Ciencia y Religión_tit

Science and religion


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Txt_Incorporaciones recientes-ciencia y religión

Beyond secularization: science, faith and the perception of young and presentation

summaryThis paper describes an empirical study with young people from various countries and denominations on the perception of the relationship between science and religion. It focuses on differentiating values linked to the past -tradition- and those oriented towards the future -progress-.
Author: Carmen Callizo

video and presentationHidden theology in the new naturalisms

summaryThe current currents of scientistic naturalism are characterized by their denial of theism. Since they do not base their denial on science, they must be analyzed from the point of view of natural theology, which makes it possible to arrive at their core according to their theological positions.
Author: Alfredo Marcos

Nature conservation and dynamics of the sacredvideo and presentation

summaryThe sacred can include natural environments, which are often associated with places of worship and are deserving of special respect; they often coincide with nature reserves. The interrelationships between religion, conservation and management of these environments are examined.
Author: Jaime Tatay

Science, reason and faith in Blaise Pascalvideo and presentation

summaryPascal was a genius, sincere and constant search engine of the truth. He was passionate about the scientific novelties of his time. He had a deep religious conversion, which he wanted to transmit and which resulted in The Thoughts. His vindication of "the reasons of the heart" is classic.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda

The purification of representations in the dialogue between science and faith

summaryThe science-faith dialogue starts from the conceptions of the dialoguers. This requires all to outline the causality present in the world and the divine causality. This purification is proposed in the big bang-creation relationship, human evolution and the creation of the immortal soul.
Author: Javier Sánchez-Cañizares.

video and presentationCausal finitism: a hypothesis with implications for science, reason and faith.  

summaryThe Kalam cosmological argument claims to arrive at the existence of God from the beginning of the universe. A recent argument in its support, causal finitism, is presented: nothing can be preceded by an infinite issue of causes.
Author: Enric F. Gel

Science-Religion and its invented traditionsvideo and presentation

summaryThe alleged civil service examination between science and religion owes much to the political need to achieve a cultural identity for a nation. This has given rise to invented approaches to the science-religion relationship, the conception of which varies from country to country.
Author: Jaume Navarro

The miracle, a borderline concept in the science-faith dialoguevideo and presentation

summaryScientific determinism makes the miracle a rupture of natural laws. Nowadays, the indeterministic physical phenomena allow the novelty and the miracle, and allow to consider its phenomenological aspect: something extraordinary that brings knowledge not conceptual but intuitive.
Author: David Urdaneta Durán

Letter to Carlos

summaryCommentary on the alleged attribution of Christianity to St. Paul and St. Augustine: science of the historiography of the Sacred Scripture, scientific dating of the shroud, an explanation of the compatibility of miracles and science.
Author: Ignacio Sols.

The Christian inspiration of the science of nature

summaryThe development of mathematics as a science occurs in Greece, strongly associated with geometry. Physics develops in the later Christian environment, and its Christian matrix of ideas was necessary for this development.
Author: Ignacio Sols.

video and presentationScientific versus revealed data

summaryThe advance of science seems to make the religious cosmogony of Genesis on the origin of man unnecessary, but it produced the greatest leap of knowledge of History and it is still current. Points are raised core topic on what the Church says today about the origin of man.
Author: Pablo Edo

video and presentationMechanistic philosophy and theology: from conflict to integration?

summaryThe mechanicism of the 19th century has been enriched by accepting philosophical approaches to causality that are not strictly mechanical, and by raising epistemological problems about the scientific explanation of reality, which open the door to a certain dialogue with theology.
Author: Michał Oleksowicz

video and presentationMechanistic philosophy and theology: from conflict to integration?

summaryThe mechanicism of the 19th century has been enriched by accepting philosophical approaches to causality that are not strictly mechanical, and by raising epistemological problems about the scientific explanation of reality, which open the door to a certain dialogue with theology.
Author: Michał Oleksowicz

video and presentationThe Worldview of the Great Scientists: the Enlightenment

summaryThe usual interpretation is that, from the beginning of science, it was opposed to religion. The study of the Enlightenment sample is the opposite: believing scientists made it advance in discussion with Enlightenment ideologues who were enemies of religion and knew very little science.
Author: Juan Arana

TextLesson 2021: How does God act in casual events? 

