
I have forgotten my password

If you don't remember your password, or you can't log in, follow the steps below to update it. If you know your password but this is the first time you are logging in or your password has expired, click here. here.

When you enter the wrong password , you will get the following message:

If you have forgotten your password, click on Can't access your account? and you will see the following screen, where you must select I forgot my password and enter your University of Navarra email address, for example, tu_correo@unav.es, tu_correo@alumni.unav.es, or tu_correo@external.unav.es.

If you have entered a recovery phone number in My Account it will tell you the phone number to which a PIN will be sent by SMS to reset your password. If you are at agreement click Submit.

If you do not have a telephone number registered in My Account, please contact Atención Informática:
- For students: at soporteitalumnos@unav.es. (More information).
- PDI and PAS: by calling extension 802992. (More information).

At this point, you will receive an SMS to your mobile. Enter it at form and press Reset password.

You will now be able to enter a new password. If it meets the security conditions, the button Reset password will be displayed.

Finally, you will see the following message when your password has been successfully updated.

If so, you can continue to use the different services.

If you have any problems, you can contact Atención Informática:
- For students: at the following e-mail address: soporteitalumnos@unav.es. (More information).
- PDI and PAS: by calling extension 802992. (More information).

Remember that once you have updated your password, you will need to reset it on your devices. For more information What should I do after changing my password? for more information available.