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04 | 12 | 2011
The euro is exposed to further penalties
Pedro Mendi
Professor of department of business, University of Navarra
18 | 11 | 2011
What is to be done?
José Luis Álvarez
Dir. Dep. Economics , University of Navarra
11 | 11 | 2011
Is Spain more solvent than Italy?
Francesc Pujol
Professor of Economics , University of Navarra
Published in:LaRazó
09 | 11 | 2011
Is there a danger of a contagion effect?
José Luis Álvarez Arce
Dep. of Economics, University of Navarra
30 | 09 | 2011
Why is a financial aid required of the bank?
Director from department of Economics, University of Navarre
Published in:La Razón
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