summaryThere are fortuitous events apparently irreconcilable with a creative plan. In order to clarify the problem, the notion of chance is presented, the ideas of Thomas Aquinas and some current authors are presented and it is concluded how divine intentionality and providence are compatible with chance natural laws .
Author: Juan José Sanguineti

video and presentationWhat if naturalism were a pseudo-religion? The anthropological and theological challenge of naturalism

summaryNaturalism is nowadays put forward as the only interpretation of the natural sciences. Is it really reasonable to accept this view of science, and what if naturalism is nothing more than a theology, a pseudo-religion?
Author: Moisés Pérez Marcos

The scientific priest and the dimensions of the knowledgeVideo and presentation

summary instructions In the age of average, monks and priests such as Bacon, Saint Albert and Nicolas Oresme laid the foundations of modern science, in which figures such as Copernicus, Steno, Spallanzani, Mendel and Lemaître stand out. They integrated different fields of knowledge in their lives: science and literature, the material and the spiritual.
Author: Ignacio del Villar.

Priests and scientists. From Nicolas Copernicus to Georges LemaîtreText

summary: Review of Ignacio del Villar, Priests and Scientists. From Nicolás Copérnico to Georges Lemaître. Digital Reasons, Spain 2019. The book examines the lives of scientists who were priests: Copernicus, Stenon, Spallanzani, Mendel and Lemaître.
Author: Enrique Solano

The problematic neutrality of the scientific methodVideo and presentation

summary: It is generally accepted that the scientific method is neutral with respect to metaphysics and theology. But accepting this neutrality entails faulty metaphysical and theological presuppositions: the indifference of nature with respect to God and the merely extrinsic relation of God to nature.
Author: David Alcalde.

Lesson 2019: Fighting against religion in the name of science. Has the battle been won?Text

summaryThe paper addresses the Degree inherent conflict between religious faith and science; the relative importance of science in processes of secularisation; and the complexity of the relationship between scientific thought and religious belief. It concludes by examining three scientific issues of contemporary interest.
Author: John Hedley Brooke.

Faith and science: no more reasons for conflictText

summary: Review of the alleged problems between faith and science (the alleged obscurantism of the Middle Ages, the Galileo case, evolutionism, the big bang and the existence of God, neuroscience and the spiritual, etc.). The conclusion is that these are avoidable misunderstandings.
Author: Gabriel Zanotti.

Too much science gives back to GodText

summaryThe advances in physics lead many to believe that an ontological explanation of reality is not necessary. The testimony of the physicists who carried out these advances sample that only a scientifically poor vision leads to this conclusion.
Author: Ignacio Sols.

The Science-Faith relationship as told to young peopleVideo and presentation

summaryThe opposition between science and faith is currently accepted. In order to avoid this false collective imaginary, it is necessary to educate and disseminate a reasoned understanding of science and religion. The speaker explains the arguments and experiences he handles in his teaching and dissemination to young people.
Author: Enrique Solano Márquez.

Ecological sensitivity (and Christianity?)Video and presentation

summaryThe sensitivity for the environment does not seem to go hand in hand with Christianity. This seminar reflects from seven aspects of the environmental value and initiates a search of how, starting from those aspects, it is possible to establish a meeting with Christianity.
Author: Jordi Puig.

The Shroud of Turin: between science and faithVideo and presentation

summaryThree important moments in the history of the Shroud of Turin are reviewed, from which lessons can be drawn that are valid for scientists, philosophers and theologians, and which serve to enrich the dialogue between science and faith in current debates.
Author: José Fernández Capo.

Frontiers between physics, metaphysics and theologyVideo and presentation

summary: The advance of science narrows the field of faith explanations. Although the boundaries between scientific and faith explanations yield to science, new questions can be seen behind the latest scientific explanations, which can only be answered from metaphysics or from faith.
Author: Grzegorz P. Karwasz.

On divine action in the worldPresentation

summary: summary history of the history of ideas on the relationship between God and the world: Thales, Aristotle, Christian contribution and synthesis of St. Thomas, and current approaches with a scientistic and naturalistic background. Solutions to the aporias of current reflection are proposed, following Zizinski.
Author: Enrique Moros.

Science and religion: the realism of Michael Polanyi Presentation

summaryMichael Polanyi (1891-1976), a scholar of the foundations of science, contributes ideas such as the role in science and the search for truth of the personal knowledge , belief and tradition, which make it possible to establish an integrating space between science, Humanities and religion.
Author: Francisco Gallardo. 

