
Science and truth


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video and presentationresearch and truth: science in the face of the challenge of "extended reason".

summaryScientific achievements dazzle researcher. But, can science arrive at the truth? researcher only seeks the truth? What does the scientific research contribute to the construction of the expanded reason, advocated by Benedict XVI?
Author: Luis Montuenga

St. Thomas, a synthetic understanding of reality

summarySt. Thomas Aquinas found in Aristotelian thought the confirmation of his own synthetic vision of reality, founded on a dynamic understanding of beings, with a natural finality that embraces all its facets. It is the basis of the philosophia perennis.
Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya and José Ángel Lombo.

The danger of post-truth in the post-covid era. Foundations for a current ethical reflection on the value of truth.text

summaryPost-truth is related to fake news in the media, but it also contains charlatanism (according to Harry Frankfurt's term) and emotivism (analyzed by MacIntyre). Its consequences are distrust and ethical fragility.
Author: Jorge Martín Montoya

VideoThe resurgence of Rhetoric and its chiaroscuros

summaryThe rhetoric of the twelfth century, present in political action and in the media, engages with the postulates of the postmodern Philosophy and deconstructivism. The problem is analyzed from a Philosophy that can be called academic, and in reference letter to the truth.
Author: Ginés framework Perles

Physics and awe in the face of naturetext

summaryReflection on the role of astonishment in the face of nature as a bridge between the physicist's work and philosophical reflection on the natural world, which has in physics a description of the world from which to start.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares

Reasonable certainty in science and philosophytext

summaryMathematics and experimental science are based on postulates that cannot be justified by themselves. Their acceptance implies the adoption of philosophical postulates. Some of these postulates, which lead to the possibility of a reasonable certainty in science, are shown.
Author: Fernando Sols

VideoCover-up and truth. Some diagnostic features of today's society

summary roundtable about the book Encubrimiento y verdad: algunos rasgos diagnósticos de la sociedad actual. It analyses the concealment of truth that begins in modernity and continues in postmodernity, in a dynamic that has to do with a game of power in action.
Author: Jorge Martín Montoya and José Manuel Giménez Amaya

Open Reason. A personal proposalText

summaryThe author's intellectual trajectory, theological and scientific knowledge (the latter in relation to quantum mechanics), the need for multidisciplinarity and the concept of open reason: openness to truth, both scientific and theological, are examined.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares.

The enigma of the Greek manuscript diagramspresentation

summary: Greek mathematical or astronomical manuscripts show deficiencies in the mathematical diagrams, which distort what is described in the text. They appear in almost all copies and translations. There is agreement that this is the way the ancient Greeks made diagrams. An alternative hypothesis is examined here.
Author: Christián Carlos Carman.

A synthesis of the philosophy of physics by Mariano ArtigasText

summaryThe main theses of Mariano Artigas' philosophy of physics (form, creation, self-organisation, indeterminism and its connection with providence) are presented, showing scientists that the dialogue between St. Thomas, current physics and faith is perfectly possible.
Author: Gabriel Zanotti

The age of post-truth, post-veracity and charlatanismText

summaryThe current predominance of the dissemination of information through social networks leads to biased data and the consequent discrediting of public discourse and the promotion of superficial communication and charlatanism.
Author: Martín Montoya.

Expertise as a methodological and ethical problem Video

summaryThe scientific experience is supposed to transform the knowledge into "capacity to act". The lecture discusses two problems in expert opinions: the use of data and the possibility of a recommendation for action without naturalistic fallacy.
Author: Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik

Can science offer an ultimate explanation of reality? presentation

summaryNonlinear dynamics and the uncertainty principle show an indeterminate world. Gödel and Chaitin show that mathematical chance is not provable. It is concluded that finality, randomness and design in nature are outside the scientific method.
Author: Fernando Sols

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Txt_Otros documentos-ciencia y verdad

VideoQuantum gravitation and string theory

Author: Sebastián de Haro

Hermeneutics as an interdisciplinary horizon: a view from the law and its history.Video

Author: Rafael García Pérez

Rescher and Gadamer: two complementary views on the limits of scienceVideo

Author: Alfredo Marcos

It is possible to be pop without being whigVideo

Author: Juan Meléndez

Biological reason as part of cosmic reasonVideo

Author: David Jou i Mirabent

VideoThe Antikythera mechanism: Greeks amaze again

summary: Description of finding of the Antikythera mechanism, explanation of its main functions and review of the consequences for the history of technology and astronomy, and implications for the philosophy of science. .
Author: Christián Carlos Carman

Proposals on the language of Science and its relationship with Nature Video and presentation

summaryThe scientific method uncovers aspects of reality that are not obvious and that fill us with wonder. These hidden underlying laws seem to refer to a Logos common to all reality. Its finding is a spiritual experience comparable to certain religious experiences.
AuthorGustavo Aucar.

