The university in Alasdair MacIntyre's sapiential project
Jiménez Amaya, José Manuel
Pamplona. Eunsa. 2020, 366 p.
ISBN: 978-84-313-3372-0
review in Palabra magazine
review in yearbook filosófico
review in Club del lector
Anthropology of action. Human life as a dynamic unit
Lombo de León, José Ángel
Giménez Amaya, José Manuel
Pamplona. Eunsa. 2024. 224p.
ISBN: 9788431339388
author'spresentation (in Italian, possibility of translated subtitles).
review in Metaphysics and Person
Complete trilogy with:
The Unity of the Person
Biology and rationality
Corporeality, technology and the desire for salvation Notes for an anthropology of vulnerability
Montoya Camacho, Jorge Martín
Giménez Amaya, José Manuel
Madrid, Dyckinson, 2024, 160 p.
ISBN 978-84-1070-128-1
review in Alfa y Omega
review in Omnes
review in Aceprensa
Anthropological conceptions of the protagonists of the neuroscientific revolution
Juan Arana Cañedo-Argüelles (ed.)
Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2023, 518 p.
ISBN 978-84-1183-059-1
Philosophy natural
Juan Arana Cañedo-Argüelles
Madrid, BAC, 2023, 480 p.
ISBN 978-84-220-2276-3
An evolving universe
Manuel Alfonseca Moreno
Madrid, CEU, 2023, 319 p.
ISBN 978-84-19111-57-9
Intellectual life at the University. Fundamentals, experiences and books
Juan Luis Lorda Iñarra
Pamplona, EUNSA. 2020. 308 p.
ISBN 9788431334628
Cover-up and truth. Some diagnostic features of today's society
Jorge Martín Montoya Camacho
José Manuel Giménez Amaya
Pamplona, EUNSA. 2021. 348 p.
ISBN 9788431336516
Interview with Jorge Martín Montoya
Interview with José Manuel Giménez Amaya
grade in the high school Razón Abierta
Commentary in Alfa y Omega
Reflections of a neuroscientist.
José Manuel Giménez Amaya
Pamplona: S.N. 2019. 128p.
ISBN: 9781091759916
evaluation ethics of modernity according to Alasdair MacIntyre
Hernando José Bello Rodríguez ; José Manuel Giménez Amaya
Pamplona EUNSA. 2018. 266p.
ISBN 9788431332846
Priests and scientists.
From Nicolas Copernicus to Georges Lemaître.
Ignacio del Villar
Madrid, Digital Reasons. 2019. 238p.
ISBN 9788412088854
Javier Pérez Castells
Madrid, Digital Reasons. 2018. 264p.
ISBN 8494850296
Javier Sánchez Cañizares
Madrid. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.2019. 233p.
ISBN 9788416552979
For believers and other sceptics
Javier Novo
Madrid. Rialp. 2019. 132p.
ISBN 9788432150531
Roger Wagner and Andrew Briggs
Madrid. Sal Terrae. 2017. 520p.
ISBN 9788429326673
Francisco Javier Novo, Rubén Pereda and Javier Sánchez-Cañizares
Madrid. Rialp. 2018. 196p.
ISBN 9788432149160
review in Scientia et Fides (in English)
review in Thought
Origins of Man the uniqueness of the human being
Francisco Rodríguez Valls
Madrid. publishing house Library Services Nueva, 2017, 204p.
Antonio Pardo Caballos
Pamplona. EUNSA. 2017. 196p.
ISBN: 9788431331849
Miguel García-Valdecasas, José Ignacio Murillo and Nathaniel F. Barrett
Springer. Switzerland. 2016. 197p
ISBN: 9783319305028
Determinism or indeterminism? Big questions from science to the Philosophy
Claudia E. Vanney and Juan F. Franck
Rosario. Logos. 2016. 543p.
ISBN: 9789877320671
Biology and rationality.
The distinctiveness of the human body
José Ángel Lombo de León ; José Manuel Giménez Amaya
Pamplona. Eunsa. 2016. 220P.
ISBN: 9788431331542
Jordana Butticaz, Rafael
Madrid. publishing houseUnion. 2016. 190p.
ISBN: 9788472096851
Science from the perspective of faith
Alister McGrath
Barcelona. Espasa. 2016. 328p.
ISBN: 9788467046342
From Thales to Newton. Science for intelligent people.
Meléndez, Juan.
Castellón. Ellago Ediciones. 2013. 408 p.
ISBN: 978-8492965328
Rubén Herce Fernández
Pamplona. Eunsa. 2016. 132p.
Introduction to scientific methodology
Emilio López-Barajas Zayas
Logroño. Unir. 2015. 376p.
ISBN: 9788416125739
Table of contents, foreword and chapter 1
presentationby the author
presentationat UNED
Frontiers of knowledge: Science, Philosophyand Religion.
Carlos Alberto Marmelada
Madrid. Sekotia. 2014. 192p.
ISBN: 978 84 94182 90 7
Materialist mythology of science
Francisco José Soler Gil
Madrid. meeting. 2013. 336p.
ISBN: 978-84-9920-187-0
Jeffrey Burton Russell
Madrid. Stella Maris. 2014. 274p.