Climate change: What do we know and how do we respond? Video and presentation

summaryThe precautionary principle encourages us to take action on this issue. The precautionary principle encourages us to take action on this issue, but we continue to act as if it is not happening. Here we show the scientific instructions of the problem and its ethical implications.
Author: Emilio Chuvieco.

Tit_Otros documentos


Txt_Otros documentos-ciencia y religión

Faith in the Universityvideo

Author: D. Luis Romera Oñate

Divine Providence and Quantum Mechanicsvideo

Author: Dr. Ignacio Silva

The current dialogue of science and natural theology in the Anglo-Saxon worldvideo

Author: Juan Arana

The Christian Enlargement of Reasonvideo

Author: David Walsh

The language of Mathematics and the language of Religionvideo

Author: Javier Leach

Science and faith. Ideas for an impactvideo

Author: Ignacio Sols Lucia

The reasons for atheismvideo

Author: Miguel Pérez de Laborda


Charles Darwin and religion: the story of a dialogue between science and faith

Author: Juan Pablo Martínez Rica

Science, Reason and Faith: Perspectives at Oxford Universityvideo

Author: Andrew Pinsent

Can we talk about God in the context of contemporary science? video

Author: Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti

Naturalised spirituality  video

Author: Camino Cañón Loyes

The basic problem in the relationship between science and faith: the origin of the Universe and Creation.  video

Author: Francisco González de Posada

What is the relationship between faith and science today? Pdf

Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya

Is God the same in all religions? Pdf

Author: Francisco Gallardo

Isn't it enough to believe that God exists and to do good? Why have a religion, why complicate oneself with the obligation to fulfil its rites and ceremonies? Pdf

Author: Francisco Gallardo

On two anniversaries: Galileo and Darwin  Pdf

Author: Héctor Velázquez

Aquinas on Intelligent Extra-Terrestrial Life

summary: Aquinas took an interest in the question of whether there were intelligent material beings other than humans in the universe, both as a philosopher and as a theologian. As a philosopher he sought to understand the order of the universe and this entails ascertaining what beings are in the universe. As a theologian he sought knowledge of created beings insofar as it leads to a greater understanding, admiration, and love of the creator, and also insofar as it frees one from superstitious beliefs which pose an obstacle to faith in God. Although Aquinas was unable to approach the question of the existence of intelligent extra-terrestrial life from the scientific perspective of our day, he does raise some generally overlooked philosophical questions regarding the status of such beings. His theological reflections are helpful for addressing the frequently voiced claim that the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life would spell the end of Christianity. Aquinas's position is that it is possible that ETs of a certain sort exist, but improbable that they do. I will begin by considering Aquinas's philosophical positions on the possibility of ET life, and then will take up his theological views thereon, closing with his arguments regarding the probability of ET life.
Author: Marie I. George (St. John's University, Jamaica, New York)

Articulating science and theology: presuppositions and implications of science

summaryIn this article we study the presuppositions of science that allow a theoretical connection with theology: consistency of the natural world that allows its systematic study, the ordered nature of the world and the contingency of the natural world, which refers to causes superior to nature itself.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Pastoral aspects of the influence of science on contemporary culture

summary: In the context of the modern development of science, the paper rephrases the basic questions, which can be reduced to three. The first concerns the value of experimental science as knowledge of reality. The second concerns the power that science provides to dominate nature. And the third, to the possible relations between science and transcendence, which proves that they can be maintained within scientific progress.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Blind in Granada

summaryCommunication on the scientific vision and the human vision of reality, which, in contrast to the former, allows us to discover God.
Author: Héctor L. Mancini

Science, reason and faith: A challenge of our time Pdf

Author: José Manuel GIménez Amaya

Science and faith before the court of reason

summaryThe roots of the presumed opposition between science and reason that began in the modern era and between science and faith that is observed at the same time are explained.
Author: Santiago Collado González

Science and Faith in Historical Perspective: Studies on Galileo Pdf

Author: Mons. Melchor Sánchez de Toca Alameda

Science and Faith in Systematic Perspective: The Oracles of Science Pdf

summaryspeech at the in memoriam ceremony for Professor Mariano Artigas, November 23, 2007. review from the book Karl Giberson, Mariano Artigas, Oracles of Science. Celebrity Scientists versus God and Religion, Oxford, University Press, 2007. 273 pp.
. Author: Juan Arana Cañedo-Argüelles.