Introduction to the special issue of Scientia & Fides on Mariano ArtigasText

summarySpanish version of the introduction to the special issue of Scientia et Fides dedicated to Mariano Artigas, in which coordinator briefly summarises the contents of the journal and gives a brief overview of the intellectual interests and achievements of Mariano Artigas.
Author: Santiago Collado

Is the scientific revolution over?

summaryThe meaning of the scientific revolution, three images of nature, organicism and mechanicism, the systemic perspective, scientific truth, the scope of the scientific perspective.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Can philosophy be a natural science? On the project naturalisation of reasonVideo and presentation

summaryNaturalised epistemology is currently widespread: the project of substituting philosophy for the natural sciences. It claims that we humans have a single reason that works well in the natural sciences. The rest of the sciences must be a continuum with them. Is it possible to fulfil this goal?
Author: Enrique Moros

What is nature?

summaryA work that develops philosophical reflections on science and its meaning through the analysis of selected moments in the history of science.
Author: Héctor Velázquez

Are the sciences really autonomous?

summaryAn exposition of the reasons why scientists reject interdisciplinary approaches involving philosophy and theology.
Author: José Ignacio Murillo

Is everything subject? Is materialism the only possible interpretation?

summary: Study of the problems posed by the concept of subject: initial insufficiency due to circularity in the definition, extension of its study to philosophy, description of the materialist and spiritualist monisms, and recognition of the duality of material and non-material facets of reality.
Author: Santiago Collado

Prof. Artigas' contributions to epistemology and philosophy of science Download pdf

Author: Don Evandro Agazzi

Benedict XVI thinks of the University:
From Regensburg to Berlin, via Rome and London

summaryThe conference extracts Benedict XVI's basic ideas on the faith-reason relationship from his speeches in Regensburg, La Sapienza, London and Berlin.
Author: Josep-Ignasi Saranyana, member of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences (Vatican City).

Science and Happiness

summaryA comprehensive review of the work of Punset, who in his work tries to elaborate an ethic with an exclusively scientific basis.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

Positivist scientism and positive science today

summaryScientism, definition, origins and development, and a practical example of scientism in positive science.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

knowledge human, reliability and fallibilism

summaryThe scientific business is currently posited as a surmountable body of knowledge (fallibilism). The conference studies the concept of fallibilism and the Degree of reliability of the human knowledge in science, clarifying some theoretical implications that do not seem acceptable.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Defending the Axioms Download pdf

Author: Penelope Maddy

From the information society to the society of knowledge I  Download pdf

AuthorPablo García Ruiz

From the information society to the society of knowledge II Download pdf

Author: Pablo García Ruiz

From Thales to Newton: Science for smart people

summarySummary of the book: review of milestones in the history of science, to see how the problems were originally posed and how the solutions that have made up later science were arrived at, with final reflections on the scientific method.
Author: Santiago Collado

speech by Mr. Ángel J. Gómez Montoro, delivered at the ceremony in memoriam of Professor Mariano Artigas. Download pdf

Author: His Excellency Mr. Ángel J. Gómez Montoro

speech by Professor Héctor Mancini. Delivered at the ceremony in memoriam of Professor Mariano Artigas. Download pdf

Author: Don Héctor Mancini

speech of the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the participants in the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

summary speech : of the Pope to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on the occasion of the beginning of the 2010 plenary session, commenting on the partial nature of scientific progress and the need for philosophical reflection as an indispensable complement to science.
Author: Holy Father Benedict XVI

Scientism today

summaryReview of the different manifestations of current scientism: Scientism in epistemology, scientistic naturalism, physicist scientism, biologist scientism, technicist scientism and scientism in public opinion.
Author: Mariano Artigas

