
Texts, articles and reviews with the label: 'man'.

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VideoVulnerability. The depth and grandeur of the wounded body 

summaryToday's culture, which values appearance so much, has trouble understanding the greatness of a wounded body. The opening of a wounded body makes it possible to enter a world of deep relationships beyond equality, contractual, utility, duty or paternalism.
Author: Javier de la Torre Díaz

The contemporary desire for a technified salvation text

summaryAging must be seen in the context of the whole of human life. The current reductive vision does not see the natural purpose of corporeal life, and thinks that the physical aspect of man must be technically optimized, leading to a human void.
Authors: Jorge Martín Montoya, José Manuel Giménez Amaya

video and presentationWhat if naturalism were a pseudo-religion? The anthropological and theological challenge of naturalism

summaryNaturalism is nowadays put forward as the only interpretation of the natural sciences. Is it really reasonable to accept this view of science, and what if naturalism is nothing more than a theology, a pseudo-religion?
Author: Moisés Pérez Marcos

Some utopian considerations on the problem educational Video

summary: Recent technological progress makes it necessary to provide a specific scientific-technical training , which decisively shapes the system educational. The possibilities of a Education that, in this context, can provide human density to people are explored.
Author: Juan Arana

The future of human being: neuroscientific and philosophical perspectives Video

summary: Humanity's vision of the future is currently shaped by science and technology. This is not only a contemporary conditioning of our thinking, but a deeper limitation to our correct understanding of what it means to be human.
Author: Saša Horvat

VideoOrigins of man 

summary: Summarises the book Origins of Man. It starts from the biological understanding of the human being, to look for the origin of culture and other peculiarities: affectivity, conscience and freedom. The naturalistic vision of man is not able to explain the origin of these facets.
Author: Francisco Rodríguez Valls

The will to love that makes a difference

summary: Human love sample characteristics that cannot be reduced to love that has biological utility; this love refers to the recognition of the intrinsic value of the human being, of his dignity, and can only be explained with spiritual categories.
Author: Marciano Escutia

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Txt_Otros documentos-Hombre

Science and faith: new perspectives

summary: article that exposes the bridges that can be established between science and faith; basically, the rationality of nature, the appearance of a global scientific cosmovision, the unfolding of the natural dynamism of beings, the self-organisation of the subject and the natural teleology that underlies it, and the singularity of man who elaborates science within nature.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Easeful Death. Is There a Case for Assisted Dying?

summary: Absolute autonomy of the patient, the need to legally accept financial aid to suicide, invalidity of contrary arguments.
Author: Antonio Pardo

The origin of man. Current state of paleoanthropological research.   

summary: I.INTRODUCTION. II.PRELIMINARY ISSUES. 1. The fossil record. 2. The dating of fossils. 3. The biological notion of species. 4. status of man within the animal kingdom. III.FOSSILS OF UPPER PRIMATE NON-HOMANIDS. 1. Family Hylobatidae. 2. Family Pongidae. 3. Ramapithecus. IV. FOSSILIES OF HOMINIDS. 1. Most important findings. 2. Australopithecus. 3. The genus Horno. a) Horno habilis. b) Horno erectus. c) Horno sapiens. 4. The problem of identification and ascription of hominid fossils. 5. Main hypotheses about the phylogeny of hominids. V. MAN. 1. The oldest cultural traces: more than two million years old. 2. 2. Human colonisation. 3. Polyphyletism and monophyletism: monogenism. 4. Hominisation and humanisation: a hypothesis.
Author: Rafael Jordana

Human evolution: the latest discoveries

summary: Introduction. The human being: that great mystery. The first discoveries. Neanderthal Man. Upright man without speech. The hominids of Southern Africa. The second generation. Paranthropes and the first Homo. Lucy. The most famous hominid. The decade of the nineties. In search of the roots. Abel. The australopithecine of Chad. The australopithecine of Lake Turkana. Garhi: The big surprise? Homo antecessor and Homo cepranensis. The latest discoveries. The man of the millennium. The oldest ardipithecines. Toumaï: The oldest hominid? Kenyanthropus platyops: The party pooper. Homo georgicus. The Caucasian surprise. Our oldest direct ancestors I. Homo sapiens idaltu: Our oldest direct ancestors II. The skulls of Omo Kibish. The small human from Flores Island. Anamensis and the origin of australopithecines. Genetics and human evolution. Conclusion. Notes.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

Habit acquisition in the context of neuronal genomic and epigenomic mosaicism 

Author: Francisco J. Novo

Hawking and God: physics gives what it gives

summary: article commenting on the summary of Hawking's ideas published in The Times at purpose of the book "The Big design". The idea of multi-universes is free and does not pose problems to faith or to the existence of God.
Author: Santiago Collado González

The spirituality of the human being

summary: exhibition of the Christian doctrine on the superiority of man in the world, and his spiritual nature, the image of God, as the foundation of this superiority.
Author: Mariano Artigas

The uncertainty of human phylogenies

summary: Difficulties in establishing human phylogenies: to establish phyletic relationships, to determine palaeospecies, the precariousness of the fossil record, and intellectual a prioris.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

The reasons for "scientific" atheism

summary: Based on the discussion between Richard Dawkins and Rowan Williams, the arguments commonly used by atheists are discussed: the God of the holes and the theory of multiverses.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares

The three explanations for the origin and evolution of the universe

summary: article on the three possible global explanations of reality: materialism, pantheism and creationism, with reflections on how the only coherent vision is the creationist one and its connection with the Christian faith.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda

The remote origins of the human race. Miocene hominoids

summary: Review of Miocene hominids, with considerations on individual specimens, and links to more extensive papers.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

Lights and shadows in the study of human evolution

summary: The latest fossil discoveries of human ancestors are reviewed and their implications for the hypotheses of human evolutionary genealogy are analysed.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

Neurobiology of "attachment bonding" and pregnancy 

summary: Functional neuroimaging techniques show how certain brain areas are activated, while others are silenced, when a mother sees her daughter or son, or hears their voices. It is the correlate of the emotion, which in the presence of her child, in various circumstances, generates in the mother. The brain is organised to mediate the complex maternal behaviour. For this, gene expression is orchestrated by different hormones and neurochemical factors during pregnancy. Maternal behaviour can be reasonably characterised in terms of cognitive-emotional interactions and for which the amygdaloid complex functions as a nodal point connecting cognition and emotion.
Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya

Our cousins the Denisovans 

summary: About 40,000 years ago three Humanities occupied the Earth: homo sapiens, neanderthals and denisovans, a group of which nothing was known and from which we inherited part of the immune system.
Author: Jesús Rubio

Origin of man

summary: A work in which, after three technical chapters by Daniel Turbón, Mariano Artigas explains the issues in relation to faith and religion.
Author: Mariano Artigas and Daniel Turbón

Selam. The australopithecine girl from Dikika

summary: Update on palaeoanthropology and detailed description of the Selam fossil.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

The unity and the stability of human behavior. An interdisciplinary approach to habits between philosophy and neuroscience. 

Author: José A. Lombo and José M. Giménez-Amaya