Science and faith. Ideas for an impact Pdf

Author: Ignacio Sols

Science and faith: new perspectives

summaryArticle that exposes the bridges that can be established between science and faith; basically, the rationality of nature, the appearance of a global scientific cosmovision, the unfolding of the natural dynamism of beings, the self-organisation of subject and the natural teleology that underlies it, and the singularity of man who elaborates science within nature.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Science and religion

summaryThe work is described as a work of maturity, in which the themes of the main debates between science and religion are presented. Brief biographical sketch of the author.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Science and religion ("Mind and brain")

summaryHistorical article on the views of the last century and a half on science and religion: it examines the Anglo-Saxon views of the 19th century confronting science and religion, and the later developments that see the non-incompatibility or complementarity of both approaches.
Author: Luis Alonso

Science and transcendence

summary: It is possible to achieve an integration of the scientific and the metaphysical perspective. They are different approaches. However, it is possible to integrate them, as long as their diversity is respected and the perspective required by each problem subject is adopted. This article examines the methodological gap, border issues, partial overlaps and how integration should be effected.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Commentary by Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti in Nature Magazine

summaryTranslation of paragraphs from a commentary by Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti in the journal Nature, on John Paul II and the relationship between science and faith.

Comments on the new faith of materialism

summary: 1. Materialism, a) Naive realism, b) Consumerism, c) Dialectical materialism, d) Problems of the scientific method, the creation of hypotheses, the scope of the method, e) Superstitions, natural selection, the emergence of life, artificial intelligence, additional comments, 2.
Author: Atilio González Hernández. Telecommunications engineer

"As a scientist, Hawking is a professional; as a philosopher, a dilettante" (Interview with Juan Arana).

summary: Interview on the origin of the current conception of the relationship between science and faith, modern scientism and faith-evolution compatibility.

How to become a millionaire by talking about God. Paul Davies, award Templeton 1995

summary: Brief commentary on award Templeton, on Paul Davies, and a detailed description of his intellectual trajectory and his difficulties in admitting a creator God.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Creazione divina e creatività della natura. God and the evolution of the cosmo

summaryA new cosmovision, natural creativity and divine action, evolution and self-organisation, teleological arguments, the contingency of the natural order, contingency and divine plan, nature and the human person.
Author: Mariano Artigas

C. S. Peirce: Science, Religion and the Abduction of God

summary: Belief in God in Peirce is not only a natural product of abduction or "rational instinct", but the scientific development and belief in God are interrelated: belief in God is capable of changing the believer's behaviour: the reality of God gives meaning to the whole scientific business .
Author: Jaime Nubiola

Dialogue between science and faith in the face of the philosophical questions of physics today.

summaryThe phenomenon of the gulf between the two cultures (scientific and religious) has deepened as a consequence of the growing anti-intellectual atmosphere in today's culture. In the radical versions of today's postmodernism, both the Christian worldview and the heritage of the Enlightenment, in which the fundamental theses of modern science were formed, are criticised. This has fundamentally changed the climate of dialogue between science and Christian thought. In the past, Christianity was repeatedly criticised from the perspective of the natural sciences; today, both Christianity and the natural sciences are subject to criticism, carried out in the name of the search for a new scientific paradigm, of radical social slogans, or in the name of a cultural pluralism that is understood in a peculiar way and in which the authority of reason is disrupted. In the present work, the aim is to examine recent developments in physics from this point of view, and to consider their consequences for the Christian worldview.
Author: Msgr. Józef Zycinski

God in the light of science

summary: Article commenting on Hawking's self-creation: the scientific explanation of the world is not done at the cost of diminishing the content of faith, but rather they deal with different issues, which do not compete with each other.
Author: Fernando Sols

God and science. Jean Guitton in dialogue with scientists

summaryIn a recent book that has already been published on Spanish, Jean Guitton, of the French Academy, argues that the achievements of current science lead towards God. Professor Mariano Artigas analyses Guitton's suggestions, which are based on ideas widely discussed by scientists and philosophers today.
Author: Mariano Artigas

God and modern cosmologies

summary: Overview of contemporary cosmologies in various authors: Caroll, Collins, Craig, Dembski, Hellen, Peters, Polkinghorne, Stoeger, Swinburne, Worthing.
Author: Enrique Moros

The Galileo case. Myth and reality

summaryReview of Mariano Artigas, William R. Shea. The Galileo Case. Mito y realidad. meeting. Madrid (2009). 400 pp. Spanish translation of Galileo Observed. Science and the Politics of Belief. It analyses the comments that have been made on the case, taking the opportunity to delve into the alleged opposition between science and faith.
Author: Mariano Artigas Review, William R. Shea. The Galileo Case. Mito y realidad. meeting. Madrid (2009). 400 pp. Spanish translation of Galileo Observed. Science and the Politics of Belief. Published by Santiago Collado.

The science-religion conflict: an invented tradition?Video and presentation

summaryIn order to better understand the "science-religion" relationship, the notion of "invented tradition" is useful: the term "scientific", coined in 1833 to generate a community, led to the formation of an "invented tradition", the consequences of which include the thesis of conflict.
Author: Jaume Navarro.

The great enigma. Atheists and believers facing the uncertainty of the afterlife.Video and presentation

summaryThe relationship between the book of revelation and the book of nature depends on the picture of the world, which is obtained through science and philosophy. Today it seems that science establishes the most reliable way. What approaches does this scientific image favour and how does it explain the silence of God?
Author: Javier Monserrat

The university ideal and other essays Pdf

Author: Manuel García Morente

The role of Catholics in the scientific revolution of the last centuriesVideo and presentation

summaryThe scientific revolution has taken place in a Christian environment. To illustrate this, historical background is analysed and five examples of Catholic scientists from the 16th to the 20th centuries are presented: Galileo Galilei, Alessandro Volta, Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Louis Pasteur and Jérôme Lejeune.
Author: Ignacio del Villar

Professor Evandro Agazzi, University of Genoa, invited to a seminar on May 5, 2004.

summary: Description of seminar given by Prof. Evandro Agazzi on Science and Faith at group Science, Reason and Faith.

Interview with Enrique Moros about the book El caso Galileo: mito y realidad (The Galileo case: myth and reality). Audio

Interview with Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti in Nature Magazine

summaryTranslation of paragraphs from an interview with Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti in the journal Nature, in which the Pope's interest in science and the Church's future challenges in relation to scientific advances are noted.

Interview with Mariano Artigas in Zenit

summaryIn this interview with Zenit, Mariano Artigas, professor of philosophy of nature and science at the University of Navarra, reminds us that "with an adequate combination of religious sense and scientific and technical knowledge, many of the most serious problems that humanity suffers today could be solved".

Interview with Melchor Sánchez de Toca on the book Galileo e il Vaticano Audio

Interview with Professor Evandro Agazzi

summary: Interview that gathers some of the ideas of the seminar that Professor Agazzi gave in Pamplona on May 5, 2004.
Author: Santiago Collado

Ultimately the science-faith tension must be resolved at the level of the person himself 

summaryZenit interview with Rafael A. Martínez, where he comments on the main issues of friction between science and faith (especially creation and evolution), and how they are resolved in the person.
Author: Rocío Lancho García

Scientific spirit and religious faith according to Manuel García Morente

summaryReflections by García Morente on the reaction of the scientist's rejection of faith: the argument of scientific progress, which would make religion unnecessary. Reflection on the philosophy of history and the unity of vital experience.
Author: Sergio Sánchez-Migallón

Natural purpose and the existence of God

summaryIt examines the seal of God in creation, the finality of creation, the perfection of the created world, the divine government of the world, the teleological argument, the problem of evil, the relationship between science and finality and the question of the meaning of human life.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Galileo, 350 years later

summaryReflection on the change from confidence in the rationality of science to scientific irrationalism in the context of the Galileo case.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Galileo after the Pontifical Commission Presentation

summaryThe criticisms of the Commission and the final speeches, preliminary clarifications, 10 November 1979: The manifestation of a wish, May-July 1981: Creation of the Commission, the work of the Commission, Were there any secret documents, Towards the conclusion of the work, How to conclude, 31 October 1992: The conclusion of the work of the Commission, final assessment.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Galileo and the Vatican

summaryPresentation of "Galileo e il Vaticano", translation of the Spanish version.

