - Photography of group and coffee break - entrance hall ICS.

11:00 h - Communications axis 01.
- Úrsula PaivaPrevalence of mental disorders in university students: umbrella review. PhD ICS. University of Navarra.
- María Vasilj: Models of counseling and psychological care in universities: creation of the COMPASS Counseling Unit at the University of Navarra. Phd. PhD student in Public Health and Preventive Medicine U. Navarra.
- María LavillaBASICS peer-led intervention to reduce alcohol consumption in university students. A randomized clinical essay . PhD student in Public Health and Preventive Medicine, University of Navarra.

11:45 a.m. - Posters axes 01 and 02.

12:00 h - roundtable 'Mental disorders in young people'.
- Giulia TestaSocial networks and eating disorders in adolescents.
- Joaquín González CabreraInternet risks in adolescents and their impact on quality of life.
- Ángeles CueliMental health prevention in educational contexts: status in Spain.

moderatorGonzalo Arrondo (ICS).

13:30 h - Lunch - university dining hall.


15:00 h - "Unlocking Digital average's Impact on Youth Well-Being: Insights and Future Strategies" .
speaker: Tobias Dienlin. University of Vienna. 

16:00 h - Coffee break - entrance hall ICS.

16:15 h - roundtable 'Relationship with new technologies'.
- Sara Toledano, Fundación Manantial
- Netta Weinstein, University of Reading
- Aurelio Fernández Zapico, Youth in transition (ICS)

- Javier García Manglano, Youth in transition (ICS)

17:30 h - Communications axis 02.
- Ana Cecilia SerranoThe challenging reality of adulthood: how Spanish young people see becoming an adult.
- María del Carmen García MendozaThe challenging reality of adulthood: how Spanish young people see becoming an adult. - María Carmen García Mendoza: Flourishing, family and economic status : a longitudinal study with emerging adults in Spain.
- Rocío de la source MartínWelfare of Spanish youth: how they are and what they need in society.

20:00 h - visit guided (English) Museo Universidad de Navarra.

20:30 h - Dinner. University of Navarra Museum Restaurant.




09:30 h - "Risk and harms related to behavioral addictions among adolescents and young adults" .
Speaker : Zsolt Demetrovics. University of Gibraltar.

10:30 h - Coffee break - entrance hall ICS.

11:00 h - Communications axis 03.
- María ContrerasAttachment style and subject of parental bonding in patients with problematic pornography consumption.
- Pedro de la RosaPornography consumption history in Spanish young people aged 18 to 25 years. ICS University of Navarra.
- Gonzalo ArrondoThe association between loneliness and technology-related addictions: a systematic review and goal-analysis. ICS University of Navarra.

11:45 a.m. - Posters axis 03 and 04.

12:00 h - roundtable "Addictions".
- Alejandro Gómez Miguel. Fad Youth
- Gemma Mestre-Bach. group of research of Behavioral Addictions (GIAC) UNIR.
- María Contreras. PhD in Psychology. 

13:30 h - Lunch - university dining hall.


15:00 h - The consequences of labour market insecurities for well-being and health of young people.
- speaker: Marge Unt. Tallinn University.

16:00 h - Coffee break - entrance hall ICS.

16:15 h - Communications axis 04.
- María Sanz: Role core topic of emotions and psychological safety in the learning of an additional language . Pompeu Fabra University.
- Merita MeçeMerita Meçe: Adolescents' Perceptions of School Support and their Mental Health. Clemson University.
- Ángeles CueliMental health and emotional well-being in the Spanish context educational . ICS U. Navarra.

17:15 h - roundtable "Integration of Youth in society".
- Jesús Gallego, Puente Center (Navarra).
- Leonor Pérez Casajús, mediation and conflict resolution in the school environment.
- Javier Morentin-Encina, School de Education (UNED)

- Inés Olza,"Links, creativity and culture (ICS)".

18:30 h - Closing.
- Gonzalo Arrondo. coordinator challenge Global ICS 22-24




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Jordi Alonso. Pompeu Fabra University

I am a medical doctor, specialist in public health and I do my researcher at the Hospital del Mar Research Institute in Barcelona, Spain. I am a full professor of Public Health (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). And I am also the scientific deputy director of the Biomedical Research Network Center in Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP).

My research focuses on the estimation of the burden of mental illness, in particular common mental disorders and suicidality. I am the European coordinator of the WHO-World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys Consortium, and the Spanish coordinator of the International College Survey initiative.


Entering university is an important stage in the lives of students who, in turn, are making the transition from late adolescence to emerging adulthood. These changes occur during a very sensitive phase of the life cycle, with frequent emotional problems and mental disorders. Arguably, about 70% of mental disorders begin before the age of 24. Early-onset cases usually have worse clinical and functional outcomes.

The university years are associated with an increase in emotional problems: anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts and behaviors, but also behaviors such as non-suicidal self-harm, disordered eating patterns, and excessive consumption of alcohol and other substances. Together, these disorders and behaviors are associated with poorer academic performance. Only a minority of students (one in five) with these disorders and behaviors receive treatment. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these issues by disrupting students' routines, lifestyles, and support networks.