The knowledge of truth

summaryThe crisis of truth, the meaning of science: the search for truth, scientific truth, science at the service of truth, faith financial aid to science, functionalism and pragmatism, relativism, scientism, scientific rationality, metaphysical knowledge and Christian faith.
Author: Mariano Artigas

The challenge of interdisciplinarity: difficulties and achievements

summaryWhat interdisciplinarity is not, the motivations of interdisciplinarity, the conditions of interdisciplinarity, the knowledge as synthesis, the methodology of interdisciplinarity and other achievements of interdisciplinary work.
Author: Evandro Agazzi

The science-faith dialogue in the Encyclical "Fides et ratio".

summaryScientific realism, science, reason and faith, reflective capacity, science and truth, modalities of truth, truth and belief, the unity of knowledge, science and wisdom, scientism, the Galileo case, the reverse, the assumptions of science and the impact of its progress, three concluding considerations.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Science-faith dialogue to build a culture of respect for human beings, human dignity and freedom

summaryThe work of synthesis of the sciences to obtain a global vision of the world, and the synthesis with philosophy and religion to build a culture of respect for mankind.
Author: speech of the Holy Father Benedict XVI

"The Splendour of Truth" for a Christian Scientist Download pdf

summaryIn this paper the consequences of the process of separation of faith and reason and its relation to the different meanings of the word truth are analysed from a scientific perspective. It starts from the concepts enunciated by the Pope in Regensburg and attempts to describe the historical evolution from the ancient concept of "reason" to that of "scientific reason" and the birth of a "scientistic" ideology which has nowadays become established in society. The problems created by this ideology are highlighted and the impossibility of science to give a rational justification to the ends of human behaviour (ethics) and to the universe in general (the "meaning" or "purpose") is sample . As proposal attempts to show how one can try to recompose the concept of "truth of things", considering that science and religious faith are complementary descriptions of reality that are not mutually exclusive, both at the individual level in the person of a scientist and at the level of thought in the Philosophy of Science.
Author: Héctor L. Mancini

The great challenge of the (Catholic) university Download pdf

Author: Sergio Sánchez-Migallón and José Manuel Giménez Amaya

The mental impact of Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle power Point

summaryoutline of Juan Luis Lorda's speech at seminar CRYF, December 21, 2010.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda

The scientific method Download pdf

Author: Daniel Turbón

Respect for human life until natural death Download pdf

Author: José María Pardo

The end of an endless search. Karl Popper discusses death

summaryThe evolutionary explanations, conjectures and refutations, the open society, the self and its brain, science and spirit, are there ultimate answers, bibliography of Popper and about Popper.
Author: Mariano Artigas

E. Mach and P. Duhem: The Philosophical Significance of the History of Science

summaryErnst Mach (1838-1916) and Pierre Duhem (1861-1916) can be considered as parallel figures. Both lived at the same time, died in the same year, were prominent physicists, conducted research on the history of science, and related that work to their ideas on the philosophy of science. As if this were not enough, both asserted that scientific theories are neither true nor false. It is not surprising, therefore, that their names are commonly associated in the epistemological literature and that they are presented as prominent representatives of conventionalism. However, there are important differences between them. Mach's ideas are closely related to an evolutionary and empiricist perspective, where science represents a useful tool for survival and there is no place for metaphysics; Mach's influence was naturally prolonged in the neo-positivism of the Vienna Circle. In contrast, Duhem harmonised his epistemology with a realist philosophical perspective, emphasised in his historical research the importance of Christianity in the birth of modern science, and affirmed the coherence between science, philosophy and Christianity.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Entropy and cosmology: Is our universe special? power Point

summary sample : The crucial role of the gravitational force and black holes in the growth of the entropy of the universe is discussed. Some estimates of this magnitude are given and the fundamental problem in the scientific understanding of the universe, which is not usually addressed by current theories, is highlighted.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares

Status of the human embryo Download pdf

Author: María Iraburu

Towards a sustainable management of the planet Download pdf

Author: Luis Echarri

Hawking and God: physics gives what it gives Audio

AuthorSantiago Collado

Hawking and God: physics gives what it gives (2) Audio

Author: Santiago Collado

The articulation of science and philosophy 

summaryCommentary on Crick's physicalist naturalism, and approach to the three types of presuppositions of science: anthropological, epistemological and ontological.
Author: Mariano Artigas

