The Science Behind it. Pages elaborated by the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra with the aim of providing undistorted information on the latest scientific advances. Some of the articles refer directly to the topics of interest of group, such as the origin of the universe or mind and brain (nature and person), and are written by members or collaborators.
Chair Hana and Francisco J. Ayala of Science, Technology and Religion. Academic forum of research of the Comillas Pontifical University, which is dedicated to the teaching and knowledge dissemination on those topics that have implications on the human being with roots in the development of science and technology.
Center for Quantum Philosophy. Pages devoted to the study of the philosophical and cultural implications of the physics of quantum mechanics. Contains documentation, bibliography, and a forum for discussion and comments.
Bioethics Documentation Centre. Although it is dedicated to compiling documentation on biomedical ethics and the ethics of science, it also contains texts on epistemological questions and on the origin of life and man, published in the work Deontología Biológica.
Austral Interdisciplinary Dictionary (DIA). Academic dictionary to support teaching and research on interdisciplinary topics between science, philosophy and/or theology.
From Thales to Newton. Blog of scientific questions by Juan Meléndez, physicist and expert in the history of science, who uses a maieutic method to approach science from the original questions that gave rise to the discoveries, very useful for teaching without anachronisms. link to his book of the same title.
Documentazione interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede. Page result of the works of the Dizionario interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede, dedicated monographically to questions of epistemology and the science-faith relationship. It includes documents, links, news, bibliographical references and access to the Dizionario.
First Things. A magazine edited by the Institute on Religion and Public Life, founded in 1989 by Richard John Neuhaus, a Lutheran pastor who later became a Catholic priest. The mission statement of the Institute is promote a religiously informed public Philosophy for the ordering of society. With exclusive content on the website.
FrontiersCTR. Electronic journal that disseminates the contents of the Chair Hana and Francisco J. Ayala de Ciencia, Tecnología y Religión, Madrid. It welcomes and publishes articles, reviews and comments of medium level (high knowledge dissemination) on the issues covered by some of the lines of research of the Chair.
Galileo's Troubles. Article by Mariano Artigas and William Shea published in Metanexus on an unpublished document on Galileo's philosophical views and their consequences for theology.
III STOQ International Conference: Biological Evolution: Facts and Theories. Organized by the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, from March 3 to 7, 2009, with the partnership of the University of Notre Dame (Indiana) and with the sponsorship of the committee Pontifical Council for Culture.
Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science (INTERS). Contains encyclopaedia voices, and numerous documents: essays by scientists, works on the history of science, by philosophers and theologians, and by ancient, medieval and Renaissance authors; it also contains documents from the Catholic and other Christian churches, as well as numerous links.
Jacques Maritain Center. Papers from the Summer 1997 Thomistic Institute y Papers from the Summer 1998 Thomistic Institute. Contains the full text of many of the speeches made at the summer meetings of the Jacques Maritain Center, which in those years dealt with topics in the philosophy of nature, philosophy of science, etc.
Personal page of Rafael Martínez Extraordinary Professor of philosophy of nature and philosophy of science at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome. With access to abstracts of publications and some full texts in the list of published books and articles accessible from the corresponding menu.
PhilosophicaOnline encyclopaedia of philosophy. Promoted by professors of the School of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome, Italy). Its aim is to become an academic reference point of language Spanish on this branch of knowledge.
Scientia et FidesJournal on questions of science and faith, published by the Nicolaus Copernicus University (Torun, Poland) and group Science, Reason and Faith. The articles are published in several languages, and are available online under licence Creative Commons.
Society of Catholic ScientistsSpanish section. Section of the international organization, created in 2016, which offers a forum for dialogue for believing scientists who wish to reflect on the harmony and complementarity between science and faith. The association offers diverse resources for students, educators, pastors, journalists and all subject of people interested in scientific discoveries and their possible relationship with faith.
Society of Christian Philosophers (SOFIC): Society dedicated to philosophical activity with Christian inspiration. They organize congresses and courses, and provide papers and texts on anthropology, bioethics and humanism.
Society of Catholic ScientistsContains many articles, answers to frequently asked questions, videos of their own and other sources' activities, etc.
STOQ ProjectScience, Theology and the Ontological Quest. Founded by the Pontifical Lateran, Gregorian and Regina Apostolorum Universities. Currently the Pontifical Universities of St. Thomas, Salesiana and Holy Cross are also collaborating.
Weaving the network of Life. Official website of Máximo Sandín, biologist, in which he gives a panoramic vision of biology. He provides much bibliography accessible from the home page, and under the sections articles, interviews and videos he makes critical contributions to erroneous approaches to evolutionary biology.
Zygon. Journal of Religion and Science. Published since 1966, Zygon is devoted to the multiple interactions between the sciences and human religious and moral convictions.