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general_carrusel-preparacion-extranjero Duplicado 2

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Your international adventure starts here

frase introductoria preparacion extranjero

If so, you have access to the full range of language courses open to the general public, as well as exclusive options and tailor-made courses designed just for you. 

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Find out here about courses that will help you prepare for your international stay:

preparacion extranjero desplegables

Discover the linguistic and cultural diversity in our courses. Learn or consolidate language and immerse yourself in its unique culture. These intensive courses have a duration of 6 weeks. 

language and German culture (intermediate level)

language and Italian culture (beginner level)

Japanese language and culture (beginner level)

The institute of modern languages offers general courses in 9 languages. internship real and effective in a dynamic environment. 

More information 

If you want to practice your oral expression, you are interested in conversation courses. We currently offer courses in the following languages:


institute of modern languages offers specialized courses for the preparation of official exams of different languages. Our courses prepare you through classes in which you will discover techniques, tricks and tips that you can use in the exam. 

La oferta académica publicada es la del curso actual. Si estás interesado en algún curso o idioma que no se imparte, no dudes en escribirnos a

The academic programs published is for the current course. If you are interested in a course or language that is not being offered, do not hesitate to write to us at

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Exámenes oficiales blanco

Official examinations

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Aplicaciones anidadas


test LEVEL
The test level test is compulsory for official exam preparation courses, first time enrolments in language (level A2 onwards) at the UNAV and students who retake language after 2 semesters. It is not necessary for students who are going to take a continuation of the previous semester and in case of having an official certification of less than two years. +


enquiry dates and times on the website. Be sure of the name of the course, there are languages and levels that have more than one group. 

Aplicaciones anidadas



You must apply for the admission to the degree program of the language through the portal myUNAV. This step is done only once. In subsequent courses, you will proceed directly to step 4.
If you are not student or a former student of the University of Navarra, you must also attach a passport-sized photo and your National Identity Card.
enquiry the guide address enrollment to know the steps to follow and fill in correctly your application. 



enrollment AND PAYMENT
Once you have completed your admission, you will be able to make the enrollment and payment (if applicable) for the courses you wish to take. The payment of the enrollment is made with card of credit in the same portal myUNAV.

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  • Employees and teachers: 75%.
  • Retired employees and teachers: 75%.
  • Family employee (children or spouses of employees): 50%.
  • University of Navarra students: 25%.
  • visiting professor: 25%
  • University of Navarra Alumni: 12%.
  • large family8% general, 16% special

*Discounts are not cumulative; the highest discount available applies. 

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Level tests

The entrance tests are designed to help you decide which course is right for you.

Each access test has several parts: grammar and vocabulary, reading, listening and speaking. It lasts approximately 45 minutes.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the institute of modern languages Secretariat(

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  1. Use a computer or tablet with headphones to make the test.

  2. Answer all the questions on test.

  3. Listening comprehension: You will listen to each recording TWICE. The audio is already edited with the repetition.




After completing your test and sending your answers, within TWO working days, a professor will contact you at the telephone number and schedule that you provide. The purpose of this call is to conduct a brief oral interview and to recommend the course offered by the University of Navarra's institute of modern languages that best suits your needs.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Specific English language tests

You want to continue learning English or maintain the level you have already achieved, but you do not intend to certify your level of English with an official exam (Cambridge or TOEFL iBT).

  • If your level of English is below B2, you should take test Access 1 (Levels A2-B2).
  • If your level of English is at least B1+ (upper-intermediate) you should take test Access 2 (Levels B2-C2).


If you want to certify your level of English with the official Cambridge or TOEFL iBT exam, you should choose one of these tests:

  • English- test Access B1- PET
  • English - test Access B2 - FIRST
  • English - test Access C1 - ADVANCED
  • English - test Access C2 - PROFICIENCY
  • English - test Access TOEFL iBT

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