Ruta de navegación

Puntuaciones y certificado

Scores and certificate


The result TOEFL iBT test is posted to your ETS account approximately 4-8 calendar days after you take the test. You will receive an email notifying you that your score is available.

Aprovecha nuestro descuento en el examen TOEFL iBT ® .

 Take advantage of our discount on the TOEFL iBT ® .

Aplicaciones anidadas

¿Qué significan tus puntuaciones?

What do your scores mean?

You will receive four scores per section, as well as a total score . Each section has a range of score from 0 to 30, which add up to a total score ranging from 0 to 120.

¿Puedo solicitar una segunda corrección de mi examen TOEFL?

May I apply for a second correction?

Yes, you can apply for a second review of the Speaking and/or Writing sections of your test directly to ETS-TOEFL. ETS-TOEFL review fees of $80 per section apply.

¡Compara con otras certificaciones!

Compare with other certifications!

C2 114-120 200-230 (CPE)
C1 95-113 180-199 (CAE)
B2 72-94 160-179 (FCE)
B1 42-71 140-159 (PET)

* CEFR: The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages