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20 | 06 | 2011

A theologian of the University of Navarra compiles in a book four treatises of Ambrose of Milan on Christian virginity

17 | 06 | 2011

The true multidisciplinarity is the one that is given in oneself, trying to reach the unity of knowledge.

ImagenManuel Castells

14 | 06 | 2011

Last thesis defended in the School of Theology and the School of Canon Law of the University of Navarra

07 | 06 | 2011

Investiture of 23 doctors of the University of Navarra's Ecclesiastical Schools , from 6 countries

ImagenManuel Castells

06 | 06 | 2011

Polish editions of two books by University of Navarra theologian Juan Luis Lorda published in Polish

30 | 05 | 2011

The School of Theology publishes a volume with the introductions and commentaries of the Holy Bible of the University of Navarra.

24 | 05 | 2011

27 students from 13 countries graduate in the XLIII graduating class of the University of Navarra's licentiate degree in Theology

ImagenManuel Castells

23 | 05 | 2011

22 students from 8 countries graduate in the XLV graduating class of the licentiate degree in programs of study Ecclesiastics of the University of Navarre

ImagenManuel Castells

20 | 05 | 2011

A thesis of the University of Navarra analyzes the poetic Philosophy of Antonio Machado.

ImagenManuel Castells

10 | 05 | 2011

60 experts from the USA and Spain analyse keys to the economic support of the Church



Mª Jesús Cantalapiedra

Head of Communication of the Schools Ecclesiastics

Schools Ecclesiastical, Campus University

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 802629
