The group Science, Reason and Faith (CRYF) was set up at the University of Navarra in 2002; its origin goes back to a series of informal interdisciplinary conversations held by Mariano Artigas (†) with other professors at the University.
At the moment, his fields of interest cover the following topics: origin of the universe, evolution, order, complexity and purpose, nature and person, science and truth, and science and religion.
The group has entrusted its work to the sponsorship of St. Albert the Great.
U.S. physicist Stephen M. Barr speaks at the University on the relationship of physics and the resurrection of the body
group Science, Reason and Faith celebrates the VII Mariano Artigas Memorial Lecture
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Scientia et fides, among the journals with the highest international impact according to the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR).
The publication, co-published by group 'Science, reason and faith', ranks ninth out of 578 publications in the field of science, reason and faith. programs of study
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"Few things are more transgressive than Christianity, it needs nothing to be contemporary and attractive".
Gregorio Luri, Ricardo Piñero and Lupe de la Vallina reflect at the University on Christianity and its relevance in today's culture.
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