The Search for Truth: Philosophy and Science in Carlos Vaz Ferreira

summaryTools for grasping reality: the instrumental character of the sciences and the clarifying role of philosophy. 2. Philosophy and sciences as levels of knowledge: the human knowledge as a sea. 3. The continuity of science and philosophy: science as a floating iceberg. 4. The search for truth: science and philosophy as aspects of human knowledge.
Author: Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe

Collaboration between philosophy and neuroscience. An interdisciplinary proposal for Download pdfunderstanding the unity of the human person 

Author: José Ángel Lombo and José Manuel Giménez Amaya

Faith in the university Download pdf

summaryThe three essays collected here correspond to the interventions of their authorsat a workshop, organised by the Institute of Anthropology and Ethics and the research group "Science, Reason and Faith" (CRYF), at the University of Navarra on 19 February 2013*. This activity was part of the Year of Faith, announced by the Catholic Church in October 2012 and which will be closed in November 2013.
Author: Luis Romera, Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá and Ignacio López Goñi

The fragmentation and "compartmentalisation" of knowledge according to Alasdair MacIntyre

summary: summary MacIntyre's position on the fragmentation of current knowledge in university education, coincidence with the ideas of Professor Lluís Clavell and a note of solutions for a sapiential and interdisciplinary education at the University.
Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya

The war of the sciences

summaryCommentary on the "Sokal joke" that makes explicit how questions of physics and other sciences are not a mere convention between physicists with no more support than sociological support.
Author: Carlos Pérez García

The invasion of pseudo-science

summaryThe proliferation of pseudoscience is one of the most striking and at the same time most worrying phenomena of the present day, the demarcation criterion, Popper a convinced sceptic, parapsychology and magic, UFOs and extraterrestrials, scientists and pseudoscience.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Metadisciplinarity. Science, philosophy and theology

summary: Un riferimento iniziale a "Fides et ratio", la consapevolezza della frammentazione del sapere, la soluzione dell'interdisciplinarità, dall'interdisciplinarità alle questioni metadisciplinari, la sapienza metafisica ed antropologica, il contributo della teologia all'unità del sapere.
Author: Prof. Lluís Clavell

The nature of partial truth

summaryThe problem of scientific truth lies at the heart of our culture. The enormous progress of the sciences and the reliability of the knowledge they provide has led to serious perplexities. For some, experimental science would be the only valid access to reality or, at least, the paradigm to be imitated by any pretension of knowledge rigorous. For others, experimental science would be a second-rate knowledge limited to discovering rather superficial aspects of reality.
Author: Mariano Artigas

The reasons for "scientific" atheism

summaryBased on the discussion between Richard Dawkins and Rowan Williams, the arguments commonly used by atheists are discussed: the God of the holes and the theory of multiverses.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares

The unity of knowledge and multidisciplinarity Audio

Author: José Ignacio Murillo

Reading the book of nature

summaryI propose to analyse the place of God in our relationship with nature. My reflections are articulated in three parts: in the first I will analyse some aspects of the problem at present, in the second I will present some personal proposals that refer to the bridge that communicates the sciences and natural theology, and in the third I will allude to some particular characteristics of this bridge.
Author: Mariano Artigas

The limits of scientific language

summarySince its systematic birth in the 17th century, modern science has become a source of perplexities. Kepler and Galileo were convinced that nature is like a book written in mathematical language. But the establishment of the new physics rightly led to doubts that it could be properly understood in this way: how to explain that highly abstract and sophisticated theoretical constructs could be successfully applied in the real world? This question became a source of questions that persist to this day.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Mariano Artigas (1938-2006) in memoriam

summaryObituary article on Mariano Artigas covering his academic training, ordination and the beginning of his priestly work, his time as a teacher in Pamplona and his intellectual contribution.
Author: Santiago Collado González

Mechanics, science and principles. An interpretation from Polo

summaryArticle on the Newtonian interpretation of the world and its insufficiency for a complete cosmovision, following philosophical approaches by Leonardo Polo.
Author: Santiago Collado González

My vision of the multidisciplinarity

summarydissertation in the seminar of the group of programs of study Peirceanos of the University of Navarra. Pamplona, May 17, 2001.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Nature, Language, and Human Sciences Audio