ISBN: 8416128243
Carlos A. Marmelada
Madrid. Stella Maris. 2014. 316p.
ISBN: 9788416128204
60 questions on science and faith: Answered by 26 university professors
Francisco José Soler Gil and Manuel Alfonseca
Madrid. Stella Mariis. 2014. 416p.
ISBN-10: 8416541337
Science and Faith in the Big Bang Padredel, Georges Lemaître
Dominique Lambert
Madrid, Fliedner Ediciones, 2014. 242P.
ISBN: 978-84-8468-598-2
Antony Flew
Madrid- Trotta. 2012. 168p.
ISBN: 978-84-9879-368-0
Annotated in a seminar with Juan Arana
Rubén Herce
Madrid- Library ServicesNueva. 2014. 208p.
ISBN: 8499406335
Luis Romera, Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá and Ignacio López Goñi
Pamplona. CRYF. 2013. 42P.
ISBN: 9788480813877
Jorge Miras Pouso ; Tomás Trigo Oubiña
Pamplona. EUNSA. 2013. 180p.
ISBN: 978-84-313-2909-9
Interactive version and text availablein Arguments
The unity of the person. An interdisciplinary approach from Philosophyand neuroscience.
José Ángel Lombo de León ; José Manuel Giménez Amaya
Pamplona. EUNSA. 2013.160p.
ISNM: 978-84-313-2921-1
Reason and faith: the fullness of moral life
Javier Sánchez Cañizares
Pamplona. EUNSA. 2013. 136p.
ISBN: 978-84-313-2905-1
Oracles of science. Famous scientists against God and religion
Karl Giberson, Mariano Artigas
Madrid. Ebeucntro. 2012. 372p.
ISBN: 978-84-9920-121-4
Mariano Artigas Mayayo
Pamplona. EUNSA. 2011. 200p.
ISBN: 9788431328160
Diagnosis of the university in Alasdair Macintyre
José Manuel Giménez Amaya ; Sergio Sánchez-Migallón
Pamplona. EUNSA. 2011. 368p.
ISBN: 9788431328269
Six Catholic Evolutionists. The Vatican and Evolution (1877-1902)
Mariano Artigas, Thomas F. Glick and Rafael Ángel Martínez
Madrid. Christian Authors Bible. 2010. XXXII, 448p.
ISBN: 978-84-220-1478-2
From Neuroscience to Neuroethics. Scientific narrative and philosophical reflection.
José Manuel Giménez Amaya ; Sergio Sánchez-Migallón
Pamplona. EUNSA. 2010. 198p.
ISBN: 9788431336806
The Galileo case. Myth and reality
Mariano Artigas, William R.J. Shea
Madrid. meeting. 2009. 399p.
ISBN: 978-84-7490-988-3
University ideal and other essays
Sergio Sánchez-Migallón
Pamplona. EUNSA. 2012. 112p.
ISNBN: 978-84-313-2879-5
Science and Faith within Reason
Jaume Navarro
Farnham. Ashgate. 2011. X1. 231p.
ISBN: 9781138268630
Christianity and science at university
Sergio Sánchez-Migallón ; José Manuel Giménez Amaya
Pamplona. EUNSA. 2022. 120p.
ISBN: 9788431327842
Genesis - The Origin of the Universe, Life and Mankind
Diego Martinez Caro
Madrid. Homo Legens. 2008. 396p.
ISBN: 8492518081
The brain. The neurological and the transcendental.
Amadeo Muntané Sánchez, María Luisa Moro, Enrique Moros Claramunt
Pamplona. EUNSA. 2008. 1ST ED. 138p.
ISBN: 9788431325732
Mariano Artigas, Melchor Sánchez de Toca
Venice. Marcianum Press. 2009. 311p.
ISBN: 978-88-89736-73-9
Reports from the presentation
Interview with Melchor Sánchez de Toca
God, Cosmos, Chaos: Horizons of the Dialogue between Science and Religion
David Jou Mirabent
Barcelona. Vienna. Ed. 2008. 296p.
ISBN: 8483306506
Nature and Scripture in the Abrahamic Religions: Up to 1700 (2 vols)
S.H. Mandelbrote, J.M. Van Der Meer
Leiden. Boston. Brill. 2008. VOL XIII 298p. VOL II: X 293-606p.
ISBN: 978-90-04-17191-6
Dedication to Mr. Mariano Artigas
Oracles of Science. Celebrity Scientists versus God and Religion
Karl Giberso, Mariano Artigas
Oxford, NY. Oxfor UP. 2007. 273p.
ISBN: 9780195310726
Science and religion. Fundamental concepts. Fundamental concepts
Mariano Artigas Mayayo
Pamplona. EUNSA. 2007. 1ST ED. 422p.
ISBN: 978-84-313-2490-2
Mariano Artigas, Melchor Sánchez de Toca
Madrid. Library Servicesde Autores Cristianos. 2008. XV, 225p.
ISBN: 9788479149192
Origin of man. Science, Philosophyand religion
Mariano Artigas Mayayo ; Daniel Turbón Borrega
Pamplona. EUNSA. 2008. 3º ED. 198p.
ISBN: 978-84-313-2545-9