Galileo today. Three and a half centuries after the trial Presentation

summary350 years ago, Galileo appeared before the Holy See official document in Rome, and the following year he was condemned. This famous trial has been clearly deplored by the Church. But these facts are also abused, drawing from them false conclusions that are applied to judge various current problems.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Hawking and God: physics gives what it gives

summary: Article commenting on the summary of Hawking's ideas published in The Times about the book "The Great design". The idea of multiverse is free and does not imply problems to faith or to the existence of God.
Author: Santiago Collado González

The concept of nature between science and theology. The need for epistemological mediation.

summary: Vorrei in queste pagine riflettere su alcune questioni epistemologiche riguardo all'uso del concetto di natura nel dialogo scienza-teologia. I will consider in particular what is the epistemological content and value of the concept of nature in scientific and theological research. The question is articulated in three points: 1. What methodological role does the concept of nature play in science and theology? 2. What particular concept of nature is in Degree able to assume these roles? 3. Sarà la nozione di natura risultante, una nozione ammissibile dalla scienza (oltre che dalla filosofia e dalla teologia), e in particolare, risulta una realtà conoscibile?
Author: Rafael Martínez

Table of contents of the book 'Science, Reason and Faith'.

summaryComplete index of Mariano Artigas' book 'Ciencia, Razón y Fe'. Pamplona: Eunsa, 2004.
Author: Mariano Artigas

John Barrow and the anthropic cosmological principle

summaryCommentary on the award of the award Templeton to John D. Barrow and explanation of the anthropic principle in its different variants: strong, weak, participative and final.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

workshop of Study on the 10th anniversary of the encyclical Fides et Ratio. colloquium  Audio

moderator: Luis Montuenga

Science from the perspective of faith. Scientific knowledge does not question the existence of God.

Author: Alister McGrath

The circularity between Theology and Philosophy Audio

Author: César Izquierdo

The compatibility of God with contemporary scientific worldviews

summaryArticle on the compatibility of theodicy with current cosmology, in relation to an article by Soler Gil on the same subject topic.
Author: Héctor Velázquez Fernández

The faith of the wise: scientific activity and religious belief

summaryA study of scientists' views on God and religion, with analysis of the view that radically separates the two spheres, and which concludes the mutual influence between the two, as well as the inescapability of a 'belief in science' also among the most disbelieving scientists, which ends up giving historically regrettable results.
Author: Juan Arana

The mind of God

summaryThe central question Davies asks is whether our existence is a mere accident, a chance result of cosmic processes, or whether we should rather think of it as responding to some purpose. His answer is that self-consciousness cannot be a trivial detail, a minor by-product of purposeless forces: our existence responds to some subject plan.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Rationality in science and theology

summaryIs there any rational connection between science and theology? Theology used to be understood as the queen of the sciences. With the awakening of positivist attacks on the meaning of religious language and the positivist conviction that science is the model of all rationality, the claims of theology have been muted. Many theologians and believers have accepted with relief the olive branch offered by some scientists who suggest that every discipline is about completely different aspects of life. This article responds to the radical separation of objects and methods between the two disciplines.
Author: Roger Trigg

Religion in the face of scientific progress. En torno a un libro-survey by José María Gironella

summary: As the book is voluminous (486 pages, but with many photos), I first looked for the people I found most interesting; I suppose this is what almost everyone does. When I had read a few answers, I seemed to notice that the interviewees who are scientists or have studied science do not see any opposition between science and religion, and that, on the contrary, those who think that such an opposition exists are people who, although educated, have not been involved in science. I found it interesting to test whether this hypothesis was valid, and I set about testing it at test by studying all the responses. My conclusion was that the hypothesis holds up quite well.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Religion in contemporary science: impertinence and inspiration Pdf

Author: Santiago Collado

The four current worldviews

summaryAnalogy and the fundamental levels of experience. Constructivist materialism. Vitalist naturalism. The whole as spirit. A personal universe: God and mankind. The drift of the enlightened mentality.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda

The three explanations for the origin and evolution of the universe

summaryArticle on the three possible global explanations of reality: materialism, pantheism and creationism, with reflections on how the only coherent vision is the creationist one and its connection with the Christian faith.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda

The unity of knowledge: science, reason and faith I Audio

Author: Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti

The unity of knowledge: science, reason and faith II  Audio

Author: José María Valderas

Lesson 2011: The Galileo Affair. What theology could learn from scientistsPdf

summaryReflections on revelation in the light of scientific knowledge: interpretation of biblical texts, God's action in evolution, ways of looking at our place in the world, accounts of creation, and reflections on chance and providence.
Author: Prof. William Shea

Lesson 2013: Christianity and the ongoing challenge of EvolutionPdf

summaryThe modern astronomy forced a serious questioning of the interpretation of the Bible; this has not been the case with evolution and the origin of man in Protestant Christianity. The speaker explains the current American positions and their possible solution.
Author: Prof. Karl Giberson

Lesson 2015: Can we talk about God in the context of contemporary science?Pdf

summaryScience, by its method, cannot directly study God as an object. However, the activity of the scientist has some fields which, although they are not scientific, are open to God: references to the absolute, the contingency of the physical, the intelligibility of the world and its dialogical otherness.
Author: Prof. Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti

Lecture 2017: Philosophy in the science-religion dialogue: a discussion based on the work of Mariano Artigas.

summaryAristotelian physics, reflection in search of truth, led to metaphysics. Modern science has separated from it. Science must be the empirical foundation of philosophical reflection on reality, a path outlined by Artigas.
Author: Prof. Juan Arana Cañedo-Argüelles

Summer reading

summaryReview of an issue of the Revue des Questions Scientifiques from 1880, in which the arguments on science and religion are very similar to those of today.
Author: José María Valderas

What we should know about Galileo Power Point

summaryHow Galileo died, why Galileo was condemned, the 1616 trial, the 1633 trial, questions and interpretations, references.
Author: Mariano Artigas

My vision of the multidisciplinarity

summarydissertation in the seminar of the group of programs of study Peirceanos of the University of Navarra. Pamplona, May 17, 2001.
Author: Mariano Artigas

A lot of science gives back to God

summaryDescription of the elegance of the physical explanation of the universe, at the microscopic and macroscopic level, with its aspects of solidity and indeterminacy at different levels, and explanation of the internal and external limits of science.
Author: Fernando Sols

New light on the Galileo affair Presentation

summary: Written version of the lecture "New light in the Galileo affair" delivered at the Metanexus Institute and at Columbia University about a document related to the Galileo affair, discovered by the author in 1999 in the archives of the Holy Office in Rome. Illustrated with slides by Mariano Artigas.
Author: Mariano Artigas, Rafael Martínez and William R. Shea

New light on the Galileo affair (1) Power Point

summaryWritten version of a lecture delivered at the Metanexus Institute (Philadelphia), on Monday 4 February 2002, and at Columbia University (New York), on Wednesday 6 February 2002, on a document related to the Galileo Affair, discovered by the author in 1999 in the archives of the Holy Office in Rome.
Author: Mariano Artigas

New light in the Galileo case

summaryA new document concerning the Galileo case was discovered by Mariano Artigas in December 1999. This article describes the new document (called by Artigas EE 291), discusses its authorship, and examines some consequences for our knowledge of the Galileo case.
Author: Mariano Artigas (University of Navarra, Pamplona), Rafael Martínez (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Rome) and William R. Shea (Université de Strasbourg).

Oracles of Science

summaryMichael Cook's review of the book Oracles of Science, by Karl Giberson and Mariano Artigas.
Author: Michael Cook

Overview of discussion creationism-evolutionism in the last hundred years in the USAVideo and presentation

summary: Historical context of discussion creationism-evolutionism in the last hundred years in the USA; explanation of the causes of its polemic character; presentation of the Intelligent design , comparing it with the classical discussion .
Author: Santiago Collado González

Thinking about evolution and astronomy Pdf

Author: Héctor Velázquez Fernández

profile biographical and personal biography of Mr. Mariano Artigas Pdf

Author: José Angel García Cuadrado

Protestant Reformation and modern scienceVideo and presentation

summaryIn the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, the relationship between Protestantism and modern science (especially in the 16th and 17th centuries) is reviewed, with special emphasis on the complex reaction of Catholics and Protestants to Copernicanism; the interpretation of biblical texts is also discussed.
Author: Pablo de Felipe.