Author: Robert Wilcox

Nicolas Oresme, Grand Master of the high school of Navarre, and the origin of modern science

summaryThe high school of Navarre in its first hundred years, the foundation of the high school of Navarre, the high school of Navarre and the University of Paris, the political, ecclesiastical and intellectual environment, the beginnings: Jean de Jandun, the time of Oresme, a new era: d'Ailly, Gerson, Clamanges, overall assessment. Oresme and the physical school of Paris, science in the 14th century: Oxford, the approaches of the physical school of Paris, Jean Buridan and his disciples, Nicolas Oresme, Oresme's scientific contributions, mathematics, the geometrical representation of qualities, the law of accelerated motion, the fall of the Graves, the theory of impetus, cosmology, science and astrology, economics, the scientific method, Oresme's place in the history of science.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Thinking is not the only way to learn to think: keys to scientific thinking

summaryLecture discussing the role of mathematics in scientific models and its usefulness for teaching and teaching students to think.
Author: Héctor L. Mancini

Peirce. Truth and the public

summary: Desire to be understood, to guess or to abduct, the inferred nature of knowledge, inference and truth.
Author: Juan Pablo Serra

Review of The Road to Reality

summaryReview of Penrose's work 'The Road to Reality', with reflections on the mathematical and philosophical vision it provides.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares

Reliability and fallibilism

summaryA description of the scientific method and the subject of truth it arrives at, which is compatible with a gnoseological realism and with the acceptance of an authentic scientific truth.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Rescher and Gadamer: two complementary views on the limits of science

summaryAnalysis of Rescher's and Gadamer's views on the limits of science: the former studies the internal limits and the latter the external ones.
Author: Alfredo Marcos. University of Valladolid (Spain)

Science and Philosophy: A Love-Hate Relationship Download pdf

summaryIn this paper I review the problematic relationship between science and philosophy; in particular, I will address the question of whether science needs philosophy, and I will offer some positive (if incomplete) perspectives that should be helpful in developing a synergetic relationship between the two. I will review three lines of reasoning often employed in arguing that philosophy is useless for science: a) philosophy's death diagnosis ('philosophy is dead') and what follows from it; b) the historic-agnostic argument/challenge "show me examples where philosophy has been useful for science, for I don't know of any"; c) the division of property argument (or: philosophy and science have different subject matters, therefore philosophy is useless for science). These arguments will be countered with three contentions to the effect that the natural sciences need philosophy. I will: a) point to the fallacy of anti-philosophicalism (or: 'in order to deny the need for philosophy, one must do philosophy') and examine the role of paradigms and presuppositions (or: why science can't live without philosophy); b) point out why the historical argument fails (in an example from quantum mechanics, alive and kicking); c) briefly sketch some domains of intersection of science and philosophy and how the two can have mutual synergy. I will conclude with some implications of this synergetic relationship between science and philosophy for the liberal arts and sciences.
Author: Sebastian de Haro

Science, Reason and Faith in the Third Millenium

summaryScientific realism, science, reason and faith, reflective capacity, science and truth, modalities of truth, truth and belief, the unity of knowledge, science and wisdom, scientism, the assumptions of science and the impact of its progress, three conclusive reflections.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Assumptions and implications of scientific progress

summaryThe methods and results of experimental science play a very important role in shaping contemporary culture. They are sometimes used to support naturalistic doctrines that dispense with divine action because they consider it impossible or useless in the light of scientific progress. In the reflections that follow I suggest that the analysis goal of that progress rather leads to the opposite conclusion. More specifically, I argue that the analysis of the assumptions and implications of scientific progress leads to a perspective that is fully consistent with the affirmation of a personal creator God, with the recognition of the spiritual dimensions of the human person, and with the existence of ethical values related to the objective search for truth and service to humanity.
Author: Mariano Artigas

The Ethical Roots of Karl Popper's Epistemology

summaryEpistemology and metaphysics. The origins of Popper's epistemology, the 1919 experiences, the circumstances, the crisis, the consequences. The meaning and scope of fallibilism, fallibilism and conjecturalism, fallibilism and skepticism, the reasons for fallibilism, critical rationalism. A realist epistemology, some qualifications of fallibilism, the ethical meaning of fallibilism, faith in reason, realism: metaphysical and epistemological.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Three levels of interaction between science and philosophy

summaryThe epistemological level, the ontological level, the anthropological level.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Tradition and finding in Michael Polanyi's epistemology

summaryBook chapter summarising Michael Polanyi's view on the role of tradition in the progress of scientific theses.
Author: Francisco Gallardo