In this conference we will review the WHO Initiative of the World Mental Health-International College Surveys (WMH-ICS) consortium, which studies representative samples of students in colleges and universities throughout the world to estimate prevalence of mental disorders, adverse consequences (staff, social and academic), patterns of help-seeking for these conditions, and barriers/willingness to treatment. Longitudinal data collection allows to monitor changes in the incidence, prevalence, and treatment throughout the college years. We will also review controlled interventions that have been conducted at some of the participating universities.

Conflicts of interest:
No conflict of interest. The research presented has been funded by public institutions (mainly: European Commission, Carlos III Health Institute, AGAUR).

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Tobias Dienlin. University of Vienna

Tobias Dienlin is Adjunct Professor of Interactive Communication at the department of Communication of the School of Social Sciences at the University of Vienna. He is a qualified psychologist from the Gutenberg-University Mainz and holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Hohenheim. His research focuses on how users use social media as well as the impact of social media on individuals, with a focus on privacy and mental health.

Tobias Dienlin is also interested in Open Science. Dienlin is a member of the association International Communication and the German Psychological Society. 


In my presentation, I take a close look at how digital technology affects the well-being of young people. To begin, I offer a comprehensive overview of the existing body of literature, highlighting key studies and recent findings. Additionally, I delve into the current controversies within the field, where opinions diverge, with some asserting that the effects are substantial and detrimental, while others argue that they are small and negligible.

In the second part of my talk, I outline the path forward for research in this area. I address essential questions, such as the data we require, the appropriate analytical methodologies, and the significance of robust theoretical frameworks. I also stress the practical relevance of this research to stakeholders, including funders and policymakers.

This conversation extends beyond the confines of academia, emphasizing the tangible implications of our research. As we deepen our understanding of the interplay between digital average and well-being, we can improve our collective decision-making - for a future where the impact of digital technology is thoughtfully considered, ensuring the well-being of our youth remains a central concern.

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Zsolt Demetrovics. University of Gibraltar

Zsolt Demetrovics is Professor of Psychology, director of the Center of Excellence in Gambling manager of the University of Gibralta and director of group of research of addictions at ELTE Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary). He is a psychologist and cultural anthropologist and holds a doctorate in clinical and health psychology. His research focuses on epidemiology, assessment and psychological correlates of substance abuse behavior and behavioral addictions, such as addictions to gambling, video games, problematic internet use, exercise, shopping, work or hypersexual behavior. He is founder and publisher of the Journal of Behavioral Addiction and president of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Addictions. He is a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and a member of the European Academy.


Centre of Excellence in Responsible Gaming, University of Gibraltar, Gibraltar, Gibraltar

Institute of Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

The development of new digital technologies, while providing significant advantages and possibilities, is also accompanied by potential harms and risks. These could especially be relevant in the case of adolescents and young adults whose everyday involvement in online activities is significant while the necessary control mechanisms are not necessarily developed. The current paper discusses the risks of different behavioural addictions in this population with a specific emphasis on those developments related to online activities. These include online video game playing, online gambling, social average use, and online pornography consumption. The paper discusses the differences between non-problematic and problematic online behaviors, the potential risks and harms related, the motivational background and other predictors. Family issues, possible preventive efforts, and questions related to regulations and policies are also presented.

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Marge Unt. Tallinn University

Marge Unt is Professor of Comparative Sociology and Director of the Education Institute of International Social programs of study at Tallinn University. She has led and participated in several large-scale international research projects and has worked as a government advisor and as a member of review committees. Her research focuses on comparative life course perspectives, such as the transition from youth to adulthood, inequalities in employment dynamics at the beginning and end of working careers, and the role of social institutions. 


Most previous research on youth' job insecurity and especially youth unemployment has addressed its drivers. Gathering and implementing knowledge that will prevent youth unemployment and support youth pathways out of temporary jobs is a highly relevant research activity. Moreover, there is also an urgent need to understand the consequences of such individual-level labour market insecurities for youth, because unemployment along with extended periods of temporary employment and mini-jobs are a widespread phenomenon among youth. Crises are expected to have a potentially detrimental effect on the future of these young people in the form of 'scar effects' (Unt and Täht, 2020), especially in the view of the recent pandemic Covid-19 crisis.

One central aspect of social inclusion is youth's subjective well-being. The complementary findings are presented based on the results from the Horizon2020-funded EXCEPT and Horizon Europe MapIneq project. What are the consequences of labour market insecurities for well-being and health and its spillover effects for other family members? What are the drivers of loss of well-being in the case of labour market vulnerability? The quantitative evidence is accompanied by qualitative insights based on 386 interviews conducted with youth from nine European countries representing different macro contexts: Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Sweden, the Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.





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How to get there?

Institute for Culture and SocietyUniversity of Navarra. Pamplona

The entrance to the building is through the Main Library and the Ismael Sánchez Bella Building.
Calle Universidad, 6, 31009 Pamplona, Navarre
31008 Pamplona.

Nearby hotels

Hotel Albret 4*  

Hotel Blanca de Navarra 4*. 