Sciencie and Religion in Dialogue

summary: Compilation of a series of lectures on science and religion given by the various authors in China, funded by the Templeton Foundation.
Author: José Manuel Fidalgo

Science and Spirituality: Making Room for Faith in the Age of Science Pdf

Author: Michael Ruse

Seduced by death

summaryA serious and dispassionate description of the euthanasia situation in the Netherlands, which sample shows that opposition to euthanasia is not exclusive to Christianity.
Author: Herbert Hendin

On divine action in the world Power Point

Author: Enrique Moros

Society, Science and Faith: A Physicist's Perspective Pdf

summary: To say that today there is a crisis of faith and that the scientific and technical development influences this crisis is nothing new. knowledge If, as the First Vatican Council affirms, "reason and faith are two sources of Truth, one revealed and the other coming from observation", we should not find opposition between them. However, in fact, the controversy exists. The Second Vatican Council insisted again on the topic with great emphasis, as circumstances were aggravated during the 20th century by conflicts with positivism and materialism. The spread of Marxism turned the polemic into an important social phenomenon, and its consequences have not disappeared with the decline of Marxism. The polemic, which until a few decades ago for people of faith consisted in answering the accusation that religion is "the opium of the people", has, with the healthy increase of tolerance, led to a religious indifference that finds its best environment in the urban culture of the big cities.
Author: Héctor L. Mancini

Central issues in the current science-faith dialogue Pdf

summaryThe paper aims to present the current challenges in the dialogue between faith and science. The challenges are not to be found in the discovery of common themes for dialogue, but in the attitude of the scientist and the theologian to the questions posed to them by the other side. The theologian who listens to the conclusions of the scientist knowledge is in a better position to give a reason for his faith today. The Christian scientist who is familiar with the articulation of faith has much clearer horizons for knowledge . The question applies to several current aspects in this dialogue: the body and the soul, the relationship of God with the world, the knowledge of God from the created, etc.
Author: Juan Arana

Theology and Science in a Christian Vision of the University Pdf

Author: José Luis Illanes

The Catholic Faith, Scripture, and the Question of the Existence of Intelligent Extra-terrestrial Life

summaryStudy of the possibility of rational extraterrestrial life in the context of Catholic doctrine: the problems raised concern above all the unique origin of the human race, its salvation by Christ and the possibility of another Incarnation to redeem this other world.
Author: Marie I. George (St. John's University, New York)

The Galileo Affair Presentation

summaryIllustrated synthesis of the book "Galileo in Rome. The Rise and Fall of an Uneasy Genius" (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003), by William Shea and Mariano Artigas. It tell the story of the Galileo Affair following Galileo's six trips to Rome. It stick to well documented facts.
Author: William Shea and Mariano Artigas

The Religion and Science discussion Why Does It Continue?

summaryReview of the book Harold W. Attridge (ed.), The Religion and Science discussion Why Does It Continue?, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 2009. Exposition of ID and anti-evolutionary arguments, and the problems of method that lie beneath to perpetuate the discussion.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares

Mind transfer and secularism 

summaryLife extension methods promoted by the transhumanist movement, especially mind transfer; the secularist matrix of this method is sample . Its attempt to bring immortality under human control takes the process of secularisation to a level never seen before.
Author: Leandro Gaitán

Three cases: Galileo, Lavoisier and Duhem

summaryEveryone has heard of the Galileo case, almost always in a biased way. Few know that Lavoisier, one of the founders of chemistry, was guillotined by the French Revolution. Hardly anyone has heard of Pierre Duhem, an important physicist, author of a monumental work on the history and philosophy of science that shed new light on the positive relations between science and faith. When one speaks of science and faith, two words come to mind: opposition and Galileo. Few think of collaboration, and none of Duhem.
Author: Mariano Artigas

U.S. News interviews Mariano Artigas

Author: James M. Pethokoukis

Workshop: Epistemological Analysis of the Science-Religion Dialogue
The difficult epistemological relationship between science and religion

summary: Film clips from the CRYF Workshop with a team of Argentinean researchers, in which various aspects of the philosophy of science are analysed in relation to their impact on the relationship between science and religion.
Author: Christián Carman, Santiago Collado, Ricard Casadesús, Daniel Blanco, Oscar Beltrán, Francisco Gallardo, Enrique Moros, Gonzalo Luis Recio, Jorge Martín Montoya, Ignacio del Carril, Rubén Herce, José Víctor Orón, Javier Sánchez-Cañizares and Antonio Pardo.