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The Worldview of the Great Scientists: the Enlightenment
presentation from the third Issue of the series "The Worldview of the Great Scientists", devoted to the Enlightenment.
seminar from group Science, Reason and Faith.
Juan Arana Cañedo-Argüelles. Pamplona, March 18, 2022
Juan Arana is a professor at the University of Seville, member of issue of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, and member partner of the CRYF, where he gave the 2017 Mariano Artigas Memorial Lecture. His curriculum can be consulted in his record staff at the University of Seville or in his Wikipedia voice.
During the 18th century the nascent science comes of age. Across Europe proliferate academies that for the first time professionalize the study of nature. Even the universities gradually abandoned their reticence. Physics, astronomy or natural history become fashionable: the idle classes of society promote and cultivate them as hobbies. In the meantime, a process of secularization began and philosophers often came into conflict with theologians. Scientists, who are in the process of achieving full independence, claim their autonomy and often distrust the radicalism of ideologues, which does not mean that they are indifferent to the great questions of existence. This Issue presents the worldview held by the most prominent researchers of the time.